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Peanutbutter´s Oil Works It´s Mojo Here In The Dr

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Down for a little R&R, all was great until last night. Altho, I had just eaten in one of the nicest restaurants in Boca Chica, 3 hours later, I started to experience intestinal distress from hell. Sprinting laps from the bano to my cama, and then, after anything that could have been in me was evacuated, the cramps started. The cramps had me doubled up in the fetal position for a half hour, before I thought of taking some of PB´s oil in a glass of water. Fifteen minutes later the cramps were GONE!!! My stomach was still sore, but I felt decent and could go to sleep. Just took another dose this morning, and hope to be able to rejoin the party tonite.

I am a living testimonial, THX PB

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I'm livinf proof. I have GERD with horrible heartburn. I took four drops oil pb oil INSTEAD of taking my aciphex, i spoke with my dr first, and four days later i took four more drops because i was afraid that it had been too long since i took them and i was going to get heartburn but i didnt. After i finish thia bottle i will definitely be finding a way to buy more. I had heard since thw dispensaries closed that we will not be able to buy anymore. Is this true Blueberry???

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