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How To Start Collecting Signitures To Recall Bill Schuette

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Instructions for Circulating the Petition to Recall Attorney General Bill Schuette

(taken from http://www.facebook.com/groups/recallbillschuette/doc/260563053977330/ check site for updates)




BEFORE circulating the petition, please be sure to READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.


PLEASE be sure you understand and comply with ALL rules to prevent petition rejections.


Thank you for your help! We could not do this without you wonderful volunteers helping us.




General Instructions


Each petition is one sheet, printed Black & White (no color) front and back.


The page size is 8.5 x 14. Front page is available at:




Back of page is available at:






Alternate link for the petition is:






· DO NOT make any copies of the petitions. (once voters names are on it. added by WLP)


· Petition circulators are not required to be registered to vote in the state of Michigan, but they must be 18 years old and eligible to register to vote.


· DO NOT sign a petition that you circulate. You cannot verify your own signature. You may sign the petition of a different circulator for your city/township and county.


· Only signatures of registered Michigan voters can be counted. Please be sure to ask people if they are registered to vote. (It is recommended that you carry blank voter registration forms with you to hand out to people. Ask any non-registered voter to fill out the form and mail it in, and stress the importance of voting in November. Even if they do not support the recall, tell them it is important for their voice to be heard too.) If a person is uncertain whether or not they are registered, encourage them to re-register.


· Each petition must be signed by residents of the city or township and county that appears in the header at the top of the petition. Please carry sufficient blank petition forms at all times to allow you to fill out a separate sheet for each city/township and county as needed (especially if you are at a large community event such as a festival).


· Please use blue or black ink only. All information on the petition must be written in ink – no erasures are permitted. No Red, Green, or other color ink should be used to sign petitions.


· If a person makes a significant mistake while entering their information, draw a single line through the entire entry and have them initial it at both ends, then start fresh on the next signature block. Have the voter correct smaller errors by drawing a single line through the error and initialing it, then entering the correct information beside the error. This error correction method will make verification easier on the clerks (please remember that most of their jobs are on the chopping block too, so even though they work for the state, they may be allies).




Fill In the Top of Each Petition


· Fill in the header portion of each petition with the city/township and county before collecting your first signature on that sheet.


· Remember – all signatures on a single petition sheet must be from registered voters of the same city/township and county.


· Failure to follow these rules can result in the disqualification of signatures during the validation process.




Signature Gathering


· Signature Lines: You must personally witness each person signing the petition.


· DO NOT fill in any information for the voter.


· Ask individuals if they are registered voters before you ask them to sign the petition.


· Verify with the signer what city/township and county of residence that they are registered to vote in before having them sign and make sure that the sheet they are signing has the correct information in the top section.


· Collect signatures ONLY from registered voters of the city/township and county you have designated at the top of each petition sheet. Use a different sheet for each city/township and county.


· Ask individuals to sign their name exactly as it appears on their voter registration card and to print the other information as neatly as possible.


· Make sure that the voter completes all blanks and signs his/her own name.


· Make certain that the voter enters the correct date in the last column – this is the date the petition is signed, not a birth date.


· Make sure that each voter uses the next available line to ensure that all dates are in sequential date order.


· NO Post Office box addresses are permitted – residential addresses only. There is no requirement for city names on the signature lines of this form (the city/township is listed at the top).


· It is not necessary to have all ten lines filled in before turning in a petition sheet, but please try to complete each sheet with as many collected signatures as possible.



How I go about collecting signatures



Please read the back of the petition for official instructions


I print out about 10 or so copies and get a big clip board with a pen and go out and ask people

"Do you know who Bill Schuette is?"


--> "yes" immediately ask them if they'd like to recall him (If they know who he is than they either like

him or hate him, either way you're either going to get a signature or not, no convincing these



--> "no" then "He is the state attorney general, he thinks caregivers have to have a separate room for

each 12 plants and campaigned against the medical marijuana law before it was passed. If this

doesn't get them I say “I feel he is doing anything he can to make the medical marijuana law




If they decide to sign ask them what city they are registered to vote in


-->if they don't know you should have extra voter registration forms on you

(http://www.michigan....9pg_16088_7.pdf) and have them fill one out.

-->if they can't vote thank them for their support and politely move on to a potentially eligible person

(This happens a lot and its hard not to get into a conversation about taking away peoples right to

democracy, but the goal is to get as many petitions signed as possible in the amount of time you


-->if they know the city fill out the city and county at the top of the petition and have them sign it.

(you'll need many petitions as only people from the city or township can sign that particular petition,

you will end up with many petitions with only one signature on it from running into people from far



Some things to look out for


1. Make sure the first person that signs does so in the correct position, lots of peeps do it one line to high.

2. Make sure they date it with today's date, I say "Sign, print your name, your street address and todays date"


Any problems please contact me on MichiganMedicalMarijuana.org I'm WalledLakePatient

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Instructions for Circulating the Petition to Recall Attorney General Bill Schuette




BEFORE circulating the petition, please be sure to READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.


PLEASE be sure you understand and comply with ALL rules to prevent petition rejections.


Thank you for your help! We could not do this without you wonderful volunteers helping us.




General Instructions


Each petition is one sheet, printed Black & White (no color) front and back.


The page size is 8.5 x 14. Front page is available at:




Back of page is available at:






Alternate link for the petition is:






· DO NOT make any copies of the petitions.


· Petition circulators are not required to be registered to vote in the state of Michigan, but they must be 18 years old and eligible to register to vote.


· DO NOT sign a petition that you circulate. You cannot verify your own signature. You may sign the petition of a different circulator for your city/township and county.


· Only signatures of registered Michigan voters can be counted. Please be sure to ask people if they are registered to vote. (It is recommended that you carry blank voter registration forms with you to hand out to people. Ask any non-registered voter to fill out the form and mail it in, and stress the importance of voting in November. Even if they do not support the recall, tell them it is important for their voice to be heard too.) If a person is uncertain whether or not they are registered, encourage them to re-register.


· Each petition must be signed by residents of the city or township and county that appears in the header at the top of the petition. Please carry sufficient blank petition forms at all times to allow you to fill out a separate sheet for each city/township and county as needed (especially if you are at a large community event such as a festival).


· Please use blue or black ink only. All information on the petition must be written in ink – no erasures are permitted. No Red, Green, or other color ink should be used to sign petitions.


· If a person makes a significant mistake while entering their information, draw a single line through the entire entry and have them initial it at both ends, then start fresh on the next signature block. Have the voter correct smaller errors by drawing a single line through the error and initialing it, then entering the correct information beside the error. This error correction method will make verification easier on the clerks (please remember that most of their jobs are on the chopping block too, so even though they work for the state, they may be allies).




Fill In the Top of Each Petition


· Fill in the header portion of each petition with the city/township and county before collecting your first signature on that sheet.


· Remember – all signatures on a single petition sheet must be from registered voters of the same city/township and county.


· Failure to follow these rules can result in the disqualification of signatures during the validation process.




Signature Gathering


· Signature Lines: You must personally witness each person signing the petition.


· DO NOT fill in any information for the voter.


· Ask individuals if they are registered voters before you ask them to sign the petition.


· Verify with the signer what city/township and county of residence that they are registered to vote in before having them sign and make sure that the sheet they are signing has the correct information in the top section.


· Collect signatures ONLY from registered voters of the city/township and county you have designated at the top of each petition sheet. Use a different sheet for each city/township and county.


· Ask individuals to sign their name exactly as it appears on their voter registration card and to print the other information as neatly as possible.


· Make sure that the voter completes all blanks and signs his/her own name.


· Make certain that the voter enters the correct date in the last column – this is the date the petition is signed, not a birth date.


· Make sure that each voter uses the next available line to ensure that all dates are in sequential date order.


· NO Post Office box addresses are permitted – residential addresses only. There is no requirement for city names on the signature lines of this form (the city/township is listed at the top).


· It is not necessary to have all ten lines filled in before turning in a petition sheet, but please try to complete each sheet with as many collected signatures as possible.

Thanks for the information. I had heard they were fussy about the petitions. We will print them out and get them to some of the local dispensaries and grow shops.

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I print out about 10 or so copies and get a big clip board with a pen and go out and ask people

"Do you know who Bill Schuette is?"

--> "yes" immediately ask them if they'd like to recall him,

--> "no" then "He is the state attorney general, he thinks caregivers have to have a seperate room for each 12 plants and campaigned against the medical marijuana law before it was passed.


If they decide to sign ask them what city they are registered to vote in

-->if they don't know you should have extra voter registration forms on you (http://www.michigan.gov/documents/ed-109pg_16088_7.pdf) and have them fill one out.

-->if they can't vote thank them for their support and politely move on to a potentially eligible person

-->if they know the city fill out the city and county at the top of the petition and have them sign it.


Some things to look out for


1. Make sure the first person that signs does so in the correct position, lots of peeps do it one line to high.

2. Make sure they date it with today's date, I say "Sign, print your name, your street address and todays date"


I'll update this as needed and thanks for anyone that reads it.



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Can I rip your post and post on other forums?


Excellent work brother.


That is a copy of the Recall Schuette Petition Instructions. Better to get it from the original source in case of updates.


I suggest sending out the following info. The Recall Schuette Petition Instructions at this Facebook group are updated when necessary. Also, the author of the recall petition is available on this group.


The latest version of the Petition Instructions can be found here:

Latest Petition Instructions


The petition download links are in the above document. Here is one of them:

Petition Download Link

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I've also been making packs of 10 petitions, 5 voter registration forms, and a copy of the instructions and handing them out to mmj related businesses and groups. Many are happy to finally have it and have been waiting for one.



I noticed that. :thumbsu: And made a mental note to start doing the same. I also carry Voter Registration Forms.


Passing out Petition Packs is a great idea!


Mind if I spread it?

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That is a copy of the Recall Schuette Petition Instructions. Better to get it from the original source in case of updates.


I suggest sending out the following info. The Recall Schuette Petition Instructions at this Facebook group are updated when necessary. Also, the author of the recall petition is available on this group.


The latest version of the Petition Instructions can be found here:

Latest Petition Instructions


The petition download links are in the above document. Here is one of them:

Petition Download Link


Montmorency County is NOT on the Recall List ...


I need it for tomorrows " Atlanta Compassion Club " meeting

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Montmorency County is NOT on the Recall List ...


I need it for tomorrows " Atlanta Compassion Club " meeting


You can print blank petitions, then fill the top out manually.


There are two blanks at the top the first is for the town, or township, the 2nd is for the county.


So in your case, the first blank would something like "Montmorency Township" and the 2nd blank would contain "Montmorency".


Blank petitions are at: http://www.cityhallrecall.com/

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