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Teaparty Congressman Collects Disability From His Union Job


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according the Tea Baggers, unions are the devil and government is big socialist boogieman. But this bagger collects union disability benefits, has VA benefits, and will have life time health care after he leaves congress.


I'm with Hoffa...



Tea Party Congressman Collects Disability From His Union Job




Rep. Chip Cravaack won the midterm elec­tion for Min­nesota in 2010, thanks in part to his extreme Tea­party plat­form. The newly elected con­gress­man even voted for the Paul Ryan Tea­party backed bud­get, that will end medicare and replace it with a voucher pro­gram which seniors would be expected to use to sat­isfy their health needs.


But a lit­tle over­looked fact about Chip Cravaack is that he worked as a pilot for the North­west Air­lines as recently as 2007 and being a pilot means that you are a mem­ber of a Union, thus receiv­ing the ben­e­fits of union nego­ti­ated salaries, vaca­tions and ulti­mately, dis­abil­ity payments.


Recent finan­cial records released by Cravaack showed that he received $92,273 in 2010 from dis­abil­ity pay­ments he received from North­west. At this very same time Cravaack was receiv­ing his checks, he was cam­paign­ing in Min­nesota promis­ing to end “big gov­ern­ment,” and often using the usual Repub­li­can talk­ing points of bash­ing unions.


Oh, and by the way, Chip Cravaack is also a vet­eran, which means that in addi­tion to his gov­ern­ment pro­vided health care in Con­gress, he also gets ben­e­fits from the VA, allow­ing him to go to any government-owned Veteran’s Admin­is­tra­tion facil­ity in the nation and receive what he and Tea­party calls, “social­ized medicine.”


Only in Amer­ica. You just gotta love this!

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