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Clonex Not For Use On Food Crop Sites.

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I personally don't feel indole butyric acid IBA is a big deal. You are using it to produce roots and with a low amount and percentage of IBA. It has been proven safe as a pesticide.


Personally I don't even take that chance, I just use an aero cloner with water.

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Just a suspicion, but I would think the tiny bit used, and the fact that the plant has a lot of growing to do after the use of this, it would probably be undetectable by the time the plant was harvested. Any rooting compound with Indole-3 butyric acid is for ornamental use only. If you are worried, don't use it. Cuttings will root without hormones.

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after a little research this is what I've come up with. these products aren't rated for food crops because it's never been evaluated for that use accept for slow rooting fruit trees and blackberries. the reason is that there isn't any demand for these products in food production. most every soft branched vegetable will root at the drop of a hat. tomatoes have small roots growing under their skin and will root in days in plain water.


as for clonex. after looking it up, the blue dye they use is highly poisonous/toxic/carcinogenic. even getting it on your hands is bad. (sure, NOW they tell me!!) I rarely use it anyway but I think I'll look for one that's another color!

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wow this is a great thread.....my only question is how can you compare it to gravity? Im not sure if you have used clonex but it would seem the comparison would eliminate itself for obvious reasons.... i mean do you drench the plant in clonex, filling the buds, the used portion, with clonex? it general i think a lot of growers put things on lil bitty cuttings that they dont put on their usable product, pesticides, clonex....If you only use gravity when its a lil cutting and then you stop and grow the plant out then it would be the same.

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The important point is to be careful with all rooting compounds containing Indole-3 butyric acid Wash your hands people you really do not want to ingest this stuff. Or have your children or pets either so take due care. I am not too worried about the effect on the plant agreeing with reasons sited above.


I wonder why they use that dye. The amount is probably even more minimal in terms of the plant but if I was the Wicked Queen and wanted to poison an apple this stuff might be on the list. Yech!


I use dip n gro.

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Well personally I can't see it being a big deal. It's been used by many people for awhile. I am just glad that I don't need to use it to root cuttings. Aeroponics takes care of that for me. Best thing is it was under $80 with free shipping! I'll save that on rooting hormone in a year right? It's easy as hell to use too. Just use plain water, snip, scrape, and go.

It's even good for the organic guys too right!?


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I even parked that thing way to close to a 1000 watt HPS, frying the fresh cuttings, and even the ones that mistake killed still threw roots!

They were right under the light that is on, not where they are pictured here. It was an awful mistake, but you gotta live to learn right?



(I know that timer should not be there. It's all getting fixed, that area is my flowering room, and is not quite ready yet, and neither was my veg tent. It is now though, and that's where they live now!) I'm not a rich man and this stuff is so friggin' expensive. It's killin' me but it's worth it.


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I use a botanicare aero cloner and the rockwool cubes..personally i like the cubes better, the cloner sprouts roots a day or two ahead of my cubes but there just not the same.the cube roots are thicker.Also I didnt use anything in my cloner for a while then I tryed some gel and solution for the water that knocked a few days off the rooting time.


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cool pics darkmatter! PS - watch those bends in the duct! Try to switch to rigid duct work when you adjust your room. Raise the pots, not lower the lights.


I use Olivia's.


I agree with many statements, growth hormones are banned in some areas, so the warning label. Some of the chemicals might have toxicity, but since it is a small amount, and at such a growth stage - who cares?


I do like that many people are looking at the labels and being concerned - this is a MEDICAL issue!



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