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Question To Gov Snyder & His Answer


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On Sep 13th at a town hall meeting, Gov Snyder was posed a question:



In 2008 We the People of Michigan voted by a margin of mandate 63%, to enact the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. Current Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette seems to have a personal agenda against the medical marijuana patients. Instead of working to help patients, he is working to criminalize them. He knowingly and willingly turned over the entire medical marijuana patient information database to the federal authorities in a clear violation of HIPAA, which is grounds not only for recall but disbarment as well.


- Mr Governor, what can and will you do about this huge mess?


His response was: "I don't have the time to focus on the MMMA issue right now. I did not know that about Bill Schuette, I'll look into it.



Gov says 'I don't have the time...'




I give up. :rock:

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Someone find the Video of this event please. I would like to watch it. that ? and Responce MUST Be Fully Publicized thru out this Great State of Michigan. If he DOESNT have time for 63% of the voters, then what is he doing being OUR GOVENOR?



hell vote me in People.

I WILL DO BETTER, For the State AND its Citizens and Businesses.

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Guest Medicinal Patient

Someone find the Video of this event please. I would like to watch it. that ? and Responce MUST Be Fully Publicized thru out this Great State of Michigan. If he DOESNT have time for 63% of the voters, then what is he doing being OUR GOVENOR?



hell vote me in People.

I WILL DO BETTER, For the State AND its Citizens and Businesses.


Heck yes! Great Idea! I can just see the future campaign ad on the telly of these statements he made. Thats gotta hurt.

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Credit where credit is due....Snyder didn't know that about BlowjobBillyBob because it ain't true. The questioner asked if Snyder knew that BlowjobBilly turned over the entire database. He didn't. He turned over certain info requested by the feds. The feds don't have anything close to the entire database. So asking the governor that question and him responding that he didn't know was appropriate.

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  • 4 months later...

Regarding this act by the AG a letter writing campaign to the Michigan bar association will get this AG barred, therefore no longer qualified to work in the office of AG. Time to get this ummm state employee fired!!!

On Sep 13th at a town hall meeting, Gov Snyder was posed a question:



In 2008 We the People of Michigan voted by a margin of mandate 63%, to enact the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act. Current Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette seems to have a personal agenda against the medical marijuana patients. Instead of working to help patients, he is working to criminalize them. He knowingly and willingly turned over the entire medical marijuana patient information database to the federal authorities in a clear violation of HIPAA, which is grounds not only for recall but disbarment as well.


- Mr Governor, what can and will you do about this huge mess?


His response was: "I don't have the time to focus on the MMMA issue right now. I did not know that about Bill Schuette, I'll look into it.



Gov says 'I don't have the time...'




I give up. :rock:




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More BS from RS! Would it be possible to file a class action lawsuit against Snyder and Schutte? I have about $15,000 invested in my patients. With a couple hundred thousand patients and caregivers wanting their money back, i think this would definantly get their attention! Is there an attorney out there with the kahonas to file this suit for us? It could potentially cost the state millions!! Medcnman.

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Free... Seems to be on the agenda to set up a database w them... And he flat out gave an order for the state troopers to uphold federal law in that the troopers can't let u leave knowingly w federally illegal drugs, despite being 100 percent state legal... They must act as federal agents and confiscate u'r state approved meds... As state troopers, enforcing federal law over their very own state laws... As state troopers, wearing michigan badges of authority.


Now, RS in his 'townhall'... Said he is elected by michiganders to look out for michigan's interest... To hell with the federal gov't... His job, his time, his focus is on michiganders. He says this vehemently. YET, his top cop is co-opting the troopers into federal dea agents... Directly in conflict by michigander law and voter initiatives.


REALLY??? Which is it buddy? Actions, not words.

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I think the number one thing THE PEOPLE need to look at, is the fact that folks like BS the nazi are trying to change something that has more support from THE PEOPLE than they do!!! Schuette won his election with 1,649,223 votes. The Michigan Medical Marijuana act passed with 2,557,410 votes. So someone with less support from THE PEOPLE is taking it upon himself to screw with a law that MORE PEOPLE want than want him in office!!!! Apparently BS doesn't support democracy or THE PEOPLE that elected him. This is a glaring example of how much the government in whole is no longer a vessel of THE PEOPLE. We are heading more and more towards a fascist state of being in a supposed democracy.


Above and beyond everything WE THE PEOPLE need to take action on the blatant disregard for the will of THE PEOPLE regardless of the subject!!! Our government is leaving THE PEOPLE behind in order to facilitate special interest and or their own agendas. Your constitution is being wadded up and spit on right in front of our eyes! Don't get sucked in to useless party line agendas that do nothing but help to divide THE PEOPLE amongst ourselves.


Lets get back to FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE!!! Not for the government, by the government. What would people like George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our founding fathers do if they weren't being represented by their government? You can't sit and do nothing and expect or even hope for change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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