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Rrial Attorney Offers Donated Time To Caregivers On Marijuana Mattters

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A trial attorney (practicing for 25 years in Michigan), himself a caregiver (to cancer patients), suprised me at Jackson Farmer's Market yesterday. He had his young daughter along and, when he got to my table, had bags of purchases in each hand. To each vending caregiver he offered his card and pledged donated time on marijuana-related matters. He made it clear the donated time was for marijuana-related matters only, but what a gift!

I won't put his name and phone here (I was so shocked I forgot to ask his permission to post it) but if you r a caregiver in need of donated time on an m related matter, if you post a ressponse I will contact him 4 u and ask if it's for Jackson vendors only, or all CG's with marijuana-related legal difficulties.

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Young children are allowed in the Jackson Market? Please tell me she was a patient or I misinterpeted and "young" means someone over 18 but younger than 40 :)


:goodjob: - To the attorney offering help :)



NOTE: In no way am I implying harm would come to a child for being in a market. Just fuel for fires is all I am saying :) Theres already too much false reporting in the media claiming harm to children from this iniative.

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Very nice of Him.


i too was torn on the young child with them, but look at it this way. we know its non menacing. we know its non harmfull, and we know how the public sees things. I offer this view. it really is a harmless and safe medicine. our children shoudl be safe and un harmed by being in its mere presance, regardless of age. this can show and spark debate by the non beleivers. let them TRUELY know how Harmless (toxic) it is, yet how Helpfull (medically) i truely is.

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