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Arizona's Immigration Law And State Mmj Laws...

Guest finallyfree09

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Guest finallyfree09

i just got to thinking when i saw this.... http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/05/09/arizona.immigration/index.html?hpt=T1 on cnn's homepage that the two issues may be linked somehow.


the supreme court has already ruled that local leo and state govt's aren't supposed to enforce federal law... or something like that. can someone please post the links to whatever case it was that set that precedent please?


what i am getting at here is if it worked against state govt's with regards to mmj then it would stand to reason that the same will probably happen with arizona's immigration law. and if thats the case.... wouldn't it be just awesome if the supreme court used their own decision about local leos enforcing federal mj laws as precedent against arizona? i think it would be GREAT.


just so you know i don't care one way or the other to discuss immigration policy in any way nor am i taking sides. just wondering what we might see from the highest court in the land. :rolleyes:

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I've been talking about this for months. In a nutshell, AZ passed a state law concerning checking the immigration status of people on the level of local law enforcement and the feds got an injunction claiming that was a federal law enforcement matter, not a local issue.


Clearly it has bearing on bozo township trying to enforce federal narcotic law, especially when the feds have specifically deferred to state law on the matter of patients and medical marijuana. Same thing with federal housing, it is up to the LOCAL manager, not some federal policy.


Dr. Bob

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