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Dear Bill Schuette.


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A letter that I and others are sending out to B.S.

Feel free to do the same (please:>)






Dear Bill Schuette,

I am a voter.

I want you to stop supporting any further restrictions on the Michigan Medical Marijuana act. You should reverse your opinion Letter 7259 and work instead to guarantee safe access for all patients and caregivers in Michigan. You are hurting the people that need your protection- Veterans, the sick, the injured, people with cancer and other terrible illnesses.

STOP your effort at re-criminalizing medical Marijuana.

Signed: XXXX



I expect a response to this communication.



edit for the( e) at end of Schuette

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Guest Medicinal Patient

You got it! I am sending a hand written one out of this letter out tomorrow. Thanks for all you do Wingnut.




Contact AG



Michigan Department of Attorney General



Lansing Office


G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor

525 W. Ottawa St.

P.O. Box 30212

Lansing, MI 48909

Main Number (517) 373-1110

Facsimile (517) 373-3042




Detroit Office


Cadillac Place, 10th Floor

3030 W. Grand Blvd., Suite 10-200

Detroit, MI 48202

(313) 456-0240

Facsimile (313) 456-0241




Grand Rapids Office


State Office Building, Suite 4C

350 Ottawa NW

Grand Rapids, MI 49503

(616) 356-0400

Facsimile (616) 356-0411




Consumer Protection Division


P.O. Box 30213


Lansing, MI 48909


(517) 373-1140


Toll Free (877) 765-8388


Facsimile (517) 241-3771


Charitable Trust Section

P.O. Box 30214

Lansing, MI 48909-7714

Questions About Charities, call (517) 373-1152

Questions About Police or Fire Organizations, call (800) 769-4515





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You got it! I am sending a hand written one out of this letter out tomorrow. Thanks for all you do Wingnut.




Contact AG



Michigan Department of Attorney General



Lansing Office


G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor

525 W. Ottawa St.

P.O. Box 30212

Lansing, MI 48909

Main Number (517) 373-1110

Facsimile (517) 373-3042




Detroit Office


Cadillac Place, 10th Floor

3030 W. Grand Blvd., Suite 10-200

Detroit, MI 48202

(313) 456-0240

Facsimile (313) 456-0241




Grand Rapids Office


State Office Building, Suite 4C

350 Ottawa NW

Grand Rapids, MI 49503

(616) 356-0400

Facsimile (616) 356-0411




Consumer Protection Division


P.O. Box 30213


Lansing, MI 48909


(517) 373-1140


Toll Free (877) 765-8388


Facsimile (517) 241-3771


Charitable Trust Section

P.O. Box 30214

Lansing, MI 48909-7714

Questions About Charities, call (517) 373-1152

Questions About Police or Fire Organizations, call (800) 769-4515







Medicinal Patient, Thank you for adding the address,I know it will help those folks that are sending this Formal complaint. I was kinda tired when I posted this last night.

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It's hard for me to imagine why he has such a vendetta against us, especially since he's smoked mj in college. It seems ther a quite a few who tried it, who are not very strongly opposed to it. This make no sense to me. So there has to be another motive. My feelings on this are that he doesn't want to appear soft on crime. But mj is a "soft drug" with much promise medicinally. He knows that. He's using his personal bias to hurt us, in hopes of advancing his political career. The big money he's inherited, the votes of police and others are guaranteed if he's tough on crime. Being a bully, being feared, being heavy handed and not compassionate is NOT the way to win favor with THE PEOPLE, unless he doesn't care about that. IF he cared about OUR FEELINGS, he'd listen to us. Just because someone doesn't LOOK like they're dying, whether or not he sees them from afar through a window, or close up, no one can make such a judgement based on observation alone. That is folly. Pain does not always show itself through physical appearance. He should know better than that.


here's a rough draft of what I'd like to say to him. It may need some refining.


Keep going against the Will of The People, it'll cost you your political career. Look at what snyder's doing, thousands of people are angry and hurting. These issue go far beyond medical marijuana, it's about rights, it's about choices, it's about Compassion. Thousands in Our medical marijuana Community are also hurting, and we are NOT some fringe element,. If you think 63% of us are all some fringe group, you're sadly mistaken. Many of those people voted for you, mr. schuettee. IF you had the best interest at heart for The People, you'd listen to them. didn't we speak loud enough on Sept. 7th? Didn't we speak loud enough at the polls in 2008 when we passed Prop. 1? States have the Right to enact their own laws, Please HONOR the Will of The People. If you cannot do your job properly, than step down and let someone who will. There are many laws people dislike, yet they obey them. Everyone has to obey laws, regardless what position they hold. I wish you'd examine your heart and see the Truth and stop creating more problems for us.


and by the way, I was at that rally Sept 7, 2011, walking around. I did NOT see or smell any marijuana. Others who walked around did not see or smell any, either. One or two may have started to light up, but we told them not to. We are the Michigan Medical marijuana Association, we asked our members to be on their best behavior. Many who came do not belong to our site; we can't control everyone. They're supposed to know the law prohibits public use. We did our best to inform our members.


Please put the prejudice and propaganda aside and see the true faces of this war you're declared on us. These people are upstanding citizens, they vote, work hard, pay taxes, and obey laws, they have responsibility, they have families, friends, and feelings, just like you. They are NOT criminals just because they choose Cannabis for their medicine. Many are disabled, many are unable to work. All they want is to be left alone, to have the right the voters gave them to choose this medicine. The People gave us this Right, we shouldn't have to be fighting for what was already granted to us by a large majority of MI voters. This is about Compassion. Stop arresting patients, Implement the Law, and realize you can't have your way all the time; no one can. You have an obvious conflict of interest which should've disqualified you from taking office. You do not have the right to reveal patients' private medical records, you do not have the right to amend our law. This law would work fine IF you'd just GIVE IT A CHANCE. How can you say it's broken when it hasn't been given the chance to work? If a dr told you that you have cancer, do you really believe you'd look any different? MAYBE in the LAST stages of the disease, you would.


The People Have Spoken- it's time for you to LISTEN.


Sincerely, Sb

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@ long hair Bri, yup I had 50 cards that I passed out to family /friends, going to use some card stock and print more. Wouldn't that be a surprise to Bill Schuette when receiving, say 1000 or more

Formal complaints. I would have liked to supply the stamp, but with finances being what they are, well lot's of Michiganders are in the same shape ( NO MONEY ) But this is one more way we all can make our voices heard. NOT THAT BILL IS INTERESTED IN ANY THING WE SAY!

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