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More Than One Caregiver>


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There has been a lot of discussion lately about whether we are allowed to have more than one caregiver. Many ansewrs have been given both ways. Some even quoting from the law itself. I am interested, hypothetically if a caregiver gets ripped off, his plants get wiped out by disease, or someone vandalized the plants, god forbid there is an electrical fire that detroys the grow room and wipes out the plants, where does that patient go to get their meds until their primary caregiver can re-supply his patient.

Just to let you all know I e-mailed the state on this issue to get clear instruction. I will forward the response to all

members. If you already know the answer for sure, please do not get offeded by me trying to help those that dont,



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You are legal you can legally buy from anyone and be protected i advise everyone to attend your compassion club meetings and make friends they come in very handy when things go wrong with your medicine source.


As for the dual caregiver question as far as i know you can only assign one person at any given time.

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You are legal you can legally buy from anyone and be protected i advise everyone to attend your compassion club meetings and make friends they come in very handy when things go wrong with your medicine source.


As for the dual caregiver question as far as i know you can only assign one person at any given time.


I agree.

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