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Hey Mike Cox - Do Your Job In Michigan Before You Worry About What Is Going On In Az

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Mr. Cox - There have been over 30,000 medical marijuana cards issued in Michigan. Patients, Caregivers, the Michigan Department of Community Health, law enforcement officers, attorneys, social workers, health care workers, state congressmen, and many, many others have been repeatedly asking you to clarify your office's position on various aspects of the Medical Marijuana Program. You have repeatedly ignored these requests.


Please consider that, as an elected official and a candidate for governor, you should complete what is asked of you by those who elected you before you take the time to worry about the status of legal affairs in a distant state. Please use your office's resources to do the will of the people who elected you to that office. And in execution of those duties, please accept my gratitude in advance for your position regarding state's rights (I assume you support our state's right to be free from federal prosecutions of state-legal marijuana program participants.) I trust that your concern for clarity for Arizona's immigration laws is second to your concern for clarity in our medical marijuana program.




LANSING — Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox plans to file a legal brief supporting Arizona’s immigration law and sent a letter today asking other state attorneys general to join him. Cox, one of five Republicans running for Michigan governor, said in the letter that the U.S. Justice Department’s legal challenge to the Arizona law “seeks to remove the power of the states” to enforce their own immigration statutes along with federal immigration laws. He also argues that under the federal government’s approach, “there is no cooperative effort on immigration but only a one-way street where states lose control over their borders and are left to guess at the reality of the law.”


He’s asking for replies by Tuesday afternoon.


The Arizona law, set to take effect July 29, would require state and local police to question and possibly arrest illegal immigrants during the enforcement of other laws such as traffic stops.


The Obama administration recently filed suit in federal court to block it, arguing that immigration is a federal issue. The law’s backers say Congress isn’t doing anything meaningful about illegal immigration, so it’s the state’s duty to step up.


Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard, another GOP gubernatorial candidate in Michigan, wants the Justice Department to withdraw its suit. He said today that Michigan needs a law similar to Arizona’s because it shares a long international border with Canada and faces potential threats.

“The Obama administration continues to threaten to sue Arizona when they should be securing our borders. If the federal government was doing their job we wouldn’t be having this argument,” Bouchard said in a statement.


It’s not the first time the Republican attorney general has clashed with the Obama administration. Earlier this year, Cox joined with more than a dozen other attorneys general to file a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of federal health care changes signed into law by the Democratic president.

The health care issue has put him at odds with Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who supports the federal changes.


Granholm press secretary Liz Boyd learned of Cox’s letter from the Associated Press this evening and didn’t have an immediate answer on what the governor thought of Cox’s decision to file a legal brief in the Arizona case.


Boyd was seeking an answer on whether the governor supports or opposes Arizona’s immigration law.

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Guest CaveatLector

This thread just NOW, at about 9:20pm, is #2 on the active content list. I see it was written at about 2am today. Presumably because all of that stickied nonsense was taken down there is now room for everyone's postings to have exposure instead of just the annointed threads that the mods decide they want to sticky.

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I do NOT support the Arizona law and I do not support Michigan for using Arizona as a blueprint. I do not think that ANYBODY should be able to question your ethnic background based on the color of your skin. Welcome to SS America, Show me your papers!



Yeah me and most Americans feel differently about what you said. We`d just like to see our borders patrolled and illegal aliens and the crime that comes along with them curbed down. My Son and his mother are hispanic as well( well son is half hispanic).

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So if a cop questioned your wife about her citizenship, then asked about your child's citizenship, that would be cool in your book? Cuz its for Americas security? Its sad that racial profiling is starting to be accepted.




Yeah it happens every time she gets pulled over, when they ask for her I.D. It happens to me everydtime i get pulled over and im WHITE. Guess what? I still have to show my ID , you know what they get to do if i dont present my ID? Take me to jail! AND again, IM WHITE. I have no problem with forcing other americans to present proper id or get out. Thank you for sharing your opinion though with out giving negitive reviews, you seem to be a minortiy when it comes to that!

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Yeah it happens every time she gets pulled over, when they ask for her I.D. It happens to me everydtime i get pulled over and im WHITE. Guess what? I still have to show my ID , you know what they get to do if i dont present my ID? Take me to jail! AND again, IM WHITE. I have no problem with forcing other americans to present proper id or get out. Thank you for sharing your opinion though with out giving negitive reviews, you seem to be a minortiy when it comes to that!


Yes, when driving, you must present the officer with a valid drivers license. Now I am not talking about someone driving a car down the road. And I am not talking about an ID, I am talking about citizenship. BTW, My brother in law has a valid Identification Card.


You said nothing, to me, that would deserve a negi-rep. So your welcome.

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Yes, when driving, you must present the officer with a valid drivers license. Now I am not talking about someone driving a car down the road. And I am not talking about an ID, I am talking about citizenship. BTW, My brother in law has a valid Identification Card.


You said nothing, to me, that would deserve a negi-rep. So your welcome.




Well even when I am not driving, if approached by an officer for anything including loitering , i must be able to present ID saying who i am so on an so forth. Enforcing a law already in existence ( Federal Immigration Laws) is not racist. It is just as illegal for an illegal mexican immigrant as an illegal russian immigrant. The only people this law would "discriminate against" is illegal aliens. Whether that be Hispanics, Germans, Russians, Greeks , etc.....

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Well even when I am not driving, if approached by an officer for anything including loitering , i must be able to present ID saying who i am so on an so forth. Enforcing a law already in existence ( Federal Immigration Laws) is not racist. It is just as illegal for an illegal mexican immigrant as an illegal russian immigrant. The only people this law would "discriminate against" is illegal aliens. Whether that be Hispanics, Germans, Russians, Greeks , etc.....


Do you have any idea how many Michigan farmers depend on illegals to pick their crops?

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And that would make it right how? Also, do you understand that those illegals are taking away jobs from michigan residents, many of whom are members of this board?

i have met MANY unemployed "americans" and NOT ONE has EVER been noted to even remotely hinted that they would prefer to do the work that many illegals do on farms here in michigan, especially for the low wages they tend to work for. It is clear these are not jobs being taken from legal workers. that is a scarecrow argument, through and through.

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i have met MANY unemployed "americans" and NOT ONE has EVER been noted to even remotely hinted that they would prefer to do the work that many illegals do on farms here in michigan, especially for the low wages they tend to work for. It is clear these are not jobs being taken from legal workers. that is a scarecrow argument, through and through.

I agree and I was going to post that, but was trying not to be pulled back in, but are you going to do backbreaking labor for 15 cents a bushel? Migrant work has been a part of Michigan for a long time, legal and illegal. But very rarely do I EVER see an American working in the field, well maybe the farm owner...

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i have met MANY unemployed "americans" and NOT ONE has EVER been noted to even remotely hinted that they would prefer to do the work that many illegals do on farms here in michigan, especially for the low wages they tend to work for. It is clear these are not jobs being taken from legal workers. that is a scarecrow argument, through and through.





So taking advantage of illegal immigrants by avoiding our tax system and paying them cheaper then an American citizen is perfectly fine ? What about Michigans car companies outsourcing to other countries because its cheaper , is that cool too? You know how many people lost their jobs because of that? But who cares right because the Americans you meet dont want those jobs? Right? That logic is very poor also when debating illegal immigration, by lowering the amount of illegals in our country, it would lower the illegal immigrant workforce. Therefor, farmers would be forced to employ ACTUAL AMERICANS, and then actually follow federal laws on wage and employment. Thus, creating more jobs for americans. Something Obama has no idea how do to.

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i have met MANY unemployed "americans" and NOT ONE has EVER been noted to even remotely hinted that they would prefer to do the work that many illegals do on farms here in michigan, especially for the low wages they tend to work for. It is clear these are not jobs being taken from legal workers. that is a scarecrow argument, through and through.



Just wondering if the illegals are paying taxes on the wages they make. Correct me if im wrong but i understand that they do get some assistance from our state when they are here. They should have to pay taxes like everyone else IMO.

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And that would make it right how? Also, do you understand that those illegals are taking away jobs from michigan residents, many of whom are members of this board?


First I'd like to say that rather than fall into a debate about arizona and tea party positions and illegals, we would be making better use of our time focusing on Mike Cox and something we all agree on.


Secondly, having said that, most michiganders don't even realize that the locally grown produce they buy at Meijers and Walmart is picked in Michigan by migrant workers that are, for the most part, here illegally. That "they are taking jobs away from Americans" is total moo-poo, stoked up by a bunch of racists. Do you realize that the same argument was used to get marijuana outlawed in the southwest states? "Those danged Mexicans smoke weed, and they are takin away our jobs!" get a grip dude! You are being manipulated my friend. IN FACT, you are being manipulated by the SAME people and party that wanna lock you up for smoking a joint!

If you wanna go pick blueberries and lettuce for bunny muffin wages and no bene's bent over in the hot donkey sun, you go right ahead! You will undoubtedly find that you are the only full-fledged American citizens standing in line for that job!


Here, I'll help you:



Immigrant Farmworkers: Take My Job, Please!


Posted by Sarah Mirk on Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 11:10 AM


  • This could be you!

A public radio poll last week revealed that 60 percent of Northwesterns believe that illegal immigrants take away jobs from legal immigrants, so it's perfect timing for the United Farm Workers this week to launch their new campaign: Take Our Jobs! As the UFW says, government stats show that since the late 1990s, at least 50% of the crop workers have not been authorized to work legally in the US. "We are a nation in denial about our food supply," says the campaign website. "Farm workers are ready to welcome citizens and legal residents who wish to replace them in the field, we will use our knowledge and staff to help connect the unemployed with farm employers. Just fill out the form to the right and continue on to the request for job application."


Any individuals interested in a summer of backbreaking work for little pay can sign up for fieldwork job at the Take Our Jobs website. The farm workers union will also be going on the Colbert Report on July 8th to pitch the plan... I really hope Lars Larson or Victoria Taft takes them up on their offer.






(Or Sarah Palin)

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UrbanFarmer, if you are going to label anyone who is against illegal immigrants taking american jobs a racist, then not much more can really be discussed with you.


So my hispanic American Citizen wife who doesnt like illegal immigrants is a racist too? haha id like you to tell her that, i think that would be a funny conversation to watch! A white person calling a mexican racist because of her stance on illegal immigration..... she simply wishes they would pay taxes and take the same steps to citzenship that her and her family took. Is that too much to ask?

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