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Cougar Caregivers...<<<Really...?


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So I hope that is not in reference to what is also called a MILF or COUGAR..? Because if some women are stooping to selling sex and medicine I really have nothing else to say except thats borderline unacceptable.


marketing a object or phrase that is in society that has become one in the same with older women looking for sex or looking for younger men.


a cougar means aka older women in heat or on the prowl for you know what.


Sorry I just had to let it out. People can't just sel off quality or genetics or experience....now Cannabis is now being marketed as a Cougar caregiver..lol..


I really just wish I could make a symbol like the ford kid pissin on the Chevy truck bumper screen because thats what is in my mind right now me pissing Cougar cargivers...


Nothing really suprises me even in the Medical Mj community.

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It appears that dlovas came across some caregivers, that market themselves as cougars (hot older women), and he is under the impression that they sell sex along with meds, which is completely unacceptable and smear on the face of the medical marijuana community.


Yeah, right. They come over to deliver your meds and get on your jock. :rolleyes: That would be pretty sweet though. As long as they were some hot cougars. :)

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Yeah, but this seems even strange for him. :crazysmile:

dUDE COUGAR CAREGIVERS WAS ADVERTISING ON THE MMMA MAIN PAGE. It's in freaking PINK....is everyone that stoned tonight...hahah...wtf , or is it that Double Dose Brownie and Losenger I just ate......hmmm.....


Not sure but I am pretty sure it was on as an AD...COUGARS>..<<,,,,umm really....reeeaaaaalllllyyy.

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It appears that dlovas came across some caregivers, that market themselves as cougars (hot older women), and he is under the impression that they sell sex along with meds, which is completely unacceptable and smear on the face of the medical marijuana community.

Thats what I am talking about....

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It appears that dlovas came across some caregivers, that market themselves as cougars (hot older women), and he is under the impression that they sell sex along with meds, which is completely unacceptable and smear on the face of the medical marijuana community.

Thats what I am talking about....

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Guest Medicinal Patient

Had to erase my post I wrote something inappropriate but it had me on the floor laughing I've watched trailer park boys for a long time prob seen every episode 1000 times sometimes my life seems like the show but still a big fan.


Not before I got to read the potatoes comment tho! :stuff::lol:

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