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Michigan Legislature Goes Berserk


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Michigan Republicanazi's are well on their way to ending free K-12 public education in Michigan. Just one of many changes being forced down the throats of the citizens of Michigan that affects only the poor and financially challenged.


Pure Michigan...takes on a whole new meaning now!!!!


The cake is spoiled, the tea is cold, and The Widow Louisette is lurking in the shadows of history.




Half a year after the showdown in Wisconsin began, it is clear that the war is broadening and intensifying. I just got my coattail pulled to the latest attacks on public schools and teachers rolling forward in Michigan.


Many Kossacks will know about the Emergency Financial manager package and the $1 billion in cuts to K-12 education. Maybe you even heard about the


tenure “reform” package that eliminated due process and just cause for dismissals, eliminated seniority, added a list of prohibited subjects of bargaining, and imposed an evaluation system that will require 50% of a teacher’s evaluation be based on test scores.


This week has seen the introduction of a new dog's breakfast of bills.


The package of bills unleashed this week will do the following: allow for the privatization of all educators, removes the 150 charter school cap, allows community colleges to charter in Detroit, expands “cyber” schools and seat time requirements for students, creates and defines “conversion” charter schools (parents can petition for their school to be a charter school), expands the list of services that public schools can provide to parochial schools, and expands schools of choice.


In addition there are bills that were introduced this week which prohibit districts from deduction of union dues, and that create a third tier of retirement where new hires will only be allowed to be part of a defined contribution plan (eliminating pensions from employees hired after July 2011)...


And on Thursday, it was reported that Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville plans to introduce something called “Right to Teach” which is a right to work law aimed just at teachers.


And if you don't think that this stuff could possibly pass, you must really like to walk on the sunny side of the street.


The brief report I have excerpted above was posted at my friend Fred's education blog. The author thinks these attacks are Republican revenge for teacher support for the recalls going forward in Michigan. That's certainly an element, but none of these legislative initiatives are new either; all have been floated over the last several years.


I trust that Michigan-based teachers and politics junkies here can flesh this diary out (and hope to hell they can controvert it).


(The capital will soon be renamed also to The Reichstag of Lansing and non Republicanazi's will be required to wear a patch in the shape of Michigan with the word SLAVE embroidered in bright red letters)

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Definately revenge because of recalls.


It is not who you attend school with but who controls the school you attend.

- Nikki Giovanni


Yep...Looking for a an article from last fall where one of our employees in Lansing was reportedly over heard to say,


'Now that we have control of our state, we can make the people dance!'


I really want to find out who said this because I would help tar and feather them on the capital steps!


Their state! Make the people dance!


Time to go to work...

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and we're all dealing with schutte's revenge against us.


Recently at a meeting in Escanaba, some people got to talk with schutte and his aid, for quite awhile, showed some facts, and the aid took notes. Has that meeting softened him any? I doubt it, especially after I heard that he claimed we all looked healthy at the rally. I give him a BIG :thumbsd:


Sb :(

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As a former teacher and direct witness to the f*!#%$d up system, I can tell you. The schools in Flint were an embarrassment. The fact that education is being cut when we need it the most makes my stomach turn. I had to manage In School Suspension in a classroom that flooded on a daily basis. Black mold, no security phones or cameras. Then they wonder why these kids are dropping out and killing eachother.

It has literally made me sick. Every time I watch the local news I have to hear about another young person getting killed. I'm obviously angry.

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I really want to find out who said this because I would help tar and feather them on the capital steps!


I grabbed a handful of tar by accident many years ago. Using tar as a glue between. I dropped a piece, with fresh tar on it, and caught it before it could get away.


I can't, and don't want to, think about what the feathers add to the tar burning. It can't be good.


I wonder if people survived when they did that so long ago.


Please do everything you can to prevent violence. We no longer have the abilities of youth on our side. They would win.


There are other ways. Legal ways.


It's good that there is more air conditioning now than back in the 60's. The summer of '67 was one of the hottest recorded. So was the summer of 1776.


Summer is nearly over. High risk time may be behind us.


In the 60's, many people would go outside to cool off. Today many people go inside to cool off.


The energy consumed to run AC converts into thermal energy. As things warm up we add to the heat by cooling off. People become more isolated instead of forming overheated mobs in the streets.


Edit A major power failure would be a real problem.

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I grabbed a handful of tar by accident many years ago. Using tar as a glue between. I dropped a piece, with fresh tar on it, and caught it before it could get away.


I can't, and don't want to, think about what the feathers add to the tar burning. It can't be good.


I wonder if people survived when they did that so long ago.


Please do everything you can to prevent violence. We no longer have the abilities of youth on our side. They would win.


There are other ways. Legal ways.


It's good that there is more air conditioning now than back in the 60's. The summer of '67 was one of the hottest recorded. So was the summer of 1776.


Summer is nearly over. High risk time may be behind us.


In the 60's, many people would go outside to cool off. Today many people go inside to cool off.


The energy consumed to run AC converts into thermal energy. As things warm up we add to the heat by cooling off. People become more isolated instead of forming overheated mobs in the streets.


Edit A major power failure would be a real problem.



PB..Sir it was on just an off-hand remark, I would never propose acts of violence or any vile physical acts upon another person.

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PB..Sir it was on just an off-hand remark, I would never propose acts of violence or any vile physical acts upon another person.

Yeah, "tar and feather" is a colloquialism, not a call for the violent overthrow of these tyrants.


Its not like you said it was time for Mich Med Mar Patients to, "exercise their 2nd ammendment rights, reload, and take them out!".....now that's some incitment to violence...


Besides, I heard that tar wont even stick to those-shut your mouth-I'm just talking 'bout Publicans-and we can dig it......

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Was just trying to highlight non violence.


The abuse we withstand seems intended to get that kind of response from us.


I am all for non-violent civil disobedience...my first protest was the Nationwide Student strike in May 1970 at age 12 in response to the Kent State murders and the Vietnam war.


We never raised a finger but were tear gassed and people were beat with billy clubs and rifle butts.

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this is a HUge injustice to our children..They are making it so difficult to even educate our children.. but then if you raise a disabled special education student like i do then of course you are fully used to injustice to our children.. I truley dont have an answer to this problem.. but.. am very angry about it..

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Will it really matter witch political puppet gets propped up. Its just Big Government period that is giving this law a hard time. Both sides. So why do you think that this vote in 2012 is going to change anything. What we really need is to rid them all and start fresh. Start square one. And we all know that isn't going to happen without a civil war so we're screwed.Maybe if we fake a MSU basketball loss and show some civil disobedience. But turning the cheek and trying to talk this one out don't seem to be working to well . The other side is useing nightsticks we are fighting with pom pom's . Think im lieing they (LEO) held a gun on me already thats always a treat

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