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Could I Qualify?

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I've had migraines a fair amount of my life, but never frequently enough for me to complain to the doctor. Within the past year or 2 however ever since I started college I've been getting them much more frequently(once or twice a month) but I have yet to go to a doctor since then. If I have no documentation like this will I stand any chance of getting a recommendation?

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I believe you will qualify. Chronic pain is chronic pain. It does not matter how you get it. The problem you will face is lace of documentation. Some of the certification doctors will put you on a pain management program and will certify you based on that. Or you can go to your doctor when you have a migraine and get it documented. Most of the certification doctors want three visits within the last three years.

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Guest Medicinal Patient

Welcome isoman! I am not sure if 1-2x a month is considered chronic or not seeings how everyone gets a headache every now and then. I got chewed out once by the neurologist for using the word migraine before. Not sure what the difference is tho? Get it documented by your dr to help protect you and the med mj doc you will be seeking your rec from. They put themselves on the line for us. There is some docs who write recs with no prior documentation. Its not been discussed even once with any of your Drs since they became more frequent of 1x up to 2x a month? If we know your general area someone can point you in the right direction of a doc who doesn't require records. Good Luck!

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Guest Medicinal Patient

How far apart would the appointments have to be?


Just 3 notes within 3 years. Some drs don't even require 3 sets of notes. Chart notes from an ER or med center will also work. Seeings how you don't need an appt there I am sure you could get a few visits in rather quickly. If you need urgent relief you can try submitting 1 visit to the med mj doc. If you have a primary and are on any kind of meds that cause nausea you will qualify that way also as its a covered condition. Here is a link to a clinic in Lansing. The BEST prices I have seen hands down. Call them tomorrow and see if they require any records. Good Luck!



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Hehehe have her give you a recommendation. :D I guessing that is not in the cards.


I would be a little careful about certification doctors. I would not go to one who would write a recommendation without doing due diligence. In other words a good doctor will want to see you more than once if you don't have previous paperwork. You want a doctor who can go to court with you should it be necessary and testify they have a valid doctor/patient relationship with you and that you are in need of MMJ. I know a good one in Kalamazoo but I'm sure someone from your area will be around to recommend one.

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I've had migraines a fair amount of my life, but never frequently enough for me to complain to the doctor. Within the past year or 2 however ever since I started college I've been getting them much more frequently(once or twice a month) but I have yet to go to a doctor since then. If I have no documentation like this will I stand any chance of getting a recommendation?

I have had chronic headaches daily since I was a child and migraines and I qualified,it is considered chronic pain trust me,enough to think if I only had a gun.

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I've had migraines a fair amount of my life, but never frequently enough for me to complain to the doctor. Within the past year or 2 however ever since I started college I've been getting them much more frequently(once or twice a month) but I have yet to go to a doctor since then. If I have no documentation like this will I stand any chance of getting a recommendation?


Actually, LSD has had great possabilities for a wonder drug for migrain headaches. The Germans have a prescription drug that's a derivitive of LSD (without the halucinations)that they now are prescribing for chronic migrain headaches. I'm not going to recommend dropping acid, but I thought people might find that interesting. :blink:


But as far as migrains being a qualifier for a MM card, I would assume that it would be classified as chronic pain so..I don't see why you should not try and get qualified if you can argue that Marj. relieves the pain.

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