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False Forbearance: Obama Breaks His Promise To Respect Medical Marijuana Laws

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SB377 has absolutely nothing to do with anything at the federal level. It is very important to keep it very straight about that bill. It is state generated independently. This is exactly why we need to keep federal and state action separate to fight them the best we can. It is only going to set us back saying, or inferring, that things that are wrong at the state level are a federal problem and blame it on the federal government. Being specific and knowing your specific target, especially on SB377, is of the utmost importance to patients. You don't want to be aiming at the bear across the field when the snake is by your foot.



And I will be contacting MY 'STATE' representatives in LANSING just as I hope YOU are doing and that many others are also going to do in regards to STATE of MICHIGAN Bill 377, that IF passed would give State Police access to 'patient registration' information.

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