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Protest Alert-Snyder To Speak Publicly In Gr


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I appreciate the concern for health but what about doing the job he was hired to do...create jobs!! Michigan unemployment is up 1% + since the take over by Snyder and the tea bagger-gop in January.


Grand Rapids to be site of Snyder's health speech




LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Gov. Rick Snyder will unveil his proposals for tackling Michigan residents' unhealthy habits during a speech in Grand Rapids.


Snyder spokeswoman Sara Wurfel told The Associated Press on Friday that the Republican governor will deliver his comments at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Heart of the City Health Center.


She says the speech will focus on the need for wellness and preventative care.


She adds that Snyder's likely to encourage state residents to avoid smoking and deal with weight issues, "the things that a person can control with the right information."


Michigan ranks as one of the least healthy states on a number of indicators, coming in 10th highest in the percentage of obese adults, sixth in the rate of adults with asthma and eighth in estimated new cancer cases.

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Michigan ranks as one of the least healthy states on a number of indicators, coming in 10th highest in the percentage of obese adults, sixth in the rate of adults with asthma and eighth in estimated new cancer cases.


Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt Michigan one of the leading Pharma States? I can bet that is the reason for the shotty health.... Get them unhealthy, then shove a bunch of pills down there gullet, correcting what is wrong with them, but creating 4 other conditions......

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if hes concerned about health, as bill shuetee states his is concerned for hte welfare of our children, then they both can address the Dangerous levels of Dioxin here in Midland, Bill Shuitees home city, and ironically, the company, that gave his stepfather the power of Dow as one of its lead Officers thru its history.


Ironic they will, Schneider and Shuitee, both condemn natural remedies to long term health awareness, and propogate the lies of man made medicines heal the ailing. They dont, they dont even "Maintain" a persons health, as nearly EVERY FDA Approved man designed medicine, causes other bodily illnesses, and create the largest long term health concern in our human history. in many cases, you can die from taking medicine that is supposed to HELP YOU cope with psorisis. now this is strictly an example, but if you suffer from psorisis, would you rather be affected by a psorisis flare up, or take a man made drug that may help, reduce, or even eliminate your psorisis, but as a side effect, it kills your liver, causes heart desease, and likely will give you cancer as well.


now i may be a fool, but i just dont see an informed sufferer of psorisis, willing to possibly kill themselves, to escape the affliction of thier ailment. psorisis doesnt really cause much death annyally does it? im asking because i honestly do not know, this is just an example i am using.


fact is, most drugs have serious interactions between themselves, as well as cause the Pt a need to use stronger, harder, and more toxic medications to try to fix issues created by the initial medication. sure it may of helped what it was said to help, but if you have to take more expensive and dangerous meds to fix the issues created by the 1st one, is it really something you want to put in your body to HELP YOU? the only help your getting is to an earlier grave site.

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if hes concerned about health, as bill shuetee states his is concerned for hte welfare of our children, then they both can address the Dangerous levels of Dioxin here in Midland, Bill Shuitees home city, and ironically, the company, that gave his stepfather the power of Dow as one of its lead Officers thru its history.


Ironic they will, Schneider and Shuitee, both condemn natural remedies to long term health awareness, and propogate the lies of man made medicines heal the ailing. They dont, they dont even "Maintain" a persons health, as nearly EVERY FDA Approved man designed medicine, causes other bodily illnesses, and create the largest long term health concern in our human history. in many cases, you can die from taking medicine that is supposed to HELP YOU cope with psorisis. now this is strictly an example, but if you suffer from psorisis, would you rather be affected by a psorisis flare up, or take a man made drug that may help, reduce, or even eliminate your psorisis, but as a side effect, it kills your liver, causes heart desease, and likely will give you cancer as well.


now i may be a fool, but i just dont see an informed sufferer of psorisis, willing to possibly kill themselves, to escape the affliction of thier ailment. psorisis doesnt really cause much death annyally does it? im asking because i honestly do not know, this is just an example i am using.


fact is, most drugs have serious interactions between themselves, as well as cause the Pt a need to use stronger, harder, and more toxic medications to try to fix issues created by the initial medication. sure it may of helped what it was said to help, but if you have to take more expensive and dangerous meds to fix the issues created by the 1st one, is it really something you want to put in your body to HELP YOU? the only help your getting is to an earlier grave site.


Ask Upton...he and schuette are both on duty for polluters of our Great Lakes. He's even hinted at backing a law suit to allow five coal fired power plants here in Michigan. After he helped do away with scrubber regulations for coal plants, there is no such thing as clean burning coal.


And now with the natural gas lobby pushing for drilling in and out of our state parks and in and around aquifers. The resulting fracking will contaminate and poison wells and fresh water stored under ground.


But hey as long as millionaires get richer and we die slower I guess its all for the betterment of the Koch brothers.









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