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Recall Schuette Petition Locations

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Its going to take donations to this cause also if we want to succeed in defending the 2008 MMMA, as voted into law by the people of Michigan.


I gave at the rally and will give again...$20.00 is lot to me as it is to a lot of us. But I'll drive a little less for a chance at removing Bill Schuette from office and showing Lansing that WE ARE THE BOSS!


They made this political and personal...I've heard our elected officials who publicly profess to being God fearing Christians use some of the most vile and degrading words to describe Patients and Caregivers.


Call your Reps in Lansing and let them know how you feel about this abuse of power by Schuette and the brinkmanship being used against our law.


But make no mistake, we'll need to dig a little deeper when we can and when we are called on.


Contact Richard C. Clement Sr at Michigan chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws http://www.minorml.org/ and I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help with recall petition signing information.

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I think I read we need 807,000 Sig's by registered voters, and we have 180 days to get it done. Also I read no Sig can be older than 90 days?


So we can send in recall sheets when ever they are filled?


Someone in the know, please give all of us the real deal info on how this gig works,



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LOT'S of foot soldiers hitting the ground running.


The PDF's are printable.



Simple guide to starting a petition drive:





How to Start a Petition Drive

By an eHow Contributor If you want a new recreation park in your neighborhood or you oppose the mayor and want to remove him from office, a petition drive can show the decision makers that you mean business. Roll up your sleeves and prepare to make a difference in your world. Read on to learn more.




  • 1 Gather your strongest supporters. Petition drives need many people to canvas for signatures. The more participation, the greater your chance is of success. Run an ad in the local newspaper and on the radio informing everyone of a start-up meeting.
  • 2 Word your petition carefully to reflect exactly what you want to accomplish. If you are planning to challenge a community law or regulation, be sure you state a concise goal. Include enough space for signers to include their names, addresses and phone numbers. Verification checking may be necessary later.
  • 3 Decide on an opening statement for volunteers to use when approaching potential signers. Some people need a general script to help them get started.
  • 4 Hit the pavement. Volunteers feel more comfortable in pairs when going door to door. Assign partners and specific neighborhoods for each team to canvas. Remember to send petition drive teams to the local shopping mall, grocery stores and public gatherings.
  • 5 Plan to meet at a designated time and place to discuss everyone's success. Hold a couple of progress meetings along the way to check on volunteers and see if they need additional help with their assigned area

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The media and the Schuette camp are 100% confident we do not have the organization and funding to accomplish the signatures required for the recall .


Bill Schuette and , the former Prop 1 opposition members of which many are networking through the Michigan Municipal League are confident they will get their required signatures easily to put a yes / no vote on the ballet to eliminate medical Cannabis .With the support of State Money and his position to obtain privileged information along with the power and influence of his DC allies their group is a very well supported . This doesn't even take into consideration all in Law Enforcement who benefit from illegality , Lawyers , professional witnesses , testing labs , probation offices , etc

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We need petitions for Macomb and Oakland county -

Also need to have this question answered


I'm just checking but it says:


"General Instructions


· Each petition is one sheet, printed front and back, with a sequential number and a union print shop stamp.


· DO NOT make any copies of the petitions."


So where do we get the forms with sequential numbers?


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We need petitions for Macomb and Oakland county -

Also need to have this question answered


I'm just checking but it says:


"General Instructions


· Each petition is one sheet, printed front and back, with a sequential number and a union print shop stamp.


· DO NOT make any copies of the petitions."


So where do we get the forms with sequential numbers?




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ok, who knows where the Midland Locations Are? This is his Home Town, i think it needs a Big old Influx of Impeach Bill Shuetee activities. would be a Great Way to put a black eye to him, by having a huge ralley here in Midland.


But, to acheive this, EVERYONE would have to be the Stand Up human being. it would NOT/Could Not be about the MMJ Law, but rather about the autrocitys he is perpetrating as the AG of Michgan, other wise the black eye could be ours.

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Anyone know of a petition in Manistee County? From what I read you have to sign the petition that is from the county that you are regestered to vote in. Is this true? There is a petition in the next county that I can sign. But I want it to count. We need to show our state that we are willing to stand up for our rights. And that we are organized enough to do so. I just read that most elected officials will resign if there are enough signitures for a recall. Rather that spend the money on something they cant win. So any thing in Manistee County? If not I will get one started.

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Medical Marijuana Patients of Michigan,


Please don't wait for someone to hand you a petition. There are only 100,000 mmj patients in Michigan yet we need 807,000 signitures. We need every patient to go out and get at least 7 signatures in addition to their own. Be proactive, lets get this done and show them we mean business.


Visit this facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/groups/recallbillschuette/doc/260563053977330/) to get instructions and if you don't have facebook you can go directly here to get the docs. (http://norml.net/attached/OfficialXBillXSchuetteXRecallXPetitionX2011.pdf) and (http://norml.net/attached/SchuetteXRecallXPage2.pdf) or here is an alternative (http://www.cityhallrecall.com/billschuette.htm)


Feel free to copy, no sequential numbers are needed.


On a side note I'll be at the CPU meeting in Brighton on Sunday handing out packets to get people signing.





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Medical Marijuana Patients of Michigan,


Please don't wait for someone to hand you a petition. There are only 100,000 mmj patients in Michigan yet we need 807,000 signitures. We need every patient to go out and get at least 7 signatures in addition to their own. Be proactive, lets get this done and show them we mean business.


Thank you for the link, I will take you up on your challenge. I made 10 copies to take with me to the cc meeting Sunday, I'll work it.


Visit this facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/groups/recallbillschuette/doc/260563053977330/) to get instructions and if you don't have facebook you can go directly here to get the docs. (http://norml.net/attached/OfficialXBillXSchuetteXRecallXPetitionX2011.pdf) and (http://norml.net/attached/SchuetteXRecallXPage2.pdf) or here is an alternative (http://www.cityhallrecall.com/billschuette.htm)


Feel free to copy, no sequential numbers are needed.


On a side note I'll be at the CPU meeting in Brighton on Sunday handing out packets to get people signing.





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