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Zoning Meeting Oscoda Township Iosco County

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i know this thread is last minute but i see there is a township meeting tonight where they are going to try to vote on new zoning rules which make it illegal to be a caregiver from your home. a person will have to purchase or lease one of 30-45 properties out on the old air base, grow for their own pt's only, and consume / use onsite because i saw a clause saying something about not removing the medication from the facility.

it also says they have to be inspected by several people like fire, electrical bla bla bla....


i'll be there.


if your in the area... please come and show your support.


i will be verifying this information this morning, and making sure they aren't really planning to vote on this garbage tonight.... i would like to stop by early and speak with the zoning official and see if i can't get them to "table" this zoning change so we won't have to file any type of injunction to protect our patients and fight my township on something that should really be NOT A ISSUE.


thanks in advance



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I was there .... Said All i could say ...


I did all i Could do .... :thumbsu:


At least we got them to give everyone

one more Chance to show them All the Reasons

they should not pass ANY :




People there need to prepare for your Last Chance ..


Just as an Attorney would ...


You Must go in w/ Facts ...


I will try and write things down better ....


I only had 5 minutes to sign the speaker card

and write down a few notes ...


I was 'nt going to surrender ...


Thanks to your Buddy Rick ,

He gave me one more Chance to speck ...


What if it was your Family , Mom , Dad , Child ?


Their all human ... and i think Good People ...

They were Polite and treat Us w/ Respect ...


Thats better then in Lansing ...

Lansing gave one minute to speak ...


At least We Got a Good 4 Minutes ... :thumbsu:


I feel it was a Big Win for Us ... :thumbsu:

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i can't believe they tabled the zoning and kicked it back to planning after i walked out... right before the vote.. i am so grateful to our township for having the will to work with us and find a solution that works for everyone. amazing result, i thought for sure their minds were made up, and it was about to all get dumped on us.

heck rick even said if it was legalized none of this would be an issue.... on tv.... i can't wait till they broadcast the meeting i am going to dvr that one for sure.


they were all excellent leaders, very patient with us, willing to listen, and stand up for the difficult decision they need to make, on controlling all home based business so the community in whole doesn't suffer any damages.


i am not a public speaker so for me the "stage fright" is more than i can bear, i finally chimed in when i told them i am a caregiver and the new restrictions place an unfair hardship on my ability to help people... and they heard our words...doc you threw together some great points, and did an excellent job, you got up there and took your time on the mike and i am proud to call you my friend!

thank you so much for making the drive brother!

even Matt brought you back into the discussion after it was closed, and i gotta believe they heard your words.

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Your So very Welcome " Mibrains "


You Ask for Help ...


I had to be there ....


All i could do was say how i felt ...


Everyone plays their part ...

even those that don't talk but Clap for others ...


Moral Support means Alot ....


That is Why it is SO IMPORTANT ....


If We ALL STAND UP and Fight for Our Rights

at least we WE can Say We did All we could do ...






I really Felt good inside ...


Thats Why i wanted a Ice-cream ...

I Love Boston Cooler and even the

eye dog got a Ice-Cream :thumbsu:


Those Dogs Deserve a Treat ...

They work hard to protect their Master ...


Thanks for allowing me to see pictures of your Grow Room .... :thumbsu:

Very Nice Set-up ...

Now i see why your Meds Taste So Good ... :thumbsu:

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Don't be fooled by these rubes. They honestly do not care about what you or any other medical cannabis patient or caregiver needs, or what the MMMAct says. Almost all municipalities are seeking to restrict or kill medical cannabis in their communities. I got the same reception from my Planning Commission. They listened to what we said, made corrections when we pointed out blatant errors, but they were going to pass an ordinance regardless because that's what their Civil Counsel advised them to do.


The courts will be providing some guidance on this issue soon. The only decision shaping this issue so far is a reckless decision by a Kalamazoo judge who totally ignored Section 8 of the MMMAct. Our legislature knows this too, that's why Walsh introduced S.B. 2596, a bill that authorizes municipalities to pass zoning ordinances.


Keep attending the meetings and talk to these idiots one-on-one after the meeting. I doubt if it will help, but right now it's the only recourse we have.

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that ice cream was fan-dam-tastic for sure ! !


thanks for the compliments bud.. my journal is open to you anytime, and every time. i appreciate your advice and am glad we have become friends.


c u this afternoon.. (possibly not, i have a chimney issue to deal with that's become a thorn in my side) but I'll be by with the door this afternoon, or tomorrow morning. depending on a phone call i am anxious to get. i am headed out to the garage right now to assemble the frame and mount the door, so I'll be in touch bud.




and thanks for the kind words and support for us over here.... your an inspiration when you drive 160 miles to help and support us and our club. thanks Tarzan, and all those in your network who make it possible.


LOL.. fookin cough has me running 12 directions today..

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Don't be fooled by these rubes. They honestly do not care about what you or any other medical cannabis patient or caregiver needs, or what the MMMAct says. Almost all municipalities are seeking to restrict or kill medical cannabis in their communities. I got the same reception from my Planning Commission. They listened to what we said, made corrections when we pointed out blatant errors, but they were going to pass an ordinance regardless because that's what their Civil Counsel advised them to do.


The courts will be providing some guidance on this issue soon. The only decision shaping this issue so far is a reckless decision by a Kalamazoo judge who totally ignored Section 8 of the MMMAct. Our legislature knows this too, that's why Walsh introduced S.B. 2596, a bill that authorizes municipalities to pass zoning ordinances.


Keep attending the meetings and talk to these idiots one-on-one after the meeting. I doubt if it will help, but right now it's the only recourse we have.


you could be absolutely correct..

we are cautiously optimistic brad...

as we move forward we will watch their actions, and try to address them as they occur.


i can say one thing for almost certain, had we not showed up last night and spoke our minds, they defiantly would have passed the zoning changes and we would have had to "reverse" or amend the new legislation.

i have no doubt they are going to pass zoning as it applies to our industry on some level or in whole. they are worried..possibly rightfully so, that without specific restrictions then traffic, noise and illegal activity issues will disrupt the residential neighborhoods.

the thing is our township is trying to set up a residential set of rules that restrict all home based business... not just ours... they don't want to tolerate the (what i call) "phantom possible issues"

i think it's simple.

the legal, compliant grows will not be a nuisance and the trouble will arise from the non-compliant folks who will be "flushed" out fairly quickly, and after all these years of prohibition i should think LEO is capable of determining the differance without to much difficulty. if not.. then back to the academy because thats unacceptable.

we shall see.

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We went there and made a difference. It was nice to have them listen to us and decide they were not going to pass that crazy ordanance. Even better that we can work together to make the ordanance work for all of us. Now lets try to make a positive difference in other twps. Baby steps.... Peace

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