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Palisades Nuclear Plant Cooling Failure, Van Buren Co.


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Seems that we are allways the last to hear about these things.


Apparentley they're cooling system sprung a leak again: 10gal/min on Thursday or Friday. Plant remains offline ...


Haven't been able to find any local coverage of the event, except for this:

Palisades Problems


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This plant has just recently been inspected by the NRC and we are awaiting the results of the report due in 45 days. Obviously their judgemnet is a little lax as this is a new incident even before those report-results could see the light of day. The inspection was deemed necessary because of an incident in Jan when there was another cooling failure. Most people with any knowledge of machinery and automobiles could tell you that "Baby is talking to you and shes' not feeling too good" ....

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Plant was just re-licensed in 2007 for 20 more years.

Palisades Details

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Yeah, they don't want us to get upset at the possible failure of the plant.



There was a protest down at Fermi sometime this week too, but I can't find the info. For those interested in finding out, I heard it on Peter Werbe'sshow, Night Call,on WRIF.



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Seems that we are allways the last to hear about these things.


Apparentley they're cooling system sprung a leak again: 10gal/min on Thursday or Friday. Plant remains offline ...


Haven't been able to find any local coverage of the event, except for this:

Palisades Problems


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This plant has just recently been inspected by the NRC and we are awaiting the results of the report due in 45 days. Obviously their judgemnet is a little lax as this is a new incident even before those report-results could see the light of day. The inspection was deemed necessary because of an incident in Jan when there was another cooling failure. Most people with any knowledge of machinery and automobiles could tell you that "Baby is talking to you and shes' not feeling too good" ....

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Plant was just re-licensed in 2007 for 20 more years.

Palisades Details


this was the cooling system, which is totally separate from the radioactive materials. just like your car doesn't (or shouldn't) burn radiator fluid in the cylinders. ;)


it is also tested on many different levels for any radiation.


i've seen it covered on woodtv 8, wwmt 3 and wxmi fox 17.


what would become an issue, is if the cooling system went down and the fail safes and automatic shutdowns didn't function (as with Japan), and no one was there monitoring it.


this is nothing, in terms of a danger to the public.


i'm not associated with palisades, never worked there, and have only been there twice. once when i was in 3rd grade, and another time when i was working construction and went for half an hour to the site of a new pole building they were having built. this is just knowledge of how it works from my own research (helps to know what you're dealing with when you live so close to it) :)

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The place is 40 yrs old, it has had several incidents in the past few years. They relicensed it for twenty more years in 2007. They dont sell nuclear insurance in this country. It was built for like 170 million back in the late 60's. It was sold in 2007 to Entenergy from Louisiana, home of Katrinas' Refuges. The glowing elephant on the Planet is they also took possesion of 40 years worth of spent but still ' radioactive and hot '. Stored in receptacles that have a 60 yr design cycle. They pay a fee to the FEDs since initial licensing for them to deal with it, but alas they didn't do anything but misappropriate the funds then decide where they can't put it: Yucca Mountain in AZ.


I totally disagree with your statement " this is nothing, in terms of a danger to the public." There is a good chance that the latest leak/blowout was possibly related to the recent siesmic activity around the East Coast.

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These nuke plants have 3 back ups for all safety related systems. This incident was a leaky valve, not really a big event in the scheme of things. Comparisons to what happened in Japan are laughable. We stand little chance of having a tsunami after an earthquake, do we?


As a group we use more power than any other home based groups that i could think of. And seriously we don't have good options in MI. Coal is dirty, gas is expensive. Solar and wind are not base load types of power plants. And they don't want us outdoors under the schuete regime. I wish we had better options but it is what it is. My biggest concern is all that stored radioactive material that we as a country don't really seriously deal with.


Anyone willing to cough up higher electric rates for new plants? Not me.......shredder

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i'm shaking my head right now......


would you junk your car because your radiator sprung a leak? there are multiple cooling systems in place with a nuc plant, we were never in danger, quit believing the media and your friends at the water cooler. don't be a follower or a repeater, do some research and voice your own words, not just want the news caster or your friends have told you.

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