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Amicus Curiae Brief Of Americans For Safe Access In

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This is fascinating reading which I had missed [Hope it is not redundant}.


"Although fifteen states and the District of Columbia have decriminalized the

possession and use of medical marijuana,


the federal government continues to treat these

activities as criminal, which inspires fear in medical marijuana patients. Here, the federal

government is seeking to obtain sensitive patient records. If successful, the fear that

medical marijuana patients already have will be amplified tremendously, and it would

chill protected physician-patient speech about medical marijuana. Under Rule 17©(2) of

the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, this Court has the authority to quash a subpoena

where compliance would be unreasonable or oppressive. The subpoena in this case is

unreasonable, since it does great harm to Michigan’s medical marijuana program and to

the privacy of intimate patient records without any significant benefit to the government.

It should be quashed for these reasons........".




Dr. Jinx

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