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Master Kush Seed In Dirt How Long?


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  • 2 weeks later...

so got got some seeds and i used the paper towel thing to pop them got them in some good pro mix under some T-5's Plants are doing well they are about 4-5 in high and strong like bull :gym: my Question is how long do i Waite to find out if they are male or female i think i can pre-flower them to find out but how big should i let them Veg befor i pre-flower thanks for the help

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It all depends if you are going to take some clones off them. If so, I'd veg until they are big enough to get at least two clones off each. Once the clones are rooted, take one and keep veggin it with the mother you took it from. Take the other cutting and flower it. If it turns out female, then you know you have two good girls. If they turn out male, harvest and store the pollen, or kill it, entirely up to you and what your plans. Just don't go over your plant count.


Another way to do it, and many people do it this way, including those who supply clones to certain dispensaries. You can just get the plants where you want them depending on your room and your space, and flower them. After they show you can take a couple clones off each, I always take two if I can just in case one doesn't make it. However, doing it this way your clones may get a bit stressed and show mutated growth that comes off the part where the buds were starting. You will also notice something that is a tell tale sign the clones came from a flowering plant.


Before a plant goes into flowering, the growth is symmetrical. After they have been flowered, they will grow asymmetrical. That is just a fancy way to say the leaves before flower will have two sets on the opposite sides of the main branch, after flowering they will be staggered and not across from each other.


Out of the few clones I have seen at a dispensary, all of them showed asymmetrical growth patterns. They are doing just fine, but you might have some mutation depending on how long you let them go in flowering before taking the clones. Some of mine have done very well when taking after flowering, but the best results I have had came from clones I took off a vegging female. Hope this helps, and happy growing! :)

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