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Hundreds Of Judges Leave Bench For Grand Rapids

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GRAND RAPIDS (WZZM)-- Just about every judge in the state, from the chief justice of the supreme court on down will be in Grand Rapids Thursday and Friday.


The judges, more than 500 of them, are at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel for training. Seminars on everything from judicial workload to medical marijuana are available.


"If we don't keep up on things, we aren't going to be doing a very good job," says Kent County circuit court judge Paul Sullivan.


State law requires the judges meet once a year for updates on new legislation and rulings from the bench.


"We always need to learn more about the law and what's new and what can be improved in our courts," says Michigan Supreme Court chief justice Marilyn Jean Kelly.


"Most of the time they are isolated in their courtrooms," observes Michigan Judicial Institute director Dawn McCarty. "This is an opportunity for them to come together and ask questions."


When they aren't participating in the educational seminars, the judges say they informally learn from each other during coffee breaks and meals.


"[We] hear each other's experiences," says chief Oakland County circuit court judge Nanci J. Grant. "That's a very big part of being a judge."


"It doesn't matter how long you have been a judge," adds judge Sullivan. "You can pick up some good pointers and sometimes you can even pass a few along to someone else."


With all of the judges in Grand Rapids for training, there isn't much going on in the courts throughout the state. But leaders of the conference say judges are available for emergencies and urgent legal matters.






Maybe they will have time to actually read the MMJ law and realize how THEY the Judges are breaking the law and our civil rights......but I doubt it.

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