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Ron Paul

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Was talking with a few of ya in chat the other day that were curious about Ron Paul, I have followed Mr. Paul for many years his message has always stayed the same, he is considered "nutty" because he makes sense! Heres a few videos






Keep in mind the main stream media loves to pick on this guy but he is smart and correct!

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OK...He gets elected and then he does away with FEMA, The EPA, The VA, The Department of Education, SEC, FDA, NRC, and dozens of other departments that do really good things for a very large and populous country..ours!


We've been sold down the river for over forty years do to corporate America and foreign corporations massive financial influences in American politics that has only one goal...PROFIT at any cost.


Ban all lobbying and or enforce the 'no lobby job after politics for five years' we may actually have a chance at surviving...

You cannot privatize an entire country...The national socialists tried it...it didn't work out well...

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I don't want ANY Republicanazi in the White House! You think its bad now in America?! Give these plutocrats more control and there won't be any jobs in America!


Well some jobs, prison guards....


He's actually a life time Libertarian member. I agree with his stance on getting rid of homeland security, dea, he wouldn't touch VA. if the states made and enforced their own drug policy the dea would be out of a job, the fda is another one that needs to be scrutinized, how many pills have they approved only to find out 2 years later it can kill you or cause serious health effects. The creation of homeland security basically told the cia and fbi they were too incompetent to handle terrorism.

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If they took a nice red ribbon and put a cute bag on NAFTA and tied it up tight,burried it at the bottom of ocean and then imposed tarriffs on foreign goods we would need a much larger work force and have China paid back simply by letting their goods in and taking the tariff fees off our debt to them however with the tariffs in place it would become more economically feasable to produce many things that are imported right here in the USA. my .02

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OK...He gets elected and then he does away with FEMA, The EPA, The VA, The Department of Education, SEC, FDA, NRC, and dozens of other departments that do really good things for a very large and populous country..ours!


It's good to treat Katrina refugees like FEMA did? Good to allow frakking and offshore drilling? Dumbed down education? Stealing the country's wealth? Banning herbs and supplements in favor of pharmacueticals? Kill us slowly with radiation? I honestly don't know where you are coming from a lot of the time, Ed. You seem like a really cool guy but your ideas are out to lunch.

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OK...He gets elected and then he does away with FEMA, The EPA, The VA, The Department of Education, SEC, FDA, NRC, and dozens of other departments that do really good things for a very large and populous country..ours!


But how do we pay for all this? The US is on the road to insolvency, just like Greece. Many more departments need to be closed or gutted. I predict this will not happen, and the US will default on their debt.

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But how do we pay for all this? The US is on the road to insolvency, just like Greece. Many more departments need to be closed or gutted. I predict this will not happen, and the US will default on their debt.



A flat tax, eliminating worthless agency's ie homeland security, DEA, legalize and regulate, tax MJ <<<< thats right there would bring in huge revenue.

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Guest knucklehead bob

But how do we pay for all this? The US is on the road to insolvency, just like Greece. Many more departments need to be closed or gutted. I predict this will not happen, and the US will default on their debt.


Eliminate UN-Constitutional fully paid Health Care/Salary Benefits for Retired Elected Officials at all levels ! How much do these "Expenditures" cost Joan & John Q. Public annually ?

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Guest knucklehead bob

Very, very little. If military expenditures are King Kong, benefits for retired officials are a mouse guaranteed.

I agree , Military spending is off the charts . However , it was originally accounted for . I don't see where full pay & health care at retirement for elected officials was , until recently .

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I agree , Military spending is off the charts . However , it was originally accounted for . I don't see where full pay & health care at retirement for elected officials was , until recently .


You mean in the Constitution? I don't think the Founders had borrowing unlimited amounts of money to fund foreign entanglements in mind.

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he's also a creationist who does not believe the theory of evolution.


so, he basically thinks 99% of the world's science community is wrong.



he's a friggin nutbag.


Scientific theories change, they are not fact. The theory of evolution keeps changing as our knowledge expands. Until it graduates to a law, it is up for dispute. Evolution is only based on commonalities between species, which could point to a common designer or common decent. There is no hard evidence to support either theories.


If people did not question the prevailing scientific theories, the earth would still be the center of the universe.


I support Ron Paul.

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Scientific theories change, they are not fact. The theory of evolution keeps changing as our knowledge expands. Until it graduates to a law, it is up for dispute. Evolution is only based on commonalities between species, which could point to a common designer or common decent. There is no hard evidence to support either theories.


If people did not question the prevailing scientific theories, the earth would still be the center of the universe.


I support Ron Paul.


Exactly. And me personally I hate when they mix religion and politics (candidates) Just show me ideas, answers, good ones that wont violate my liberties, Ron Paul has done that for over 30 years, he sounds kooky to some, but thats cause he is making sense not a bunch of Washington D.C. hodge podge.

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you realize gravity is a theory right. whether I like it or not its still there. Things dont become laws until they are irrevocably proven, which generally leads to CERN disproving them but still. I believe that if anyone can salvage whats left of this country Ron Paul is the man for the job. When a country is as far in debt as we are the idea of the gov spending its way out of debt is not likely to work. I disagree with him on more than a few subjects but I feel that if he gets elected he will not compromise his moral standpoint which is more than I can say for any elected official in my lifetime.

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Could Ron Paul be the next President to take down the Central Banking system (Federal Reserve) within America since Andrew Jackson?


It is time that the citizens of the United States of America wake up to the fact that our monetary system has been hijacked by the very bankers our forefathers fought hard to break free from. And they did so by manipulating the stock market to crash, while telling the populace that a Central Bank was necessary in order to avoid future crashes. Roosevelt handed the citizens gold over to the bankers, albeit deceived, and later felt he had betrayed his country in doing so.


Could Ron Paul make a difference?


Critics, including U.S. Congressman Ron Paul,[26] allege that according to the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, that only the U.S. Congress has the ability


To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; [27]


and, according to section 10, that


No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;[27]


and thus Federal Reserve banknotes are not legal tender, as they were not issued by Congress, states have no authority to recognize anything but gold or silver (including federal reserve notes), and the Federal Reserve does not have the authority to print or create money.[28] Though the printing of money is physically done by the Department of the Treasury, that agency is told by the Federal Reserve how much to print. The Federal Reserve also does "regulate the value" of the U.S. Dollar through its various operations, as authorized by Congress.


Federal Reserve Note


Until our monetary printing is not based on usury, we will make no forward motion in the pursuit of freedom in our country. We are not free.


Why would a Slave Owner want to pay for food, clothing and housing for their working slaves? when instead it's much easier to fool them into believing they are free, and have them pay their Master for their food, clothing and housing.... with interest!

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you realize gravity is a theory right. whether I like it or not its still there.



Gravitational forces are a law, Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.



The problem with gravity itself is we have no idea what it is or how it works. The force we feel is law, but what is gravity and how does it work? No one knows. It works like magic, no strings, no electromagnetic waves, there is nothing there but a force. We can mathematically model the force and predict it, but we still have no idea what the force is, just that it does exist.


Edit: The current prevailing theory of gravity is that a mass causes a bend in space and time, thus causing gravity. Our only evidence is light goes around a planet. So it is very much a theory at this point.

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Regardless, this nation has strayed so far away from the Constitution and what we were founded on its sickening, the war powers resolution giving the president complete control to declare war without seeking congressional approval, the patriot act, the inter state commerce clause << which they toss anything under. Bank bailouts on the backs of the working class and poor, failure to reschedule marijuana after ruling, after ruling, after ruling and research, turning prison into industry, the list goes on and on and time after time everything Ron Paul predicted was gonna happen has, I just think he is the best guy out there, pulls no punches, has never changed his beliefs an I think it was the debate before this last one, he said ya wanna know who makes drug policy an law in this country the Pharmaceutical companies do, they write the laws and then lobby congress, that needs to change, if we really really want to curb drug use/abuse in this country then its time to start treating it as a health issue not a criminal problem!

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It's good to treat Katrina refugees like FEMA did? Good to allow frakking and offshore drilling? Dumbed down education? Stealing the country's wealth? Banning herbs and supplements in favor of pharmacueticals? Kill us slowly with radiation? I honestly don't know where you are coming from a lot of the time, Ed. You seem like a really cool guy but your ideas are out to lunch.



I'm with you Mezz!!!

I just don't understand that kind of logic.



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I'm with you Mezz!!!

I just don't understand that kind of logic.




yup! FEMA is garbage, worthless waste of tax payer money, DEA is another one, leave drug laws up to the states theres no need for the DEA, I think this presidential cycle people are so sick an tired of the same old crap, the same lies, the expansion of the federal government they are looking at what Ron Paul said 4 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago and realizing the guy isn't as "kooky" as the media plays him out to be.

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