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Renewel Of Card

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I just need to answer a question abouyt renwing my card there is nothing marked on my sheet so do I* have to provide all the information or can I just send in the forms that i filled and the doctor and my caregiver and also the money. I t hasd takenme a while to get my papers done i had knee surgery on 5/11/2010 and still recuperating from it. Thank- you for your time and hopefully this gets answered quickly. Yhank-you Cindy Yaunke

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The following must be submitted with each renewal application:


1. RENEWAL Application Form for Registry Identification Card.


2. New Physician Certification (required).


3. New Caregiver Attestation and copy of caregiver’s current photo ID.


· Required if patient is designating a new caregiver or continuing with their current caregiver.


4. Copy of patient’s current photo ID.


5. $100.00 application fee or $25.00 application fee if patient submits the appropriate supporting documents.



here is the link to the renewal packet:



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