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Michigan Kids' Well-Being Slips, U.s. Report Reveals

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"We've got people with shutoff notices, people being evicted, people looking for food," said Lisa Machesky, executive director of the Baldwin Center, a Pontiac agency that serves families in need. "Parents bring their kids here to eat."

Even as the state wrestles with a projected deficit, the report shows that funding for maternal and child health programs must be restored, Zehnder-Merrell said. In 2002, the Michigan Department of Community Health budget included $60 million for such programs. This year, it has budgeted only $30 million, she said.




"We always fight for funding for a lot of these programs," said James McCurtis, spokesman for the Health Department, saying that the department, along with state legislators and the governor, has made difficult decisions to stretch the state's limited budget. "There's only so much control we have."



From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20100727/METRO/7270346/1409/rss36#ixzz0uyothR1B


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