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Clarence Thomas On Mmj

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Here is a fascinating quote from Thomas in a dissent against the majority of the Supreme Court in Gozales vs Raich which eseentially allowed the Commerce Clause to prohibit MMJ. Noet that this is the same act which the Feds are using to justitify Obamacare:


"If the majority is to be taken seriously, the Federal Government may now regulate quilting bees, clothes drives, and potluck suppers throughout the 50 States. This makes a mockery of Madison's assurance to the people of New York that the "powers delegated" to the Federal Government are "few and defined", while those of the States are "numerous and indefinite."[9].



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Guest finallyfree09

YOU FOUND IT!!! now... somewhere in his dissenting opinion justice thomas stated HOW someone should properly word their challenge to the controlled substances act. i SWEAR its in there. i read it 20 times when it was first made public. i know its there.


i gota head to work right now but when i get home i will sit down and try to find it.


great find!

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YOU FOUND IT!!! now... somewhere in his dissenting opinion justice thomas stated HOW someone should properly word their challenge to the controlled substances act. i SWEAR its in there. i read it 20 times when it was first made public. i know its there.


i gota head to work right now but when i get home i will sit down and try to find it.


great find!


Finallyfree09 : I found it, I believe, thanks to you ! A simple Google search-"Gonzales vs Raich " was all I needed. It is ironic that one of the guys on the US Supreme Court who has been castigated by the Left is actually one of the greatest advocates on the bench for personal freedom.


What will be interesting will be to look at the Lawsuit which about 20 states are bringing against Obamacare wherein they argue that the Commmerce Clause does not apply. Who knows, we may find another template to go after the Feds re their insistence that Federal drug laws supercede those of the State.

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