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Caregiver Needed/compassion Club Search


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I am looking for a caregiver in either Grand Rapids or Mt. Pleasant. I would need the meds to be delivered in Mt. Pleasant, but I would be able to drive in Grand Rapids.


I need meds for my mental health, which includes PTSD(on remission), excessive worrying, repressed emotions, and obsessive thoughts and behaviors. Sativa has been great for me in the past(e.g. haze).


Also, I am curious about compassion clubs close to Grand Rapids and Mt. Pleasant.


Please send a personal message if you are a caregiver that would be able to provide assistance.


Thank you.

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I am looking for a caregiver in either Grand Rapids or Mt. Pleasant. I would need the meds to be delivered in Mt. Pleasant, but I would be able to drive in Grand Rapids.


I need meds for my mental health, which includes PTSD(on remission), excessive worrying, repressed emotions, and obsessive thoughts and behaviors. Sativa has been great for me in the past(e.g. haze).


Also, I am curious about compassion clubs close to Grand Rapids and Mt. Pleasant.


Please send a personal message if you are a caregiver that would be able to provide assistance.


Thank you.

I am Inbetween MtP and GR., I have openings avaliable, and reawsonable rates..Still looking?

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