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Bachmann Wants To End Education, Energy And Commerce Departments

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Bat guano crazy gay bashing homophobic subsidy taking I have a head ache Michele Bachmann is at it again...


The ignorance and greed of the tea party gop is disgraceful. and some of the actions and comments by same tea party gop are treasonous and actually fly in the face of the constitution they say they revere.


Buckle up...its going to be a very rough ride through 2012 election cycle and we the poor are going to catch hell for the rich...well being rich.


Republican Sen.Orin Hatch already said; 'the poor are to blame for a bad economy'





Rep. Michele Bachmann was in Iowa yesterday campaigning for President. In her remarks she said she would like to get rid of the federal departments of commerce, education and energy.


Bachmann said she supports abolishing the U.S. Department of Education "along with a few other agencies, by the way."


She later told reporters that the free-market economy takes care of the functions of the federal departments Department of Energy, whose mission is to advance energy technology, and the Department of Commerce, which tries to make American businesses more innovative at home and more competitive abroad.


"Any place where we could abolish we should go ahead and cut back and abolish," she said. "The private sector can handle that on their own."


The stupid, it hurts. Make it stop.


Here's what's particularly idiotic about her statement:


Let's walk this through.


Dept of Energy


Do we want the profit driven companies to oversee our nuclear industry?


I'm sure the main way a for-profit corporation to cut costs and thereby deliver stronger earnings is by reducing expenses related to safety.


Nuclear plants are uninsurable. The only reason that we have nuke plants is that our government passed a law back in the 70s insuring them.


Furthermore, I don't want a for-profit company overseeing the storage of our spent fuel rods. Calling this idea idiotic is a gargantuan understatement and an insult to idiots everywhere.


What private industry would push energy conservation and research into renewable energy solutions? There's no money to be made in research and development. In addition, I'm sure conservatives and corporate Dems would push to make sure that the energy industry controlled this ... and we know what would happen then.


Dept of Commerce


There's one obvious reason Bachmann wants Commerce axed - The Census. Bachmann is deathly afraid of it.


Also all the research that that National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration does would disappear, too. She hates all the research they do into global climate change.


Plus, the Commerce Dept is in charge of all kinds of techie things that I'm certain she know absolutely nothing about. Why can't the private sector be in charge of all that techie stuff anyway?


Finally, who better to regulate the invisible hand of the markets than the markets themselves?


Dept of Education


This has been a dream of hers and actually what got her into politics in 2001. She co-authored this tract in 2001. She views public education ...


as a threat to American liberty. In 2001, Senator Bachmann made the bizarre claim that the United States government was opposing "both free enterprise and representative government." She also accused the United States of implementing a national public school curriculum designed to turn America and Minnesota into Soviet Union-style economies.


While her views on public education aren't entirely rational, she certainly wants to abolish it.

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I just don't understand how people can make this argument. The fundamental purposes of government and private enterprises are different. Should we incorporate business principles into government to reduce costs, increase efficiency, etc? Absolutely. However, the base purpose of government is social stability while the base purpose of business is profit making. How is that not obvious? The ONLY thing the "market" cares about is how much value it can extract from society via profits. Nothing else.

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What does this have to do with MMJ?


By the way, it is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that regulates nuclear energy.



More than you think...MM has become political because politicians at all levels took it there! what's going on in Lansing with our politicians? They're attacking us registrants and our law and the vast majority are Tea Party GOP affiliated.

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Orrin Hatch: The 'Poor' Should Do More To Shrink Debt, Not The Rich





WASHINGTON -- Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) voted against beginning debate on a measure that would have the Senate declare the rich should share the pain of debt reduction Thursday, a day after arguing that it's the poor and middle class who need to do more.


"I hear how they're so caring for the poor and so forth," Hatch said in remarks on the Senate floor Wednesday, in reference to Democrats. "The poor need jobs! And they also need to share some of the responsibility."


Hatch's comments were aimed at a motion that passed 74 to 22 to start debating a non-binding resolution that says millionaires and billionaires should play a more meaningful role in reducing the nation's debt.


Just one Democrat, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), voted against having the debate. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who had previously called the resolution "rather pathetic," nevertheless voted to move ahead on it.


But it was Hatch whose remarks Wednesday raised the idea that the wealthy are already doing too much, even as the nation's effective tax rates are at modern lows since the Bush administration slashed rates in 2001 and 2003. In his view, it seems, the middle class and poor should be picking up the slack.


"The top 1 percent of the so-called wealthy pay 38 percent of all income tax. The top 10 percent are paying 70 percent of all income tax," Hatch said. "The top 50 percent pay somewhere near 98 percent of all income taxes. 51 percent don't pay anything," Hatch said, suggesting the payroll taxes that the poor and middle classes pay towards Social Security yields them an especially generous benefit.


"Democrats say they [the 51 percent] pay payroll taxes. Well, everybody does that because that's Social Security. They pay about one-third of what they're going to take out over the years in social security," Hatch railed. "Obamacare -- a family of four earning over $80,000 a year -- gets subsidies. Think about that. That's what we call the poor?"


Hatch hedged that the the poorest of the poor shouldn't have to pay taxes. But he was clear that people who qualify for subsidies because they can't afford things like health care should dig deeper.


"Now, we don't want the really poor people who are in poverty to have to pay income taxes," he said. "But 51% of all households. And that's going up, by the way, because of our friend down in the White House and his allies."

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More than you think...MM has become political because politicians at all levels took it there! what's going on in Lansing with our politicians? They're attacking us registrants and our law and the vast majority are Tea Party GOP affiliated.

Like that rotten Republican Jessica Cooper. Oh, wait she's a Democrat.


You seem to be as informed about the Tea Party as you are about regulation of nuclear energy. Many of the Tea Party tend toward the libertarian (note the lower case "l").

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Like that rotten Republican Jessica Cooper. Oh, wait she's a Democrat.


You seem to be as informed about the Tea Party as you are about regulation of nuclear energy. Many of the Tea Party tend toward the libertarian (note the lower case "l").



What I know about the Tea party is this, there are a phoney front group funded by the De Vos' family of Michigan, Rupert Murdock, and the Koch brothers, all multi-billionaires and staunch, ultra right wing conservatives. Whose only goal in life is to reap as much wealth and self empowerment at any cost including our own democracy.


The tea Party GOP claim to be patriots when in fact their actions are more traitorous than heroic.









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Like that rotten Republican Jessica Cooper. Oh, wait she's a Democrat.


You seem to be as informed about the Tea Party as you are about regulation of nuclear energy. Many of the Tea Party tend toward the libertarian (note the lower case "l").

Remember that the Michgian Tea Party did support Bill Schuette now that is something to think about

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