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E Mail Message From Bill Schuette


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This was in my e mail today....It pisses me off to read the insinuation in bold print. I'm sure it was just some more political spin to lend some spice to the story but these comments do not help us. This guy MUST be stopped!!!!!! I was there I did not see or smell anyone using MM!!!

Dear friends,


Last week provided an interesting contrast of events here in Lansing.

On the one hand, language for a petition to recall me from office was approved, after two previous efforts failed. The recall effort is being spearheaded by an individual who is supporting dramatically more liberal marijuana availability inMichigan. His motto is “Free the Weed.” At the very same time, 1,000 demonstrators gathered at the state capitol, “amid the distinct aroma of marijuana in the air,” according to the Detroit Free Press, to protest court decisions that limit the sale and distribution of marijuana in our state.


While all this was happening, I was busy launching a new effort to teach Internet safety to students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It’s called the Michigan Cyber Safety Initiative, or CSI for short. It’s free, and available to all school children, whether they attend public school, private school or home school. A variation is also available for parents. No one would ever let thugs or perverts walk in the front door to threaten children. But unfortunately, predators are using the Internet and social media to do just that. For the safety of your children, I urge all parents to check our website atwww.michigan.gov/csi for more information.





Bill Schuette

Attorney General





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hi Dizledot


well i was there and had to tell a few to not smoke there and to put out what they were smoking... was told by 2 of the 3 to mind my own... the third said he would but i should not be asking him to stop he had the right to smoke any where he wished... im one who thinks they were put there to do this to make us all look bad... i would hope those i seen doing it and told to leave did... i need no help looking bad but think it a shame for those who did were working against us all... i one day hope we never have to put out in public but there was and is not the place to be so dumb about it... why gave them one more thing to use... personally i dont care what people do... at that time and day it was not needed... as we are seeing it has caused harm to us all so the few who did fire up there did what they expected and needed us to do to make us all look bad... we keep pushing smoking in there faces as we are seeing the few will make changes we all will suffer from because of those few who think and dont care what others want or need... kind of selfish in my mind... people will do as they wish and dont think about the harm they put on all of us... we have to change how we act if we dont they will force changes we will not like... just like they are doing right now... we need to stop making things harder on ourselves and think what your actions are doing to others... every thing we do is being watched and every little thing they see is used to bend to there need so think and stop giving them things to use on us... sorry diz for the rant...



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'Misinform', 'misdirect' and add 'fear' to the message and you have won half the battle.


Mr. Schuette has done just that.


He is implying that if his 'recall' isn't stopped our children will be in danger.




The elections in 2012 (although not for Michigan governor) will be very interesting.


Don't forget to VOTE!!!!!

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'Misinform', 'misdirect' and add 'fear' to the message and you have won half the battle.


Mr. Schuette has done just that.


He is implying that if his 'recall' isn't stopped our children will be in danger.




The elections in 2012 (although not for Michigan governor) will be very interesting.


Don't forget to VOTE!!!!!



Vote, Vote, Vote!!!!!

We need to change the political landscape and we need to start now for 2012. Don't forget you also have to change the township boards and councils! We need to do some housekeeping in our own backyards because these little local guys are in their back pockets too.




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hi Dizledot


well i was there and had to tell a few to not smoke there and to put out what they were smoking... was told by 2 of the 3 to mind my own... the third said he would but i should not be asking him to stop he had the right to smoke any where he wished... im one who thinks they were put there to do this to make us all look bad... i would hope those i seen doing it and told to leave did... i need no help looking bad but think it a shame for those who did were working against us all... i one day hope we never have to put out in public but there was and is not the place to be so dumb about it... why gave them one more thing to use... personally i dont care what people do... at that time and day it was not needed... as we are seeing it has caused harm to us all so the few who did fire up there did what they expected and needed us to do to make us all look bad... we keep pushing smoking in there faces as we are seeing the few will make changes we all will suffer from because of those few who think and dont care what others want or need... kind of selfish in my mind... people will do as they wish and dont think about the harm they put on all of us... we have to change how we act if we dont they will force changes we will not like... just like they are doing right now... we need to stop making things harder on ourselves and think what your actions are doing to others... every thing we do is being watched and every little thing they see is used to bend to there need so think and stop giving them things to use on us... sorry diz for the rant...






Not problem and I agree. There are those of us fighting for our rights as medical patients and those who take it one step further and feel they can push the limits of the law. They make us look bad.




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Vote, Vote, Vote!!!!!

We need to change the political landscape and we need to start now for 2012. Don't forget you also have to change the township boards and councils! We need to do some housekeeping in our own backyards because these little local guys are in their back pockets too.


I been thinking , I among alot of others do not understand the voting nor do they listen to any of there crap on T.V..What i am thinking..Maybe we could get a list of who to vote for..and who not..We could spread that through out the net..Fliers, n what ever way we can...BUT we need to get a lsit out to all..who is for and agaisnt us...Regardless if a R or a D ..For us. is what we need..My Opion..but to be honest..when i went to vote, had NO idea what i was doing or who i was suppose to pick..I went straight down the D,s.

Maybe we can help others..

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Schuette and his prostitutes can not be reasoned with. I spoke with one of his secretaries who actually told me I didn't understand the law. Really? I was raised by lawyers. In my opinion-she called me stupid. Very far from the truth but I will definately remember that passive aggressive insult. And yes Schuette Billy Bong joke of a politician. I hope you read this.

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:growl: GRRRRR!!!!! I didn't smell anything at the rally. I think even if no one lit up schutte or someone especially in the press, would've claimed someone did. Don't think twice on that- THEY WOULD in a heartbeat!




:angry: I WISH PEOPLE WOULD REMEMBER: Our law prohibits public usae!!! This attitude of lighting up wherever you choose, and the "free the weed" comments are HURTING OUR COMMUNITY! I'm NOT disputing anyone's RIGHTS!! At the end of the rally someone said "Free the weed" to lots of cheers, and MY HEART SUNK because, ALTHOUGH I SUPPORT THE IDEA, THE RALLY WAS NOT THE PLACE TO EXPRESS IT! I heard some cussing in the crowd, too!


I LOVE you all so much, I endure a LOT of discomfort and expense although I'm very poor, just to be there to stand beside you and I may move closer to you, but goddammitt some of you are frustrating the hell out of me!! I sincerely hope NO ONE from OUR site was lighting up! PEOPLE, please understand the seriousness of your actions! I'd really HATE ASKING SOMEONE TO PUT THEIR MM CIGS OUT!


Slam me if you like, but from the first day I came here I've been trying very hard to keep a VERY CLEAR DISTINCTION between medical use and recreational use. DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME I AM NOT AGAINST RECREATIONAL USE BUT THIS IS A MEDICAL MJ SITE and we're FIGHTING for MEDICAL RIGHTS!



Sincerely, Sb :wub:

Sb :wub:

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And SB, you really need to calm down some lady, I'm sure being that upset isn't good for you. I know when I get upset like that my pain level goes up, my nausea goes up, and i just get all around worse. So, Please calm down and keep yourself healthy. We don't want anything to happen to you.

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I know that I read in several newspaper articles that "the smell of weed wafted in the air above the rally." I couldn't believe it because my husband and I moved all over the rally AND NEVER ONCE DID i SMELL AND MEDS BEING SMOKED.

We need to do damage control, tell them we did not smell or see anything and make sure they print it.


I hope people are commenting in newspaper sites that there was no smoking going on and if you didn't see or smell it, and IF you saw someone lighting up, that you DID ask them not to. Thanks.



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And SB, you really need to calm down some lady, I'm sure being that upset isn't good for you. I know when I get upset like that my pain level goes up, my nausea goes up, and i just get all around worse. So, Please calm down and keep yourself healthy. We don't want anything to happen to you.

I'll be OK. I really appreciate your concern, it means a LOT to me. It just upsets me when I see more trouble in our community that we don't need, we have enough to fight against that we don't need, without adding more to it.


You are my Family, you're all I have, I feel very protective of you, though I'm trying not to be overprotective. By now you know how much I love all of you. :wub:


Please let the papers know what really happened at the rally, that people did ask others not to light up?



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Remember you never can appease them . The concept to separate medical from recreational use can never be achieved except by one mechanism and you accomplished that when you met the requirements to receive your card . They just want to continue to discriminate . My reality is my own but I need to keep about 200-300 ng in my bloodstream all the time for adjunctive pain relief which equates to constant use . I do hope one day the rules allow med-ables to be utilized without worrying about the AD and the same for making oil . Having a constant supply of oil should be of interest to any cardholders who receive benefit from cannabis though we know there isn't enough for the cancer patients in-spite of the brave efforts of those that try to help them regardless of the scrutiny . Because after all what can it hurt plus it gives hope and there are proven results though not completely understood .


Shame on Bill Schuette for the fear campaign he lumps together here against medical cannabis to his far right support base . We live in a world of compromise and like one of my friends used to say '' if we all knew what the other did behind closed doors nobody would speak to anybody ." I gotta go make a toasted peanut butter jellly pickle and lettuce sandwhich .


Ps please don't think I don't believe in his efforts to protect the kids though it is the parents decision on how far to inform them and when not the Governments . We have gone so far down the slippery slope . Our parents are finding this out when they no longer are free to go home after a hospital stay forced into nursing homes under managed care . Even the young who have the Foster Care system held over their heads . You end up with no rights living the life of those who have captured you in the war on Freedom .

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Remember you never can appease them . The concept to separate medical from recreational use can never be achieved except by one mechanism and you accomplished that when you met the requirements to receive your card . They just want to continue to discriminate . My reality is my own but I need to keep about 200-300 ng in my bloodstream all the time for adjunctive pain relief which equates to constant use . I do hope one day the rules allow med-ables to be utilized without worrying about the AD and the same for making oil . Having a constant supply of oil should be of interest to any cardholders who receive benefit from cannabis though we know there isn't enough for the cancer patients in-spite of the brave efforts of those that try to help them regardless of the scrutiny . Because after all what can it hurt plus it gives hope and there are proven results though not completely understood .


Shame on Bill Schuette for the fear campaign he lumps together here against medical cannabis to his far right support base . We live in a world of compromise and like one of my friends used to say '' if we all knew what the other did behind closed doors nobody would speak to anybody ." I gotta go make a toasted peanut butter jellly pickle and lettuce sandwhich .


Ps please don't think I don't believe in his efforts to protect the kids though it is the parents decision on how far to inform them and when not the Governments . We have gone so far down the slippery slope . Our parents are finding this out when they no longer are free to go home after a hospital stay forced into nursing homes under managed care . Even the young who have the Foster Care system held over their heads . You end up with no rights living the life of those who have captured you in the war on Freedom .


Eloquently stated!

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Guest Medicinal Patient

Since when does he care about the children. Last I read he is making it darn near impossible for low income children to have a decent education.

Keeping them from being able to afford schooling, giving them more free time on the streets to become a victim of these perverts he references.

Its just sick. I would love to see his face when he has to pack his stuff and gtfo of office. :thumbsu:

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