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It's not recommended for human consumption, do you need to know more, really? It is only approved for ornamental plants and does not belong in our gardens where our products are going to the sick and disabled. CA, and OR have banned it, CO is going to, but you can buy it here for use on ornamental plants only. That anyone would use it on marijuana after knowing this speaks to those persons motivations and integrity........shredder

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I understand your point, but others felt differently and if we cannot have a open and honest discussion here about the issue then where?


Moreover, there were people who had no idea there was anything wrong with it until they read this thread. If nothing else, it serves to inform people of the potential risk if there are currently unaware.

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I posted a thread on what people thought about Gravity and many people responded. Over the last few days the thread went missing, so I am bringing it back... So here you go folks... Gravity... Your thoughts?


When the forums were put down a few days ago everything from october was lost. You haven't noticed other things that you posted are gone and that alot of the dates say mid to the end of septemeber and nothing in october at all.

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As I stated in the other thread, I personally would not use this stuff to grow meds that I was going to give to a patient. I believe that if someone wants to use it, they should have that choice as long as they don't give it to someone else without their knowledge. The Paclobutrazol in these products is very controversial and the concerns over the use of this chemical should be made known to the person(s) subjected to it. Now if I was trying to win a photo contest, or get pictures of my plants in a magazine, I would probably use the stuff.

I have done more research on this chemical since the last time it was discussed, and there is a lot more Paclobutrazol in these products than was previously asserted. The chemical is made to regulate growth on ornamental plants only, it is not approved for anything that is ingested by humans. The epa is currently considering a ban on this chemical for ornamental use, due to groundwater contamination concerns, as I had posted the epa links in the previous thread. Here is a link that interested persons could read, and I think it is a good base for making a decision when combined with the EPA documentation and the material safety sheets. I believe strongly that people should be free to make personal choices, but not to make choices that may affect others without their knowledge.



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Once again...i will say it..there are NO sources to prove that this is harmful to use.all of the tests/evaluations point that there is no damage unless your drinking it or consuming it as it comes in a bottle.i dont think anyone cld drink horticultural products in a bottle and be alright.MOLLLASES...horticulatural grade molllases says NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.when the tests are done and its proven to have longterm effects(we KNOW there are no short term effects because ppl ha e been using it for several years)i will stop using it.

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I'm not saying don't use it, all I am saying is that people should educate themselves and be aware of the potetial for problems. And since it is only allowed to be used on ornamental plants, I think it is wrong to give it to someone without telling them. It concerns me when I can do an online search and come up with thousands of hits saying there are problems with using it. The only ones saying it is ok are the people who make it and sell it. And even some of the people who sell it do so under advisement. Every major cannabis growing forum on the net has come to the conclusion it is not a good idea to use this, but they do agree that it works. So at the very least people should be making informed decisions when it comes to using these products. I am saying it is unethical to give this to someone without their knowledge, and I think it is unethical of the manufacturer to try and pass this product off as "sea kelp"

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U are right in that the manufacter shldnt pass this off as sea kelp.. but no more than any other company passes off thier products off as sea kelp or "organic".the fact of the matter is most of theze people that comment on this thread or others imon well known sitest are only going of skimming these articles..my point stands.after several years of use,nothing has been proven as a direct result of EVEN usinv this product in small dozes.ill say it once again..read the bottle of mollases u have hanging around NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.DOES THIS MEAN "dont drink the bottle?"....i think so.

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Agricultural mollasses is marked not for human consumption because it has not been processed to food grade standards. Plant fertilizer products are not held to the same standards as something that will be directly eaten. I agree that there is no proof that Paclobutrazol used as directed on the gravity bottle is a threat. I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the health of other people, and believe that we should be able to choose what goes into our bodies. I'm sure there are many "approved" chemicals that have the potential to do more harm than Gravity or Bushmaster.

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No growers in Birmingham Compassion use this due to the risk.


Also, having grown the original bubba kush cut with just poop and microbes, I cannot imagine what Gravity could do to make the buds denser. It simply doesn't seem possible.


Thanks for looking out for your members, thanks for rising above the low IQ drivel, thanks for not putting patients at risk for profits, thanks for being honest, thanks for not dragging this movement down with self indulging ignorance, thanks for putting people above hard buds, thanks for being responsible, thanks for understanding just what "not fit for human consumption" means and for having the integrety to say it in public, thanks for not giving our enemies more ammo, thansk for understanding good gardening practices over store bought "magic"...thanks......shredder

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That is why I posted this thread. Lots of discussion and difference of opinion.


You can make either argument sound good or bad depending on your position.


Some would say anything deemed harmful, even if just likely should not be used, there are other options.


Some would say that they make the same claims about marijuana's effects on the body. I have seem many studies (many of them terrible once you look at the statistical analysis) that suggest cannibus use kills brain cells.


Moreover, there are people who would say no matter what you use there are going to be issues. If you grow with chemicals you are adding things that are harmful period. There are those who say Gravity simply should not be injested, using it in soil is harmless. Essentially, pointing out that anything directly drank out of the bottle is harmful. Even organics, I know people who use manure and uring in their grows and while people claim organic is non harmful, I gurantee that if you put it in a bottle and drank from it, it would do you more harm than 5 bottles of gravity.


Many varying opinions, I would like to hear them all so we can collectively make educated decisions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the bottle doesn't say on it anywhere that its not fit for human consumption.

i have never used it but after the last thread i too did some research.....

went to the hydro store and read the entire bottle......

so then i was told well u have to read an older bottle from a few years ago?




so they changed the label? they must have changed the product as well right?


no clue.


don't know

don't care

don't need it.

i don't use it




my only assertions is this...

if you use any growth hormone or fertilizing product that specifically is labeled that it isn't approved for human consumption willingly and knowingly... then i hope u like jail and or court....

because if i were your patient. i would consider it a personal endangerment and an unfit business practice and take action to protect myself or recover from damages.

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I dont lie to anyone.All of my patients know what I use on my plants,theyve all seen my ops,I told them about this product,they dont care.I have no reason to lie, ill pit my meds against anyones.Almost every bottle you buy doesnt list all of its ingrediants, most additives bottles dont tell you the exact ingredients.No, you dont need to use it,fact is you dont NEED to use anything but the basic stuff a plant needs..thats not to say there arent products out there that significantly change characteristics,or enhance characteristics of meds,such as resin production,trichome production..kinda like plant steriods.Some of my patients read this forum and have read this very thread..lol no lying to them.I dont hide anything, if they dont want me to use it on there meds, i would quarantine enough plants to not get my usual feed schedule to supply them.So far..no one has asked for that...Ive been active with this "hobby" for longer than most.I will in the very near future hopefully be shipping/droping off samples to one of the labs for testing, that includes buds and concentrates...have your water tested.

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my point was as humans, our bodies are absolutely filthy with polutents. from where we live, the air we breath, the food we digest (or attempt to with things like oleo) ect.....


now im all for the EPA protecting us from harmfull stuff, but they should start with the most vile and dangerous, and when they are done with the pharmacy and food industries, they can move to the next most dangerous, the chemical industries. and they shouldnt try to regulate our morality, or our ability to be human, by taking viable choices off the table (like cannabis) due to a fews vision of their utopia.



now im all for stopping harmful products, but fact is, we eat more in a yr on purpose, and dont think twice about it.

im not saying Gravity is good or bad, for the plant or us as humans or patients. im just making the logical assessment, that one study will say its bad, and one will say its good.


if you can not provide directly linked evidence that it absolutely is causing deaths by direct use, however it may be used, then its not any different than someone saying cannabis causes cancer cuz its the devil weed.


if their is direct evidence it is absolutely linked to deaths, ofcourse it needs to go. but not just because the EPA or some california right wing nutjob socialistic do gooder has a feeling.

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