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Pontiac Cops Leery Of Silverdome Pot Convention

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Who's afraid of the big, bad plant ...?


the big, bad plant ...


the big, bad plant ...


Who's afraid of the big, bad plant ...?


WE know WHO!




Embrace the Herb!




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Here's what one of the biggiest scaredie-cats had to say about Michigan's ever growing FREEDOM away from anal-retentive control-freaks:



"We just learned of this two days ago," said Pontiac Police Chief Val Gross. "Does it cause some concerns? You bet it does.


"You would think we would have at least been consulted first."


City approval of events at the formerly city-owned Silverdome is not required, said Gross, who also noted the City Council recently passed a moratorium on medical marijuana initiatives or businesses operating within the city.


"It (the convention) raises a wide variety of questions about what is not only inappropriate but illegal," Gross said. "One thing is certain -- marijuana is not legal in Pontiac. Any marijuana-smoking paraphernalia is not legal in Pontiac. And I believe, considering the new cigarette smoking laws in Michigan, smoking anything even in a privately owned building like the Silverdome is also illegal."


"The question is: ... how are you going to enforce this?"




Umm ... WHO the (fill-in-the-blank) needs any "FORCE"?!


Certainly not us peace-lovin' folk!




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What DOES concern me is that police were not consulted on this by the organizers. I hope we're not heading for another debacle like last year's cannabis cup. (Sorry, but the analogy must be raised.)


On the flipside, the Sheriff's ignorance of the law, by his own admission, is staggering. Hate to tell you this, Chief Gross, but you're wrong. Marijuana is NOT illegal in Pontiac. Marijuana smoking paraphernalia is NOT illegal in Pontiac. You may have passed a local moratorium on marijuana related businesses in your little city, but that doesn't overturn the will of the voters of MI. And that doesn't even get into his ignorance around the smoking ban which A: doesn't apply here as it sounds like they'll be offering vaporizing space, not smoking space, and B: clearly defines smoking as a process involving tobacco. It is silent on the burning of any other substance (leaves, candle wax, incense, and yes, marijuana.)


It blows my mind. Anyone who has been to Pontiac in the last 15 years knows what extremely serious problems they are facing, and this is what has the sheriff concerned? Picture perfect example of polishing the brass on the Titanic. Sounds like someone needs to learn to prioritize.

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Who's afraid of the big, bad plant ...?


the big, bad plant ...


the big, bad plant ...


Who's afraid of the big, bad plant ...?


WE know WHO!




Embrace the Herb!




And, SHARE The Healing

how do these police chiefs get away with saying such blatantly dumb things..? Its like he is mad they get left out the party...wtf...it is not illegal in Pontiac. They must uphold state law. Not circumvent it. Like Pontiac couild use some tax revenue right about now. It turned into a big dumpster..every drive thru Pontiac..holy shiznitI thought I was driving thru a neighborhood in Detroit....busters on just abuot every corner and lots of gang activity from what I saw. People slangin out in the open. Police Chief...Gross get with the program Medical Mj can bring in a ton of revenue to yur city of you would just open your dam eyes and cranium for a second. Much safer than hood rats slangin Cocain Rocks on corners. That friend puts your officer is dire straints dealing with Violent cracked out people. MJ smokers are very chilly willy . Get with the program work with us not against us.!!!!!!!

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Anyone that has ever dealt with the pontiac police or has been in pontiac knows they have MUCH better things to do then worry about us INSIDE a building. We need to keep doing what we are doing to show we are not criminals and why the police even have to know about the even at a privately owned building is beyond me.

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The more I hear stories like this, the more I feel like giving up on Michigan. Of course we need new industries like cannabis. Of course we need tax revenue and jobs. But I swear that this state is populated but members of the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight. We spent the last 20 years trying to bring back manufacturing rather than diversify our economy, and had did that work? The saddest part was that any 5th grader from Alaska to Florida could have told you that it wouldn't work, but we just stuck to our guns and bashed our heads against the wall. Now we're doing the same thing with cannabis. We could be the shining light in the Midwest, creating new jobs and industries, and instead we continue to do the *exact* opposite.


It's like there's something in our water supply that makes us (or at least the vast majority of Michiganders) stupid. We're the fattest state outside of the South, we're illiterate (compared to our neighboring states) - I could go on, but I'd probably get flamed. I honestly feel like all a consulting firm has to do for any business or government unit in the USA is say, "Just do the reverse of whatever Michigan does and you'll do fine."

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I know the individual human beings in Pontiac could use some capital infusion to their city, but as usual, the stateists are destroying individual human rights.

They SWEAR to uphold a document that spells out how your individual human rights are to be secured and protected above all else, and then they do everything they can to destroy those very rights.

How do people get to positions of power when they have proven over and over that they will not protect your individual human rights?

Why are we upset when people we know are going to trash our rights go ahead and trash them?


And, the individual humans of Pontiac need legal events of any kind to help that town that has seen better times.

Bless the human beings of Pontiac and everywhere who fight ignorance and oppression.

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