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Today, in the Detroit Free Press, there is an article about yesterday's rally in Lapeer and Oakland Counties. One statement that keeps popping up in Douchard's quotes is that we are not medical patients demanding our rights under the MMMAct, instead he claims that most of the folks were there to simply legalize marijuana. To emphasize this he pointed to the crowd shouting out "Free the Weed". While this may be many's ultimate desire, presently we are trying to emphasize the medicinal side of this issue. We need (I know this will likely bring the ire of at least dear friend Richard) to stop using the "Free the Weed" chant if we expect to be seen as legitimate. "Free the Medicine" or "Free the Access to the Medicine" while a bit more unweildy, are much more appropriate than the old cliche'd phrase. We need to legitimize our demands, and using phrases from the '60's, while charming, do not serve our purposes...I realize that this is, in the larger picture, a small thing, but in the eyes of the public, it is huge...Peace...j.b.

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I tend to agree,We need to focus on medical marijuana and patients. I'm all for the ultimate goal but to keep our focus on medicinal uses is paramount at this time. Why give the opposinists any more ammo.

Generally I try to refer to medical marijuana as medical cannabis, got to clear the name of it's racist and bigoted roots.

I believe Rob Kampia has written an article addressing this very issue,but I can't seem to locate it at the moment

I'm all for protesting for our rights and taking more action beyond that, been doing it since the late 60's at a very early age.

But we are fighting a public perception issue and whenever the oposition gets to spout off they will make big hills out of little molehills



Today, in the Detroit Free Press, there is an article about yesterday's rally in Lapeer and Oakland Counties. One statement that keeps popping up in Douchard's quotes is that we are not medical patients demanding our rights under the MMMAct, instead he claims that most of the folks were there to simply legalize marijuana. To emphasize this he pointed to the crowd shouting out "Free the Weed". While this may be many's ultimate desire, presently we are trying to emphasize the medicinal side of this issue. We need (I know this will likely bring the ire of at least dear friend Richard) to stop using the "Free the Weed" chant if we expect to be seen as legitimate. "Free the Medicine" or "Free the Access to the Medicine" while a bit more unweildy, are much more appropriate than the old cliche'd phrase. We need to legitimize our demands, and using phrases from the '60's, while charming, do not serve our purposes...I realize that this is, in the larger picture, a small thing, but in the eyes of the public, it is huge...Peace...j.b.

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But we are fighting a public perception issue and whenever the oposition gets to spout off they will make big hills out of little molehills


Exactly. We are at a disadvantage trying to dig ourselves out of these big donkey molehills. Bouchard is an elected sheriff, which means he is already at a HUGE advantage for the "public eye". For the public that isn’t educated about the Medical Marihuana Act all they see is the great protector saving them from us criminals. The media is obviously biased on what they choose to report on. Right now one of our biggest tasks is to not fuel the fire. We are tasked with following the law above all else even if the sheriff chooses not to. This entire charade that LEO seems to be on in the last months is no coincidence.

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=Activism to Advocacy-

It is a subtle shift, but an important one to go from activism to advocacy.

Activism is by its nature much more fun and expressive of broad ideas, now that we have MMMA we have to pursue the boring wonkishness of policy and procedure.

Not stuff that gets the crowds on their feet so to speak.

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Today, in the Detroit Free Press, there is an article about yesterday's rally in Lapeer and Oakland Counties. One statement that keeps popping up in Douchard's quotes is that we are not medical patients demanding our rights under the MMMAct, instead he claims that most of the folks were there to simply legalize marijuana. To emphasize this he pointed to the crowd shouting out "Free the Weed". While this may be many's ultimate desire, presently we are trying to emphasize the medicinal side of this issue. We need (I know this will likely bring the ire of at least dear friend Richard) to stop using the "Free the Weed" chant if we expect to be seen as legitimate. "Free the Medicine" or "Free the Access to the Medicine" while a bit more unweildy, are much more appropriate than the old cliche'd phrase. We need to legitimize our demands, and using phrases from the '60's, while charming, do not serve our purposes...I realize that this is, in the larger picture, a small thing, but in the eyes of the public, it is huge...Peace...j.b.

:thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu::goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:





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