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Multi Quote

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Guest thequietone

By clicking on it you are able to quote more then one post at the same time in one reply. Each quote will have it's own quote tags so they will be separate.

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Guest OxXGarfieldXxO

To expand on TQO's post a little:


By clicking the "MultiQuote" button and highlighting it to a darker green, go through the thread and choose the post you wish to quote. Then by simply clicking the "Add Reply" button at the top or bottom of the thread, and not using the "fast reply" field, the quotes will then be added to your reply like is seen below.


Hope this helps





How's this work? I'll probably feel like an idiot once I find out. Thanks for a great site.



By clicking on it you are able to quote more then one post at the same time in one reply. Each quote will have it's own quote tags so they will be separate.

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