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Makeing Cana-Butter

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Thanks for the fast responces...It is un-salted. Im just used to it harden in 5 or 6 hrs this run is taking already 8hrs and still milky,tho I think I could retrive it all with some effort but Ill give it 24hrs... 1/2 oz of meds in a half lb of butter shud be perfect to give me a good sofa lock.~~~~~~~~~~* Postive vibes everyone!!

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Im trying Wallmart no brand Sweet Cream Butter to make some canna butter. How long does it take to soildify. Seems like the Land of Lakes hardens over nite but this stuff is takeing forever. Anyone have any ideas to why and will it ever re-soildify. Hate to lose this baych of meds.

Anything you get from Walmart probably sucks. They are the enemy.

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Annnie Thanks worked perfect. I used a small $tore cheese cloth strainer and scooped it went right from the pot to my Browning mix with little need for melting down, it mixed much easier while it was still moist. Thanks again everyone for the input. ~~~~~* Keep it simple with positive vibes! :)


I use European butter, it is higher in butter fat and will absorb more THC into it. I find it at Meijers also it seems to taste better then regular butter

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