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Herman Cain..

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I just wanted some news on the candidates.....out of all of them most know their stance on MM...Cain in the only one who has not talked about his stance on MM? I wonder why this is? I know he is for the Federal Reserve...... and his 999 plan is total BS. but whats the stance with him on Medical Marijuana? anyone know?

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Herman Cain jokes about electrifying the border fence (to keep them out , or us in ??) I am pretty sure what an establishment lackey would say about MMJ. HC is a distraction , don't take him seriously.I drove by the train station when he was speaking a couple weeks ago ,there were only 30-40 people

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Every 4 years we listen to all the promises and big plans and we fall for this idea that one person, the new president, can fix our nation's problems. It is simply not true. Our system does not allow one person to dictate even the best of plans.


Once elected, the ideals and campaign promises of ALL candidates bump up against the reality of Washington politics and the 'way things have always been done'.


The most that any of them can promise is that they will try to work with Congress to enact their plans.

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if you found a perfect canidate, he or she could solve the unemployment problem and fix the deficit but was against MM would you vote for him or her?


Cannabis is the #1 cash crop in our Country. What candidate would be against a commodity that has such value?





So the answer is NO.





and on a side note: if a politician discusses economics but does not support the ending of the Federal Reserve, they are not interested in the betterment of our economy and what it will take for the United States of America to be free of a monetary system based on usury.

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if you found a perfect canidate, he or she could solve the unemployment problem and fix the deficit but was against MM would you vote for him or her?



i probably would. only because we are a STATE. and Federal Supremecy Laws are ILLEGAL as they Circumvent State Law.

so ya, it would keep things as they are currently, but we have work and money again.

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Ron Paul is the only OTHER choice, all the rest are puppets, bought and paid for. That is why they sell the meme that he can't win then they repeat it like a mantra,all the while ignoring him in the debates. They give him way less exposure and marginalize it when they do.


All the main stream media is a joke. Fox, CNN , MSNBC are all propaganda outlets trying to work over your mind . You think there are two sides but there is only one , they provide both sides of the debate and control the argument. We are Nazi Germany in the 30's ,we are in martial law.One doesn't realize it til the boot is on their throat. I bet it feels like tyranny in Oakland , just like Palestine. "Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere" .(MLK I think , don't want to steal.)It's worse than we can possibly imagine , we are under the control of a criminal government.

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