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We Need You Help In Southeast Tonight At 7Pm! Don't Let This Spread To Your Area!

Clear and Unambiguous


Attention MMJ patients, caregivers, entrepreneurs, doctors and all who support the power of the people. Your help is needed at 7pm at Bedford Township in Monroe County tonight.


What we have here is a township that, despite not having received a single application for a Medical Marijuana related business, has decided to ban these applications in the form of a 6 month moratorium.


The strategy of the township is clear. By establishing and renewing a moratorium, they can stay out of court because they have not formerly banned such applications. By not accepting such applications, they avoid turning such businesses down for approval, which also helps them avoid court. If they are able to do this without resistance, what other tactics will they employ?


Are they of the opinion that the people of Michigan who passed this constitutional amendment are opposed to MMJ related businesses? This can not be. They are taking the law into their own hands.


This town hall rules over 4 separate townships in the Southeast. If they pull this off, your town could be next.


Please be at Bedford Town Hall, 8100 Jackman Rd in Temperance (48182) at 7pm tonight. We have some educating to do.


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