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Planet Greentrees Webisode #60 9 21 11

Michael Komorn

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Hosted by Attorney Michael Komorn


Up to date information about everything that is Medical Marijuana, News, Legal Issues, commentary, community input.


-The MMMA goes to Lansing


-Lets discuss the Patient Bill of Rights,


-the MMMA Patron Program




Call-in Number: (347) 326-9626


Please join us tonight for a very Special 2 hour Episode of Planet Green Trees, hosted by: Attorney Michael Komorn. ALSO IN THE STUDIO TONIGHT KOMORNLAW-CHAD FROM THE BIRMINGHAM COMPASSION CLUB-PENUT BUTTER


Tonight’s Show is Sponsored by: The Michigan Medical Marihuana Association. Production Director Ken Blanks, Special Thanks to MMMA Joe Cain, Garfield. And all the Moderators (Thanks you for the hard work you do for this community), The American Medical Marijuana Association Jay VanDyke Michigan’s Choice 1248-750-1000, Green Thumb Garden Center


Regretfully, None of the content of from this show or any other show should be considered legal advice, and is merely at times the opinion of lawyer. Please do not rely upon anything said in this show or any other show to believe what I say will protect you from an arrest, or prosecution or other penalty.


Michael A. Komorn Attorney and Counselor 18006563557

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Great show gentlemen. :thumbsu:


Sorry for that rant there at the end but sometimes ya just need to vent. :growl:



Things were just getting good when time management cut it short . I bet the phone lines would of started to light up . Until Law Enforcement understands they need to aknowledge legal medical cannabis and seperate it from the recreational - there will be terrible injustice and problems . They have 100k people wanting to comply with law that works and is realistic with legal alternatives for all activity . .


BTW I hear the dispensories in Ann Arbor that closed may be reopening on Friday if your a member and interested you may want to stop by and support them .

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Discrimination :notfair: When the government does it, it becomes institutionalized. Freedom denied for one is freedom denied for all. Discrimination in all it's forms is disgusting. Sick People. I don't get it. The school yard bully is walking amongst us. Picking on the weak kids. Sooner or later, bullies meet their match. Thanks, Bb


Blueberry, I can't thank you enough for all that you do. It sickens me to see the bullies picking on the weak and I've always believed in fighting them in whatever manner necessary. Unity can't be stressed enough when dealing with the cowards that single out the weak. They rarely, if ever, will stand face to face with an equal adversary.


We need to remember that when those that are preyed upon stand united, the tables are turned and the predators become the prey.



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