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Dow Chemical Spends $1.9 Million On Second Quarter Government Lobbying

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Michigan will soon look like a third world chemical dumping ground thanks to MI.®Sen.Fred Upton and DOW chemical


Pure Michigan ad....'Come see Michigan's glowing toxic lakes and try your hand at catching some of our prized three eyed fish!'




MIDLAND — The Dow Chemical Co. spent $1.9 million in its second quarter to lobby the government on issues ranging from energy to anti-terrorism security for chemical facilities, according to a disclosure report, the Associated Press reported.


The amount spent is less than the $2.2 million the Midland-based chemical company spent in the first quarter, and less than the $2.7 million it spent in the second quarter of 2010.


From April to June, Dow lobbied on energy-related issues, including proposals on energy efficiency, renewable energy and nuclear power. It also lobbied the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases.


A company spokesman said the company's lobbying spending varies by quarter.


"We have steadily increased our level of engagement on public policy affecting the company, although the level of activity may not directly correlate to a spending rate, due to variables inherent in the reporting system," the spokesman said after first quarter spending was released.


Other topics lobbied the Toxic Substances Control Act, patent reform, pipeline transportation safety and legislation to address anti-terrorism measures at chemical facilities.


Along with the EPA, Dow also lobbied the departments of Commerce and Treasury, the U.S. Trade Representative and the White House.

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and schutte has connections with Dow, no wonder he's so mean-spirited. it looks like We're doomed; money talks; it doesn't seem to matter who's President.. Let my death be quick, painless, and happen in my sleep. Life's a living hell, a paradise turned into hell, this beautiful earth. They forget, can't see its Beauty, greed replaces common sense and Compassion. My heart grieves. There's no peace, no mercy, no heart. They could learn a LOT from this Community. :wub:


Sb :(

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and schutte has connections with Dow, no wonder he's so mean-spirited. it looks like We're doomed; money talks; it doesn't seem to matter who's President.. Let my death be quick, painless, and happen in my sleep. Life's a living hell, a paradise turned into hell, this beautiful earth. They forget, can't see its Beauty, greed replaces common sense and Compassion. My heart grieves. There's no peace, no mercy, no heart. They could learn a LOT from this Community. :wub:


Sb :(


Don't give up, SB! They want us to give up. They make it hard so we will give up. Picking on patients is easy pickings for them. Do not take the bait. Everything they say or do is spin. Do not fall for it! Keep the faith. We can do it if we stand strong. Remember David & Goliath?

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Don't give up, SB! They want us to give up. They make it hard so we will give up. Picking on patients is easy pickings for them. Do not take the bait. Everything they say or do is spin. Do not fall for it! Keep the faith. We can do it if we stand strong. Remember David & Goliath?

You're right, I know. That's why I'm still here, that's why I wrote the song, that's why I took a long journey to stand beside everyone. What I shoulda said is, it looks hopeless but that doesn't mean we're gonna tolerate it.


I tried to do a multi-quote, wanted to answer Q-tipper, too. Somewhere around here is a list of reps from both sides who have committed crimes, taken bribes and worse, one or 2 may've even murdered someone. They ain't perfect, though they should be held to a higher standard, but they think they're above the law. :(


I also wanted to say, those companies causing cancer are not immune to it themselves. Someday they might realize that, but by then it'll be TOO LATE. If this ain't the saddest world I could've never imagined. This is why I'm so depressed, it's the constant abuse, blindness, ignorance, hate, fear, greed, etc that's destroying everything. The People are fed up, but the dang so-called reps aren't listening to anything but their greedy side. They lost all human-ness, lost sight of Real Values, like Compassion. We have Plenty of it here on our site. They're the real heels, they have no soul. I know that was a bad pun, sole is related to heel but I couldn't resist. LOL



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and schutte has connections with Dow, no wonder he's so mean-spirited. it looks like We're doomed; money talks; it doesn't seem to matter who's President.. Let my death be quick, painless, and happen in my sleep. Life's a living hell, a paradise turned into hell, this beautiful earth. They forget, can't see its Beauty, greed replaces common sense and Compassion. My heart grieves. There's no peace, no mercy, no heart. They could learn a LOT from this Community. :wub:


Sb :(



You're right, I know. That's why I'm still here, that's why I wrote the song, that's why I took a long journey to stand beside everyone. What I shoulda said is, it looks hopeless but that doesn't mean we're gonna tolerate it.


I tried to do a multi-quote, wanted to answer Q-tipper, too. Somewhere around here is a list of reps from both sides who have committed crimes, taken bribes and worse, one or 2 may've even murdered someone. They ain't perfect, though they should be held to a higher standard, but they think they're above the law. :(


I also wanted to say, those companies causing cancer are not immune to it themselves. Someday they might realize that, but by then it'll be TOO LATE. If this ain't the saddest world I could've never imagined. This is why I'm so depressed, it's the constant abuse, blindness, ignorance, hate, fear, greed, etc that's destroying everything. The People are fed up, but the dang so-called reps aren't listening to anything but their greedy side. They lost all human-ness, lost sight of Real Values, like Compassion. We have Plenty of it here on our site. They're the real heels, they have no soul. I know that was a bad pun, sole is related to heel but I couldn't resist. LOL





You always have such beautiful things to say, but after hearing you speak at the capital and hearing you sing your song, I can't believe that I would see you write about giving up quickly. I understand it, I'm just shocked to see it.

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You always have such beautiful things to say, but after hearing you speak at the capital and hearing you sing your song, I can't believe that I would see you write about giving up quickly. I understand it, I'm just shocked to see it.

Thank you for the compliment. :blush:


I don't recall saying I'm giving up, though I may've said I feel like giving up, or, it looks hopeless or something. Now I have to go look. As long as I'm part of this site, I'm still in the fight. I'm in it to win, despite how bleak the situation looks.


We defeated schutte and his Dow Chemical money in '08 when we came together to pass Prop 1, now he's back with a vengeance. We have to stay united and strong to defeat him again. If he refuses to listen, we have to find a suitable replacement. He did listen to some people who spoke with him at a dinner a few weeks ago, but it seems he hasn't softened his position despite it. I guess he was just pretending, though I saw mention that his aid took notes.


At the moment it does look hopeless because we're still somewhat divided. I don't wanna leave, I don't wanna lose this family. Like all families, there's disagreements. We have one thing in common that we MUST stay focused on, we're up against big money and power from greedy tyrants who are never satisfied till they have everything they want, just like spoiled children. We may be poor, but we're Rich in Compassion. Keep the CC's going, keep them as support/outreach/information/social networking groups, we need them now more than ever.


Whatever our differences, we must stay focused on the main issue - PATIENTS FIRST, and CAREGIVERS.



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I agree with you SB. Patients first. Caregivers can't exist without patients. Dispensaries can't exist without patients. Patients first.


I'm still saying legalization is the way to solve the problems. Prop 1 passed with 63% average and in some cities only 12% of people voted. Repeal of cannabis prohibition needs to be on the Nov 2012 ballot in Michigan. We can't afford to wait until 2014. The cost is too great to all of us. :thumbsu:







Peace. :rock:

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