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Victories and commentary on the absurdity of daily struggles in the courtroom during this war on drugs.

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Time Magazine confirms, Marijuana prohibition originally was racism against immigrants

Nearly two years ago I traced the history of why Marijuana was banned in the United States. Time magazine has researched the same origin of Marijuana prohibition and has come to the same conclusions. The plant Cannabis Sativa is only called Marijuana because it sounds spanish/Mexican. Cannabis prohibition laws were enacted to specifically criminalize otherwise lawfully abiding adult immigrants from Mexico, fleeing the violence of the Mexican Revolution in 1910. This racist policing has

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Komorn Law recommends keeping medical marijuana card and protections.

After the legalization of marijuana in Michigan, some patients are thinking they could stop paying the state $100 for the special mmp card , and just use the recreational marijuana law to grow their medicine. A patient with a registered card can use the ultimate defense and immunity to avoid a driving under the influence charge. Only adults 21 or over are protected by the new legalization law, but no one yet knows how the new law will affect driving privileges. Is the zero toleran

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Asset Forfeiture is an unconstitutional and unchecked rampant abuse of police and prosecutor power.

Civil Asset Forfeiture is a cruel and unusual as it is executed without due process. Police have superhero power and authority to seize anything and everything they decide is part of a drug crime. The plethora of documented abuses are widespread, persistent and the majority are for seizures under $1,000 in value.   Found within the 2018 Michigan Asset Forfeiture report, the majority of asset forfeiture is without judicial oversight. Without a warrant. Just police taking anything of val

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Car Insurance rate hikes due to legalization? The last dying breath of prohibitionists claims against marijuana.

In the middle of a debate on the legalization of marijuana, the opponents to legalization made the claim, without any details or statistics, that legalizing marijuana would cause auto insurance to rise. This is another bogus claim, in a long line of bogus claims, used to continue prohibition of a plant. In the long line of false claims made by prohibitionists, the theories seem to be getting weaker and weaker as time goes by. Looking back through the claims made over the last 100 years, it

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Best lawyer for possession of marijuana in Michigan! Victory!

Patients and Caregivers are discriminated upon in many facets of life, be it employment, housing, education, student loans, banking, travelling, medical care, prescription medical care, parental rights... and in this case, Emergency Medical Care!   My client is a Michigan Medical Marijuana patient who was having an emergency. An ambulance picked him up, and against his hospital preference, the ambulance took him to the U of M Ann Arbor Hospital.   While at the hospital, the p

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Victory against unconstitutional search and seizures.

Komorn Law PLLC is proud to report another complete dismissal of all charges for our client. These past few months we have attained a high rate of dismissals of our client’s cases.   In this case our client was charged with allegations of felonious marihuana conduct; the case involved the definition of a medical marijuana plant in the law. More specifically, whether or not the plant was producing food from photosynthesis and was “living”.  Of course, the prosecutor wanted to fight abo

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

New York State recommends legalizing marijuana in long awaited report

What sticks in my craw is that the only reason this is happening is because of polling and political wind. Has anything changed in the past 10 years about the science? About the safety? About the prescription drug deaths? The incarceration rates? The usage rates? The racist policing and court sentences? The asset forfeiture? The gangs, cartels, black markets? The gray markets operating legally under state law but not under federal law? The absolute zeal and fight to the death that prosecutors at

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Years of blood, sweat and tears to get Autism as a Qualifying Condition in the MMMA.

We have come a long way from 2013, when a parent submitted the first petition to add Autism as a qualifying condition within the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. It was ultimately rejected due to a lack of any research materials and testimony. http://komornlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Final_Determination_Autism_436526_7.pdf In 2014, a Parent tried to submit a new Autism petition with some testimony about physicians treating Autism patients who qualify due to also having epile

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Prohibitionists fail to predict future, legalization is a win for freedom.

Prohibitionists would use the predicted _possible_ harmful societal effects of marijuana as an excuse to continue the racist war on drugs that put hundreds of thousands of people in jail in the USA each year. Eventually, people realized that if you cried WOLF enough, and no WOLF ever showed up, that you were probably just a professional WOLF troll and that your predictions were false. As is the case here in reality.   https://hightimes.com/news/legalization/five-years-marijuana-

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Nevada traffic deaths drop 10 percent in first year of legal marijuana.

Nevada traffic deaths show 10 percent decrease since marijuana was legalized. Can this be directly attributed to marijuana? Probably not. Still, watching these numbers should tell us something useful, as marijuana is a substitute for alcohol and that alone should shrink alcohol related traffic crashes. http://mynews4.com/news/local/nevada-traffic-deaths-dropped-10-percent-in-first-11-months-of-recreational-marijuana   Read more about traffic statistics and marijuana driving rese

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Victory for an MMMA patient in a Federal Park with his medical marijuana.

The conflict between state medical marijuana laws and the Federal Controlled Substances Act has been playing itself out in courts across the country. In addition, Congress has passed an act to prohibit the Department of Justice from prosecuting patients and caregivers in medical marijuana states. The DEA and DOJ have taken the position that this appropriations act rider means nothing, and have argued as such in court on many occasions in courts nationwide. Funny, they said we should "change

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Schizophrenic bureaucrats and legislators battle medical marijuana laws.

On the one hand you have bureaucrats at LARA, Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, and on the other hand you have out of touch legislators. Both are trying to jump head first into the brick wall that the last 100 years of marijuana prohibition. UPDATE: 5-30-18: LARA has posted updated Emergency Rules to extend marijuana business license deadline to Sept 15th 2018  https://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-79571_79784-469818--,00.html http://komornlaw.com/mmfla-all-fo

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Cannabis Industry Delivers 100,000+ Jobs And Billions In Tax Revenue

Polls and surveys conducted across the USA all agree that about 50% of the entire US population has used or enjoys marijuana. With marijuana selling anywhere from $5-$30 per gram, its no wonder that legalizing marijuana brings jobs and tax dollars out of the black market and into the regulated market. The prohibition of alcohol gave us Al Capone and the American Mafia, the prohibition of marijuana and other drugs gave us El Chapo and the Mexican Cartels.       https://

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Kent County uses medical marijuana money to buy illegal marijuana raid vehicle

The oversight and operational grant money, stolen out of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Fund was supposed to be for education and oversight of the medical marijuana program. Instead, funds from the program have been used to buy any toy that the drug tasks forces want. Tasers and bullet proof vests? For sick patients ? None of this makes any sense. In the FY2018 budget, Gov Rick Snyder proposed removing that $3 million grant.        https://www.mlive.com/news/gra

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Probational Industrial Complex, once you are part of the system you're there forever.

Courts are not about justice or helping, their main focus is solely to collect fees and fines. Call any court at any time and the information provided on the automated phone system is exclusively about how to stream line payments. Any other concern or question of the court requires you to go through an endless and bottomless rabbit hole of phone tree tag. If , by some miracle you do get through to a live voice, it becomes immediately apparent that the person behind the phone is neither user

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Cannabidiol Based Medical Cannabis in Children with Autism- a Retrospective Feasibility Study (P3.318)

A New study out of Israel for the treatment of Autistic children using medical marijuana was released last month. Although the study says it used Cannabidiol, the study used an oral oil containing both CBD and THC at a ratio of 20:1. It is sad that the USA cannot study marijuana for autism and that we have to rely upon other countries to do the research. This is the main reason why people have taken it into their own hands to legalize medical marijuana because the FDA and DEA refuse to allow can

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Minnesota Dept of Health studies Medical Marijuana patients, large pain reduction is found

Minnesota is the only state that I've seen which actually studies it's patients in it's medical marijuana program. The Minnesota DOH released a report of all of its patients a year ago, and in March, released a report about patients with intractable pain who are enrolled in the medical marijuana program. Minnesota studies and conducts trials and surveys while Michigan conducts criminal trials for patients and caregivers. This is all the fault of Governor Rick Snyder and Attorney General Bil

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

The Chief of the DEA ignores science and reality.

The DEA is supposed to be using science to inform and regulate the pharmaceutical and health of the United States.  But yet, the appointed chiefs of the DEA continue to be ill-informed, ignorant and plain out lie about the substances they are supposed to be researching.   This is precisely why the USA is in an opioid drug crisis right now. Because the DEA is ran by idiots.   Read the 2017 NASEM report that DEA Acting Administrator Patterson has ignored here. It contains solid

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

When the Prosecutors and Judges really do conspire against you.

My client is facing a number of years in jail. A confidential informant aka C.I. is involved. In most cases a C.I. is a person who is caught committing a crime by the police, and instead of being put on trial, the police use them as undercover informants. Usually the buying and selling of controlled substances. Using the "little fish" to catch "bigger fish" is the justification of this, but it routinely backfires and the C.I.'s have been murdered in a large number of cases. Back in my clien

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Get cops out of mafia-style fencing racket

Checks and Balances are put in place to protect the human rights of every citizen of the United States of America. One of those rights is the right to due process, meaning that you have the right to be secure in your home and with your property unless a court says otherwise. And you have the right to have your day in court before a jury of your peers. Asset Forfeiture has been tainted by police, prosecutors and courts where police just steal your stuff, leave, then go auction it off later.

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Uruguay's lessons on marijuana legalization

The Brookings Institute released a comprehensive report on Marijuana legalization in Uruguay in March. In the report the researchers detail how well the program has worked and why the limitations placed upon legalization have only backfired against the country. The implementation of legalization in Uruguay has directly mirrored the implementation of medical marijuana here in Michigan. With local police forces ignoring and treating marijuana as if it were still illegal in many cases, while t

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Medical Marijuana Review Panel approves 10 conditions

Parents and caregivers of children and persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorder have been fighting to try medical marijuana as an option after exhausting all other treatment options available. This fight has been going on for at least 5 years, when LARA denied the petition for autism in 2013. In 2013, the review panel voted 2 yes and 7 no votes.   The 2013 petition lacked any research or studies, so parents Dwight Z. and Dr Christian Bogner submitted a new autism petition with studies a

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

Polls say Majority of people want Marijuana to be Legalized.

About six-in-ten Americans support marijuana legalization. Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No", the unsuccessful campaign that failed to keep children and adults off of drugs is finally over. Prohibition has never worked in any country. Especially with the history of Alcohol prohibition, there is no way that marijuana prohibition would ever work. Now, a majority of the people of the United States would rather make marijuana legal, and tax it instead of giving the industry to the black market cartels.

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

New Study on Medical Marijuana as a Treatment for Autism

A large private donation will fund another study on using medical marijuana for autism. But this is not the first, nor is it the last clinical study on marijuana for autism. Marijuana aka Cannabis regulates the body and mind into a more normative state. Cannabis is also a very strong anti-inflammatory, and thus relieves a lot of pain. Many people with autism also suffer from pain, but are unable to communicate their pain. The autistic person in pain unable to communicate then manifests into aggr

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn

LARA holds Meeting to Review Petitions to Add New Medical Marijuana Conditions.

As the president of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association, I testified before the Michigan Medical Marihuana Review Panel earlier today in support of the 21 petitions submitted by our patient and caregiver educational non-profit organization as well as other researchers, patients and caregivers, physicians and parents who combined resources to work on the petitions. There is another meeting for the panel to vote on these conditions NEXT WEEK Friday, May 4th ,2018 at the same location.

Michael Komorn

Michael Komorn



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