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MMJ Supply Chain

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Medical Marijuana Coverage On "off The Record"

Uncle Bud made the original post, and I thought Tim Skubick and the OTR panel did a very nice job providing an over view of the top issues facing the MMJ community.   So I'm just increasing visibility of the OTR coverage for the MMMA community.   Coverage begins at the start of the show.   Well worth the watch   OFF THE RECORD coverage of the state of Michigan Medical Marijuana   I also found their bantering and innuendo to be in favor of the MMJ community, for the most part.   Let

Frank R

Frank R

Mmj Marching Band For May Rally: We're Putting The Band Back Together.

In the Forums I've seen some members express interest in playing Taps, The Star Spangled Banner, and some Sousa marches to support the Veterans Honor Guard at the May Rally. So, I'm putting out the call to ask members to take up instruments in the march on the state's capitol. Looking for woodwinds, brass, drums, etc. Blueberry has approved this activity, stating "I love the idea!" If you are interested please PM me. Let anyone you know that plays who may be interested in joining.   I sti

Frank R

Frank R

Make Mine Michigan!

I'm new to the MMJ community, just completed Med Grow a few weeks back, have had my card for a couple of months. My take on the recent raids in Oakland and Lapeer is that there is obviously great confusion on how MMJ is going to be made available to Patients. The only way this is going to work is if we create a "Walled Garden", much like Apple has done with their iProducts. We need to ensure that only MMJ that is produced inside of the great state of Michigan, in facilities that are compliant

Frank R

Frank R



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