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Strains for anxiety and growing medium choices

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Understanding Ph Vs. Alkalinity

Recently, my friends’ grows have not been going so well. Their leaves are yellowing, and some are even dying. So when I started to run through my checklist of diagnostic questions but they kept insisting that they did everything perfectly.   Then I asked what the growing medium’s pH levels were consistently. Not only were they not measuring the pH, they weren’t even sure why this is important!   I remember thinking the same thing when I started growing, so I thought I would share what I h



Cannabis: Growth Stages & Ideal Environments

After spending an afternoon looking for info about cultivation environments and plant activity specific to each growth stage for medical marijuana, I discovered information was either scattered among various pages and sources, or not particularly newbie-friendly. So, I have attempted to aggregate the basic growth activity and recommended environment per stage into one document. (It’s a long read, but hopefully will save you some research time; there is an infographic attached to this blog that s



Lifting The Fog: My Experience With Growing Medical Marijuana To Treat My Anxiety Disorder

Hey guys,   I’m Zach and I’ve been growing medicinal marijuana (Cannabis Indica) for a few years to relieve some of the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder right before I left for college and have been seeking alternative treatments ever since.     At first, I was just glad to have a diagnosis and know I wasn’t going crazy. Once I was diagnosed my doctor prescribed Xanax (and then Klonopin). The drugs worked for awhile but every time I





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