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Medical Marijuana Superstores Coming To Michigan


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To bad its a private company. Would like to know if any our Lansing employees invested in this venture. I just hope they hire Michigan residents...


Medical Marijuana Superstore to Help Michigan Patients Grow Their Own


Court Rules to Close Dispensaries, National Hydroponics Franchise weGrow Plans to Help Michigan’s 100,000 Medical Cannabis Patients




DETROIT – August 26, 2011 – Michigan’s 99,500 medical marijuana patients may not be able to buy medicine from dispensaries after this week’s court ruling, but they can still grow their own. weGrow, named the “Walmart of Weed” by national media, announced that a franchise store will open in Michigan by December in response to the closing of hundreds of marijuana dispensaries around the state.


weGrow helps patients grow their own medicine.


“The closing of Michigan dispensaries will not only put thousands of people out of jobs overnight in a state with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, it will also make life even harder for those patients who are already suffering,” said Justin Jorgensen, chief operations officer for weGrow. “In order to get access to their medicine, patients can’t just go to the store and buy it… they now have to learn to grow it on their own. That’s what weGrow can help with and that’s why we’re making our Michigan store a priority.”


weGrow is a one-stop-shop for the products and services one would need to grow plants indoors. The Michigan store will feature approximately 10,000 square feet of hydroponic supplies, live grow room demonstrations with non-marijuana plants, classes to teach safe and responsible practices for cultivation as well as expert technicians for professional grow room assistance. The only thing weGrow does not sell is the actual plants.


The decision to shut down Michigan dispensaries comes just months after Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer suspended the Grand Canyon state’s medical marijuana dispensary program, leaving thousands of state licensed medical marijuana card holders with no way to purchase their medicine. Despite the suspension, weGrow opened a franchise location in Phoenix on June 1, 2011, the very same day that the dispensary program should have opened in Arizona.


“The opening of the weGrow Phoenix store in the midst of such uncertainty for medical marijuana patients really shifted the way that I thought about this business,” said Sunny Singh, weGrow Phoenix franchisee. “Every day I meet new patients who have serious ailments, and we’re able to help them grow their own medicine. It’s very fulfilling and I’m glad that the weGrow team is pushing to get the Michigan store up and running sooner than anticipated to help those patients in the same way.”


With hundreds of entrepreneurs in Michigan now out of business and locked into real estate, weGrow Founder Dhar Mann anticipates a rush to the hydroponics industry.


“It makes sense for those entrepreneurs who are already well-versed in the industry and are now out of business to find a way to help their customers access their medicine,” said Mann. “Opening a weGrow franchise may be a great opportunity for some of those people.”


New weGrow stores are set to open in Washington D.C., Flagstaff, Ariz. and now Michigan before the end of the year.


For more information, please visit www.weGrowStore.com.

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i say boycott and PROTEST their storefronts. Peacefully ofcourse. we DO NOT NEED out of State companies, trying to take jobs, and money from our market. while i agree that it is a great idea to be able to offer classes (low to no cost would be best), this can be done via your local/regional Compassion Club.


its time to move forward folks. Organize, and get those local clubs and relationships moving forward.

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i say boycott and PROTEST their storefronts. Peacefully ofcourse. we DO NOT NEED out of State companies, trying to take jobs, and money from our market. while i agree that it is a great idea to be able to offer classes (low to no cost would be best), this can be done via your local/regional Compassion Club.


its time to move forward folks. Organize, and get those local clubs and relationships moving forward.



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that is true. but for 7.25 an hr? and all the business profits head back to AZ? id rather YOU open the store, hire the people for 7.25 and the business profits stay in Michigan.

Maybe but is minimun wage better than nothing at all which is happening more and more. Also there is someone like me that while I work I could get by with less money if I was doing something as cool as helping patients to learn to grow. also boosting my knowledge in the process. So many of the grow stores are franchises anyway this might help to bring down prices. Not everything coming from outside of Michigan is bad. I mean there are so many companies from michigan moving out someone has to take their place. All I'm Sayin,

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i agree Big J, but i would MUCH rather see YOU open a store, than another walmart/homey depot/ Sams Club type store come in. we have enough of those community killers already.


walmart employs ALOT of people, for bunny muffin wages, no benefits, and makes Billions off the backs of sick, ill, and financialy destitute people. Strictly because they can, and it bolsters theyr already soaring profit margins.

i just can not and Will not support that. even for 20 jobs more in the state. the cost is Just too high.

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The big thing with the mom and pops (which I do tend to frequent as often as I can) is, they can't get the price cuts from the manufacturers like the chains. due to volume. I have run 2 small business for owners and the owners got crushed under the corporate giants. One actually went under because of at home people with no overhead undercutting all the bids. Try matching prices with E-BAY sometime.

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The big thing with the mom and pops (which I do tend to frequent as often as I can) is, they can't get the price cuts from the manufacturers like the chains. due to volume. I have run 2 small business for owners and the owners got crushed under the corporate giants. One actually went under because of at home people with no overhead undercutting all the bids. Try matching prices with E-BAY sometime.


Agreed J. I knew someone like that too in a local business. They couldn't compete with the internet prices from their physical storefront. I suggested they use eBay to their advantage like so many others did. If ya can't beat 'em join 'em. They never had even a computer and were intimidated by the technology so were stubborn and didn't do it. They were forced out of business and lost their knickers at auction. So much of that happening these days.


I try to stay out of the chain stores if at all possible.

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if someone wants to invest in a company in Michigan, I dont care if they are from mars. It will employ more people


You're correct and if they go to the municipalities looking for any tax incentives to open shop they must create x amount of jobs per $$$ in tax reductions or TIF incentives. Stay on top of this one and go to your council meetings. Make sure they hire Michigan residents. We may not like it but they are no different than the local Family Dollar moving in. Most franchises are out of state....and open up here. If they don't meet our expectations we don't have to shop there. It also will encourage a little competition out there to offer the best price and occasional specials.

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I guess what I am thinking about is what happened about 10 years ago in the state on Michigan. The powers that be wanted to close down a bunch of ORV and snomobile trails. They were having a hard time doing that until they pitted the ORV users against the smomoblie users. We started fighting amongst ourselves about who got the right to what trails and then both side lost a bunch a bunch of trails


The sad thing was that the ORV riders and the smowmobile riders all wanted the same thing, more trails and more trails grommed and taken care of but the infighting led to both sides losing what they were fighting for and the end result was less trails for both groups.


I know medical marijuana and ORV/smowmoblie riding are very different but in this case I think they are very much alike. It is an age-old tactic that governments use, so with saying that I just hope we dont do this to ourselves. We need to fight together and for eachother rather than divide. If we divide we have lost

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Oh I am not fighting I just think that anything that brings Jobs to the state can't be all bad. Also if they are truely about helping patients I applaud them. If someone feels they are profiteering I am sorry but I am an objectivist I feel there is nothing wrong with making money. Now if they come here and their prices suck guess what they won't make it. Plus I actually prefer smaller shops where I can get to know the people. I have switched shops recently. Because the people I had built a relationship with were let go. In lieu of less experienced cheaper workers. That treated me like I was an idiot when I came looking for stuff there is a new shop closer and one of the former people now runs that shop so I go there. I am cheap and like cheap prices but service is very important to me I will pay more if I am treated well and by a good customer service person. As a former boss I tried to stress the importance of exceptional customer service not just good but exceptional service. If they are just try to bilk patients that is tinkle poor service and should be rewarded with not going there please don't think I am fighting with anyone all opinions should be treated with the greatest respect and an open mind and ears. If our politicians would do that our country would not be falling apart.

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Preach on brother J!. i do agree. i would just prefer to see a Michigan Company open its doors, before any out of state interests do...


it would be one thing if said company was Re Locating their headquarters here, but to open a wally world of hydro supplies, is the LAST thing michigan needs in my honest opinion. It will only further treat Michiganders like a commodity, not a person. sure they may hire a Mgn and 15 employess, but when all the profit of the company goes to AZ, all we are left with is 15 people working to help another states economy far more than our own.

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I guess what I am thinking about is what happened about 10 years ago in the state on Michigan. The powers that be wanted to close down a bunch of ORV and snomobile trails. They were having a hard time doing that until they pitted the ORV users against the smomoblie users. We started fighting amongst ourselves about who got the right to what trails and then both side lost a bunch a bunch of trailsThe sad thing was that the ORV riders and the smowmobile riders all wanted the same thing, more trails and more trails grommed and taken care of but the infighting led to both sides losing what they were fighting for and the end result was less trails for both groups. I know medical marijuana and ORV/smowmoblie riding are very different but in this case I think they are very much alike. It is an age-old tactic that governments use, so with saying that I just hope we dont do this to ourselves. We need to fight together and for eachother rather than divide. If we divide we have lost



This is already happening is the Medical Marijuana community. Most are just to blind, or high to notice.

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I have yet to meet any one who who is a legitimate Patient "getting high". Only ones doing that are they people gaming the system.


As far as this store goes, i hope it closes the same week it opens!


We have local L.E. and politicians forcing other locally owned and operated grow stores to close costing jobs...

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