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Twenty Years Of Marijuana Smoking Can Reduce Risk Of Head And Neck Cancer

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Science may have found a cure for most evils: but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings.

- Helen Keller






Throughout much of 2009 and 2010, politicians made repeated reference to the high cost of health care. One way to reduce the cost of health care involves greater use of preventive measures. It now appears that medical marijuana could be used as a way to prevent certain cancers. That surprising fact emerged from a long term study done by investigators in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, within the Division of Biology and Medicine at Brown, University.


That investigative team planned and carried out a ten to twenty year study. The team used questionnaires to get the facts concerning marijuana use by the various subjects. When evaluating the information in those questionnaires, the researchers took into consideration other elements of each patient’s lifestyle. In that way, their assessments were able to account for what the team called “confounders,” things like smoking and consumption of alcohol.


After taking those confounders into consideration, the investigative team released its report. That report appeared in the June, 2009 issue of Cancer Prevention Research. It underlined a link between usage of marijuana and the risk for getting a head or neck cancer.


The published report showed a significantly reduced risk association between a ten to twenty year usage of marijuana and cases of head and neck cancer. The magnitude of that reduced risk increased in people who had used marijuana moderately each week. Furthermore, the magnitude of the reduced risk increased further, when the person who used marijuana began that usage at an older age.


In studying a link between head and neck cancers and usage of marijuana, the investigators excluded cancers of the brain and eye. When referring to head and neck cancers, physicians normally make reference to those malignancies that begin in the squamous cells that line the mucosal surfaces of the head and neck. Those are surfaces that are definitely affected by exposure to cigarette smoke.


Those who want to read the abstract for this report should go to this link: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1963849.

Posted in Medical Marijuana News Items, Politics & Policy Activism, Prescription Marijuana, Sue Chehrengar

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Good news! Kinda shoots down that old myth about one joint being more harmful than a whole pack of cigarettes.



or Atomic Bomb, as Reagan said. I'm paraphrasing Reagan, 'I now have proof that smoking one marijuana joint is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast” and this guy was President...


That is why its imperative we dig for and find and credible scientific data and studies and make sure it gets put in the public's face.

We have to be as tenacious about spreading the truth as the government is about spreading lies and fear.


A half-truth is a whole lie.

- Jewish proverb

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