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Last night I went to chat for the first time ever. I had an emergency extraction of a tooth that was infected, abcessed, and involved four other teeth. Many of you fired out as many ideas to help me. I tried many and none seemed to work except smoking. Does anyone have a simple butt kicking pain releif tea that I can use today, as I am still not out of woods yet? I am afraid to smoke cause of possibly getting a dry socket.

To those of you who can help, Thank you in advance.


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Sauté low heat 1 gram finely ground cannabis in butter with a splash of vodka or any high proof alcohol until infused and remove from heat.

Add 2 TBL natural comb honey, mix well.

>Pour into short glass, cool down until room temp or less, and add 1 more TBL of honey.


Get your favorite spoon, and... SLIDE Down the hatch.


It's quick, easy, and tasty. No serious cooking skills required.</b>

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Last night I went to chat for the first time ever. I had an emergency extraction of a tooth that was infected, abcessed, and involved four other teeth. Many of you fired out as many ideas to help me. I tried many and none seemed to work except smoking. Does anyone have a simple butt kicking pain releif tea that I can use today, as I am still not out of woods yet? I am afraid to smoke cause of possibly getting a dry socket.

To those of you who can help, Thank you in advance.




when i had my wisdom's pulled... smoking caused no problems whatsoever... two gaping holes in the lower jaw! food collecting, otoh... ;-)

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