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State By State Medical Marijuana Programs’ Financial Information


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State Medical Marijuana Programs’ Financial Information




Michigan is the newest medical marijuana state where a program is up and running. The state

issues patient and caregiver registry cards, but there are no state-registered dispensaries. The Michigan

Department of Community Health (MDCH) began accepting patient applications in April 2009 and is

responsible for setting a fee that is sufficient to cover all program costs. As of February 11, 2011, the

MDCH has issued 58,125 current patient IDs.


The last time the program responded to the inquiry, it reported that about 60% of applicants are charged $100 and 40%, who demonstrate low-income, are charged $25.37 Thus, the program brought in an estimated total of at least $4 million in 2010. As of March 2011, the department reportedly has nine full time staff and nine temporary staff processing applications.


The revenue should be sufficient to cover the costs of many more staffers. When asked about costs,

MDCH did not mention any additional start-up costs. The cost of administering the program is reportedly

approximately one-third of the amount of revenue the program brings in. The remainder is transferred to

the general fund.

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Aug 2011 figures I read put us at 90,000+ cards strong with $9,000,000+ revenue to the state.


Wonder how they would feel if all 90,000 of us stopped buying their stinking plastic cards and decided to only use our doctor's rec. After all, it's the signed rec that counts. No rec, no card. The doctor is the gatekeeper.


They have better feelings for their dogs than for us and their continued attacks are proof.


What do they expect from us?


sit boy.


get the stick.


now roll over.


other hand.

good boy.

now beg.


Maybe 'play dead' is what they want us to do.



We're a $9 million dollar public nuisance. woof. :lol:

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