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State Your Position Clearly

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With changes all around us, I had wrote this on thc4u.com. I felt it would be appropriate to cross post my post here, as maybe it could help direct the new forum..



I wish members of this club could take an oath. I guess we never had an oath because then it would imply that the club has rules and standards (We do!!)


When I was into Martial Science (its not art!) Korean, Japanese, even US boxing - we had an oath. The Marines have theirs that basically says "honor, courage, commitment." Marital Sciences had similar oaths, about fostering the spirit of others, about being unselfish, about standing for the right things.


I guess today, in times now where the patients and caregivers have mixed in with the legalization crowd - maybe we need to affirm our position on marijuana. This way people know what the club stands for, for what some of the leaders believe in. I am not putting anyone on the spot to take an oath, you will make your own.


My Oath is simple:

"I am for medical use of marijuana. My fight is for patient and caregiver rights to medical use of marijuana. I intend to teach others about medical use of marijuana, and help others to grow for themselves. I believe in farmer's markets, not dispensaries. I will help patients to a organic, self-help medical solution, over the synthetic, uncompassionate healthcare system in place today."


I have to be clear, I am not for legalization of marijuana. While I understand recreational use of marijuana, I do not promote it. My experience has lead me to believe that USA has a drug problem, it is not over a plant, a pill, or bottle, but USA has a serious self esteem problem that causes it to abuse many things, sex, drugs, mindless entertainment. I cannot support allowing another drug to be so accessible to the general public, because they frequently have failed to show responsibility for it. Until we start taking care of our kids, our community, and be nicer to each other - we should motivate them to earn the 'reward'.


Patients and CGs 'earned' the right to use marijuana, they are sick and disabled, and they are using it as medicine. This I can support.

I expect that I will lose 'friends' or associates because I don't encourage legalization of marijuana. I know about ASA, Norml - I know they have joined our numbers in protest and club meetings. I expect them to learn from us, not the other way around. I had hoped that patients would teach recreational users to respect the drug more than a funny movie "half baked" or "Up in Smoke". I was nervous that recreational users would lead patients and CGs astray, causing them to exceed the boundaries of medical use and the protections offered by the MMMAct.


I know people are nervous about the upcoming bills by AG Shuette. I know things have changed, but things can change in a positive way. We must first state our position clearly.




you don't have to create an oath for the mmm.org site, it is a public forum, not a club perse. But everyone should be very clear on why they are in this marijuana fight, and be honest about it, to themselves and others. Stick with your belief, and not be swayed by current public opinion or mob mentality. I think this could be what the mmm.org needs at this time - its members should make a commitment, swear by it, and honor the intentions of the site.



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Full legalization is the ONLY way patients will finally be completely protected.


Our officials are determined to ignore our medical law.


There needs to be full legalization so there is NOTHING left to use against patients.


Otherwise these low life scum sucking pricks and prickettes will keep putting us in jail via any loophole they can find.

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I for one am for complete legalization, for marijuana and ALL drugs. Prohibition of anything has gotten us no where but in a deeper whole with worse addiction problems, and highetr crime rates. Look at alot of the european countries, it works period. Personal freedom is non existant in this country, and if you can buy alcohol over trhe counter marijuana should be no different. just mty 2 cents. I do believe that keeping our law is first and foremost above all of this. That takes care of people in need immediately legalization is awhile off.

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I have to be clear, I am not for legalization of marijuana. While I understand recreational use of marijuana, I do not promote it. My experience has lead me to believe that USA has a drug problem, it is not over a plant, a pill, or bottle, but USA has a serious self esteem problem that causes it to abuse many things, sex, drugs, mindless entertainment. I cannot support allowing another drug to be so accessible to the general public, because they frequently have failed to show responsibility for it. Until we start taking care of our kids, our community, and be nicer to each other - we should motivate them to earn the 'reward'.



Blech :thumbsd:


I do not support this ideal at all. The only sane law regarding Cannabis is there shall be no laws prohibiting it's growth and use. Medical laws are a necessary compromise at this time.

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I am for both legalization and medical use. I have taken my own vows in life to be a good, and honorable person, who's purpose in life is to help others so naturally that will carry into my responsibilities as a caregiver with the state of Michigan.


Both camps can co-exist, as we do have a common goal, and that is practicality and sensibility in our Marihuana policies. Many people, myself included came to realize that Medical Marihuana helped them through previous recreational use. There are far too many recreational users now to keep it illegal.


Again, Doctor Lester Grinspoon:


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perhaps the vision of full legalization is what is keeping medical use from happening? They fear legalization, when we are just trying for medical use. You can see how this effects our movement. I again do not support the legalization angle, my position is that we teach people that we are a small aspect of the general population that is not being helped by pills, the current healthcare system. We teach the public that marijuana can be medicine. they fear hippies and kids using marijuana - thats the legalization fear. If we can educate people about medical use of marijuana, maybe we can teach them at the same time not to abuse drugs for recreational use - like they are doing now. How can they fear sick and disabled people, getting a doctor's recommendation, a state issued card - a person educated about medical use of marijuana, not planning on legalizing it so everyone can party.



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i agree, peanutbutter. prohibition is the real problem at hand. while i support the mma as a fully compliant patient and caregiver, ending prohibition should be the ultimate goal. all of our political energy would be better spent in an all out campaign against marijuana prohibition. not sayin we should give up the mmma battle. just sayin it should be secondary to a full commitment to prohibition repeal.

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Blech :thumbsd:


I do not support this ideal at all. The only sane law regarding Cannabis is there shall be no laws prohibiting it's growth and use. Medical laws are a necessary compromise at this time.




Posted Today, 07:45 AM

I for one am for complete legalization, for marijuana and ALL drugs. Prohibition of anything has gotten us no where but in a deeper whole with worse addiction problems, and highetr crime rates. Look at alot of the european countries, it works period. Personal freedom is non existant in this country, and if you can buy alcohol over trhe counter marijuana should be no different. just mty 2 cents. I do believe that keeping our law is first and foremost above all of this. That takes care of people in need immediately legalization is awhile off.




Posted Today, 07:43 AM

Full legalization is the ONLY way patients will finally be completely protected.


Our officials are determined to ignore our medical law.


There needs to be full legalization so there is NOTHING left to use against patients.


Otherwise these low life scum sucking pricks and prickettes will keep putting us in jail via any loophole they can find.



I love you guys . :P

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Yeah, I can't get on board with the anti-legalization sentiment of this pledge. I support medicinal use of marijuana, but also support outright legalization. I agree that this country has severe issues that result in drug abuse problems, but maintaining legal prohibition of marijuana does NOTHING to address those issues. Instead, it diverts resources away from the treatment of addiction as the medical issue it is and exacerbates the underlying issues that lead to addiction.

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Blech :thumbsd:


I do not support this ideal at all. The only sane law regarding Cannabis is there shall be no laws prohibiting it's growth and use. Medical laws are a necessary compromise at this time.


If there were no drug laws, would you support passing new laws against drug users? Note that I didn't say against drugs. They don't put drugs in jail. They put people there.


The drug laws do not reduce use. In fact they increase drug use.


We can not afford the enforcement of drug laws any longer. The attempt to do so has caused the financial ruin of our state and country. All of our governmental debt can be traced to the attempt to enforce these laws that can't possibly work.


At first it was simply the debt. Then we had to borrow money to pay the interest on the debt caused by trying to change people by passing a law.


A law is exactly the wrong thing to try to change people.


Example -> I love the taste of apples on Monday. A law is passed on Tuesday against persons eating apples. Wednesday that apple tastes just as good.


The law was passed with no effect on people liking apples. None. How can a piece of paper in Lansing impact your taste buds in your home?

So then our lawmakers have found busy work for law enforcement. All officers have to do is look for apple trees and they have someone else to put in jail.


Oh the joy!!! Another apple addict off the streets. Another job well done.




We DON'T need our government acting as if it is improper to allow people to decide what we can and can not put in our bodies.

We're grown ups .. not the children of politicians. They aren't our parents. How did they get this right or ability?

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perhaps the vision of full legalization is what is keeping medical use from happening? They fear legalization, when we are just trying for medical use. You can see how this effects our movement. I again do not support the legalization angle, my position is that we teach people that we are a small aspect of the general population that is not being helped by pills, the current healthcare system. We teach the public that marijuana can be medicine. they fear hippies and kids using marijuana - thats the legalization fear. If we can educate people about medical use of marijuana, maybe we can teach them at the same time not to abuse drugs for recreational use - like they are doing now. How can they fear sick and disabled people, getting a doctor's recommendation, a state issued card - a person educated about medical use of marijuana, not planning on legalizing it so everyone can party.




The federal government recognizes the benefits of medical marijuana by its practice of continuing to dispense mm joints to its remaining authorized patients. However, on the other hand it violates states rights to enact their own laws by saying that Marihuana remains a schedule 1 narcotic. The local LEO who are suppose to enforce state laws choose to enforce federal law with no concern as to rather or not you are a mm patient or not. Our mm law is being attacked by people with a personal agenda at both the federal and state levels. Our plant has too many advantages for the powers to be to allow. As long as there is a loophole available for the people to be assaulted, locked up, and assets forfeited the exploiters will use it. Interestingly enough, Whilw "War on Drugs" is being waged the gov't is supplying drugs and using the proceeds to finance personal agendas. (i.e. Reagan-Contra )Not fiction just history.

Just my .02


Regards and peace,

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If there were no drug laws, would you support passing new laws against drug users? Note that I didn't say against drugs. They don't put drugs in jail. They put people there.


The drug laws do not reduce use. In fact they increase drug use.


We can not afford the enforcement of drug laws any longer. The attempt to do so has caused the financial ruin of our state and country. All of our governmental debt can be traced to the attempt to enforce these laws that can't possibly work.





I'm speaking of Cannabis specifically and I think what I said covers people who use it: There shall be no laws prohibiting growth and use of Cannabis.

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I'm speaking of Cannabis specifically and I think what I said covers people who use it: There shall be no laws prohibiting growth and use of Cannabis.


Cannabis it is ..


Still .. I'm a grown up. I don't need the government to step in as a substitute parent.


Edit .. crap, if you're going to do those kind of things, make it illegal to watch TV before you are 18.

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Cannabis it is ..


Still .. I'm a grown up. I don't need the government to step in as a substitute parent.


Edit .. crap, if you're going to do those kind of things, make it illegal to watch TV before you are 18.


I'm not sure what you are getting at, peanut. Are you expanding the dialogue to include all drugs? I mean that's okay but it goes beyond the scope of the thread.

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Prohibition has destroyed sooooo many lives I could never in good conscious support it. The drug problem before prohibition effected around 1.5% of the population and has not changed despite prohibition and the drug war. I could never support something I believe is destroying American and will make the world a worse place for my children.

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I'm not sure what you are getting at, peanut. Are you expanding the dialogue to include all drugs? I mean that's okay but it goes beyond the scope of the thread.


I'm just saying that such laws don't work. They never have and never will.


I don't need a nanny state to allow every morsel that I eat.

I don't need them to tell me how to sleep.

I don't need them to tell me how much water I am allowed to consume each day.


Passing laws to attempt this forced parenting is repulsive.

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In addition to medical cannabis, I also support full repeal of cannabis prohibition.


Prohibition didn't work in the Garden of Eden where God Himself was the sheriff and only 2 people to watch. It didn't work in the 30s with alcohol and only made rich powerful criminals. Capone and his crew weren't shooting each other over alcohol, but over profits from black market alcohol.


Prohibition isn't working now in the 21st century either, nor would it ever work in any future century.


Medical cannabis use or recreational cannabis use, makes no difference to me. Doesn't matter the reason; if you're treating cancer, MS, chronic pain, or just wanna catch a little buzz. No one should go to jail over a plant.









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now that a few years have elapsed since the passing of the constitutional amendment that allows Medical Cannabis Use sale and cultivation here in Michigan... we FINALLY see what the other side FEELS about what has transpired











WE TRIED TO MAKE IT A VIABLE MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR ALL...that does not seem to be working at the moment because of all the fear and paranoia-

shoot we all need counseling for PTSD because of having to deal with all the fear and crap the otherside puts on our shoulders-

we want to comply we want to be productive members of society, we want to pay taxes get along and belong! we want our PAINS TO GO AWAY! let us have cannabis freely to do what we want with it-its our/my body not your yours


medical Cannabis is a flop because its being regulated out of existence for the POOR/SICK and NEEDY!



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Pretty simple stuff from my perspective...


~ the existing CSA laws are unethical & immoral... and extremely harmful to individual people, their families & the community as a whole, where jailing them serves a minority interest, not the greater public good,

~ marijuana also happens to offer tremendous potential for serving the medical community, which makes the injustices of the CSA that much greater,

~ the 'medical' movement is overwhelmingly comprised of people like myself, not necessarily those that are diagnosed with seriously debilitating, if not life threatening, medical condidtions... and the goal of the movement is threefold:

1. medicalization

2. decriminalization

3. legalization

~ anything short of this is compromised, by allowing for the continuation & perpetuation of a social condition that is immoral, unjust & detrimental to our extended society.


Very clear on my advocacy... no one, medical patient or otherwise, as a non-violent user or provider of marijuana, should ever face the potential of incaceration and/or property forfeiture, let alone should the rest of society suffer the costs of such antiquated social programs. We need to mature & progress as a civil society. As it stands right now, any single one of us can be jailed for what we do... even with the laws that currently exist. There is much work to do... and we all have a stake in this. Peace all.

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