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Any Pain Doctors Cannabis Friendly?

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My wife is looking to change pain doctors. Her current doctor tests for cannabis and is very much against its medical use.


Does anyone know of a pain doctor that is cannabis friendly in the detroit metro area? She's been going up to West Bloomfield and would like something a bit closer to downriver, if at all possible.

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She is currently going to a pain clinic. Cortizone shots, opiate based meds, etc... But the doctor prohibits the use of cannabis. She needs the doctor to write her out of work as she recovers or not and such. She already has a medical marijuana recommendation and card but she can't use it. She needs a pain specialist that is at least cannabis tolerant.


Anyone know of a pain clinic that is cannabis tolerant?


Sorry for the confusion MaryMary.

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okay hi i am looking for a doctor who is ''friendly'' who would be my primary care i have had cronic back pain for three years now and my doctor dosent belive me and she keeps giving me these pills that dont work and sometimes it is so bad i get parlized to my bed . so i was just wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions on where to go or who to go to thanks

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My wife is looking to change pain doctors. Her current doctor tests for cannabis and is very much against its medical use.


Does anyone know of a pain doctor that is cannabis friendly in the detroit metro area? She's been going up to West Bloomfield and would like something a bit closer to downriver, if at all possible.


yes i used to go to dr richter at st joes same thing he tested for all kinds of drugs including thc so now i go to DR THEOADOR ENGLEMANN IN CLARKSTON ACROSS FROM THE PINE KNOB ENTRANCE ON SASHABAW RD. hE GIVES ME VICODINE FOR MY BACK SUGERY AND DOES MMMP FOR PATIENTS.

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My wife is looking to change pain doctors. Her current doctor tests for cannabis and is very much against its medical use.


Does anyone know of a pain doctor that is cannabis friendly in the detroit metro area? She's been going up to West Bloomfield and would like something a bit closer to downriver, if at all possible.



I've been on the same search as you for the last 2 1/2 years....been kicked out of the last three of my pain management doctor's clinics. I'm avoiding oxycontin at all cost because I became Dependant on it and didn't like the detox process to get off of it. It would be great to be able to take a vicoden only when in intolerable pain but no luck finding a doc who would accept my MM use.


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I wish you the best of luck finding such a rare Doctor.

My PCP is cool with mm yet feels it does not help

with 'chronic pain'. I beg to differ but the convo is moot.

We had discussions and doc told me all it did for them

was to make them get the munchies and go to sleep.

What a hypocrite. I was also told that if I wanted to

get certified, she had no problem with that.


I believe that because my doc is part

of a big practice (aren't 'they' all these days?!)

they frown upon their doc's giving rec's.


If you do find a pcp that is mm friendly... please

let us know! That doc's practice may increase

by leaps and bounds.


Primary Care Physicians need to get educated.



edited spelling


As I was reading the discount letter my "doc" sent me for recertification it came to me that his office does more than MM certifications. I will be going to see him soon and will find out if he will take me for pain management also. Will let you know what they say...


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my PCP is also cool with my mm use as well but i also took in all the research to back me up and just gave it to him and told him i didnt want to talk with him about it until he read the research i brought him. He also knows that i hate taking pain meds or any pills and he also knew that at the time i brang this info in that i was taking over 2,000 mils of acetaminophen and about 1,000 of ibuprofen on top of the pain meds that he was giving me and i don't take any of the extra's that i use to take and have cut way back on the pain meds so he now signs all my rec's and dont even question my renewals. i don't even have to go in and see him just drop off the paper work because i see him threw-out the year. the only thing he asks is that i not spread his name around because he does'nt want to be known as a pop doc but i guess i can live with that good luck in finding some to help your wife they are out there keep looking

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update: She dropped her pain doctor. She's now going to her general practitioner for pain meds, and as many of you do, she will be sent to a pain clinic for shots. No drug testing. She is back using medical marijuana and feeling much better.


Hopefully she can get off the prescription meds. The pain doctor said he'd help get her off of them, but instead just increased the dosages.


Thanks All.

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In Detroit the pain clinic at Henry Ford Hospital on 2799 grand blvd does not write pain meds, nor do they "acknowledge" that mmj exists; they say see your general practitioner to get pain prescriptions.

So what is that pain clinic for? They told me they are for telling the GP in the visit notes that they did an exam and history and found reason for the GP to prescribe pain meds.

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  • 3 months later...

I am considering starting a practice in N. Michigan to take people that have been kicked out by their doctors for getting a MMJ card. Basically a 420 Friendly Pain Clinic. There are two conditions- I am not going to deal with insurance, so payment is due at the time of service (MRI's and other medical procedures that are ordered outside the clinic can be handled by insurance). The other condition is that I really hate chronic narcotic therapy, so there will be an immediate wean to no narcotics over 3-6 months (mmj and suboxone therapy will be available). Pain contracts (which will allow MMJ with a legal card or paperwork from a records requiring clinic), weaning schedules, etc will be required, other services may be available which may or may not accept insurance as well.


The problem I have is that too many doctors are cutting folks with legitimate pain off all medications cold turkey when they get a card. This is just wrong in my book, but I cannot control what they do. My purpose is NOT to be the dentist handing out suckers and treating the resulting cavities, but to give folks an option to wean off narcotics in a reasonable manner. I don't think people should be forced into withdrawal simply because they made a choice with their healthcare.


The basic way it will work is that you will meet with the office staff, fill out paperwork and records requests, and meet with me when everything is available for my review. I'll be in the office once a week or so and see people by appointment (no walk ins- your chart must be ready before I see you). I'll work out a treatment program with you, we'll discuss the pain contract and weaning schedule. We will also discuss any diagnostics I feel are necessary, and offer options such as suboxone if appropriate. You may be referred to specialists or for additional studies.


What are the thoughts out there? I can't really discuss pricing, it wont be free or really cheap, but it won't be on the level of what you have to pay for 'insurance' taking practices, if one can be found once you get a card. Would also be good documentation for renewals and other 'bona fide' doctor patient relationship issues.



Dr. Bob

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The henry ford pain clinic at the downtown campus pulled that on me until i threatened to sue and after an hour of arguing my case the head pain clinic doctor buckled in and allowed me to be treated.



While in the recovery ward he asked me a bunch of questions for his own curiosity reguarding medical marijuana i think he has a much different opinion of it now. :goodjob:

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  • 1 month later...

I am considering starting a practice in N. Michigan to take people that have been kicked out by their doctors for getting a MMJ card. Basically a 420 Friendly Pain Clinic. There are two conditions- I am not going to deal with insurance, so payment is due at the time of service (MRI's and other medical procedures that are ordered outside the clinic can be handled by insurance). The other condition is that I really hate chronic narcotic therapy, so there will be an immediate wean to no narcotics over 3-6 months (mmj and suboxone therapy will be available). Pain contracts (which will allow MMJ with a legal card or paperwork from a records requiring clinic), weaning schedules, etc will be required, other services may be available which may or may not accept insurance as well.


The problem I have is that too many doctors are cutting folks with legitimate pain off all medications cold turkey when they get a card. This is just wrong in my book, but I cannot control what they do. My purpose is NOT to be the dentist handing out suckers and treating the resulting cavities, but to give folks an option to wean off narcotics in a reasonable manner. I don't think people should be forced into withdrawal simply because they made a choice with their healthcare.


The basic way it will work is that you will meet with the office staff, fill out paperwork and records requests, and meet with me when everything is available for my review. I'll be in the office once a week or so and see people by appointment (no walk ins- your chart must be ready before I see you). I'll work out a treatment program with you, we'll discuss the pain contract and weaning schedule. We will also discuss any diagnostics I feel are necessary, and offer options such as suboxone if appropriate. You may be referred to specialists or for additional studies.


What are the thoughts out there? I can't really discuss pricing, it wont be free or really cheap, but it won't be on the level of what you have to pay for 'insurance' taking practices, if one can be found once you get a card. Would also be good documentation for renewals and other 'bona fide' doctor patient relationship issues.



Dr. Bob


Dr.Bob, this would be something that I would be interested in. One of the main reasons I have waited until now to get my MM card is knowing my chronic pain doc of 3 years will kick my donkey out the door when I test positive for MM. But I don't care anymore, I can't wait to get off these pills. We have a cottage near Tawas so driving to Northern Michigan would not be a problem. This would be a service I would be more than willing to pay for. Please let me know what comes of this.

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<P>I find this very discouraging that Doctors treat patients based on their personal beliefs . I feel very strongly a Doctors role is to give appropriate education as to possible treatment choices , benefits and downside then let patients choose . Adjunctive treatment is strongly needed with cannabis . Many people are able to reduce narcotic pain medications and this should lead to decreasing the instances of Hyperalgesia and or keeping plasma levels lower so as to more easily wean . Suboxone is not tolerated by 1 /20 people . Often substance abuse theory is interjected during it creating a barrier to objective care based on the merit of what is actually being reported and occurring . Under Granholm patients were granted the right to have their pain properly treated this seems to not be in alignment with that in mind and in effect is discriminatory or right on the border of it . It is sad I have seen how patients are denied care by Doctors abusing their authority and who viciously go after patients limiting their care choices similar to a employer giving a bad reference . I hope you think a little more about this . It seems to be prevalent in our society where professionals feel vindicated to make the choices mandating treatments and personally I believe that is wrong . Doctors are to educate , offer and let the patients choose . Whether its narcotics , surgery , physical therapy it should be the patients ultimate choice since there are no guarantees and they must live a lifetime with the consequences . That said I am so proud of patients who have found they were wrongly prescribed narcotics which they can replace by cannabis therapy alone or really do without . The side effects are often terrible as well as the inevitable dependency . However some cannot . <BR><BR>Dependant drug therapy is a terrible choice some patients have to make . It will not work for most forever . It is dangerous . It takes immense self control and people still working should try to avoid it . It does take terrible suffering to wean and very solid and time consuming Doctor relationships often with rotations . Complete trust of both parties . Hopefully Michigan will open up its heart and mind and put into law more protections for Dependant patients so their not abused or taken advantage of as Dependant patients are very vulnerable . I never would of believe pain like some live with everyday exists to where it isn't optional . Not having access to narcotics is a death sentence just like the current lack of support when problems arise . Most people just need assisted living services for several weeks a year the rest their fine . They don't need psychiatric care , expensive psychological care etc . The theory of substance abuse in itself is a death sentence and terrible interference with proper patient care . People without pain because their on the proper medical routine for them do not deviate or abuse medications so I see substance abuse as a failure of the system . I hate to classify one patient over another ever but most severe chronic pain patients know loosing their access to medications means death by suicide , or worse a slow death by pain so terrible you can not take care of yourself . Even if your put in foster care , fed and taken care of with pain like that you don't want to live .<BR><BR>By the way I repeat 1/20 people cannot tolerate suboxone but the training tells one withdrawals are so bad everyone will lie . I can't say it often enough the theory of substance abuse is the most dangerous problem inhibiting the proper treatment of severe chronic pain patients in our State that exists . It injures patients and effects Doctors who fear being accused of stepping into the void of aiding and abetting abusers . I literally spill my guts hoping people can see more then ideals as injury and illness are not fair , just or kind themselves . As human beings we can make unsolvable situations as palatable as possible and that is following the wishes of the patient who has been properly educated and presented the facts . <BR><BR></P>

Edited by Croppled1
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  • 2 months later...

Dr. Buck was a cannabis friendly pain doctor....


Cannabis certification is really a separate specialty that does not mix all that well with a pain practice due to DEA interference.


My advice is to see a pain doctor that does NOT require a narcotic contract and then see your MMJ doctor to get certified. It is very likely you will require considerably less narcotics once you have MM.

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The henry ford pain clinic at the downtown campus pulled that on me until i threatened to sue and after an hour of arguing my case the head pain clinic doctor buckled in and allowed me to be treated.



While in the recovery ward he asked me a bunch of questions for his own curiosity reguarding medical marijuana i think he has a much different opinion of it now. :goodjob:


Good work King! We are all ambassadors for pot and should assume that doctors are LESS knowledgeable than us. I think if you emphasize that you are able to decrease your narcotics with MMJ that might help get through the thick propaganda that infests the medical profession. Showing them tinctures, medibles, and capsules would probably help also.

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