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Srsly, I just scroll right past all the messages that are pinned. I wouldn't even know if new things were stickied because I just skip them all.



It gets that clutered all the time and they never organize it till people mention it, hopefully they can find someone to maintain this site..

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I didn't know about that feature. Thanks Bri!

well then, let me clue you in! it's hidden on the bottom too. after you finish reading a topic scroll down to the blue bottom. hidden left of center is "today's active" button that takes you right back to the active page.


you don't even need to use the cool "top of page" button

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There are actually two flavors to that button, at the top of the page (above the search/forums pane) there is the" view new content" button which will take you to content active since your last visit. At the bottom of the page is the aforementioned "today's active content" button, which comes in handy if you accidentally clear the "new content" cookie, but still just want to see what threads have been updated. Small but useful distinction.

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