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Whats With My Ladies?

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Im growing Reserva Privada Kandy Kush using 5 gal Hempys w Fox Farm nutes, nothing crazy. I put 2 ladies into flower about 2 weeks ago and a couple nights ago I noticed that there were no tell tale white hairs except at the very top of the plant (probably newer growth). Im noticing the leaves at bud sites are a little lighter green than the rest of the plant and upon closer inspection w a magnifying glass I can see that the hairs on the entire plant only stick out of the flowers a tiny bit and are almost black and shriveled. I flushed w plenty of water and gave them a very light dose of nutes. I have seen no improvement and it seems bud formation has halted. The plants look exceptionally healthy and were on their way to being the producers I know they are. Does anyone have a clue as to what went wrong? Im about to pull them but Im also thinking of waiting another few days to see if they bounce back. Are they fried? Any input will be greatly appreciated!

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any light leaks in your flower room? how old was it when you put her to flower and are you sure its a female?


Yeah its female, I ordered the fem seeds and take my own cuttings. I veg the clones for a month, no topping or anything like that and as far as I can tell no light leaks. There was a day last week or so that I had to go into the room during the day when the lights were out and im sure some light got in as I opened and closed the door to enter and exit very quickly.The flower table is surrounded w mylar sheeting so If any did get in it would be very little at best. I have had no problems what so ever in the past and thats why I am stumped. I recently added a second 600 watt hps and it has a slightly different color. I thought maybe the light was too close so I raised both of them and took the plants off of the crates they sit on, but there is no signs of burning from either light or nutes anywhere on the rest of the plant, just those hairs and the rapid halting of flower production. I dont think Ill be home to take pics tonight but maybe tomorrow evening ( after 9pm )I can post a pic or 2. Flower area is a 4x8 table in which I am utilizing 5x4 (20 sqft) under 2 600 hps air cooled. Placing my hands at the tops of the plants produces no excessive heat on my hand, warm yes but not hot to where I would expect any burning...

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Are you sure they have enough food? I underfertilized horribly myself before I picked up a PPM meter. It caused a lot of problems. I've never actually managed to burn my plants, and I don't cut back on nutes at ALL when I switch to flower, and then I start ramping it up as flowering goes on... they love it.

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Whats your Ph? My buddy lost a crop in 8 hours because his Ph meter whacked out. It said he was at 6.3 but he was actually at 2.9! Hydro can be touchy. I try to keep mine as close to 5.8 as possible. Im sure youve checked it but have you checked it with another meter? Or maybe calibrate your meter? I clean calibrate once a week. Just my 2 cents. Thanks, Medcnman.

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hello tripleberry,there are two fox farm nurt.schedules,one for soil and one for hydro..if you're in hempy buckets(per/vert) you should be using the hydro schedule..i recommend if you're having problems...flush the buckets well,really well(15gal.flush)drain excess from bucket ..use the right weeks nurt. feeding with adj.ph to 5.8-6.1...you didn't mention if you were using the sol.nurts.(ching-ching-beasty bloom etc)if not i suggest you do.

i've found that the majority of strains do well following the basic feeding schedule ,but a little adj.maybe needed for some plants...you can try adding a little super thrive to your mix,great for sick plants and see if that helps...of course pic's would help,also make sure that bugs aren't playing a part in the problem..i wouldn't be too quick to pull the plants,if you can get a handle on the problem, they should bounce back...best of luck to you..keep us posted..budpuffer

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Just got in a little while ago, thanks for the replys...Im working on getting a pic here but I am finding it tough to get a good one.


B.P.- I do follow the ff chart for hydro, sometimes I add just a pinch more.I do use the solubles and superthrive once in a while and about a tsp of molasses per 2 gals once in a while.

I correct the ph to 5.8 every time, I do calibrate it often as Ive had problems in the past being lax in that area. I do not and have never had bugs in my room, I try my best to keep it spotless. :D


Beans-They go from cutting to a 1 inch sq cube for about 5-10 days until I see the first signs of root and then into a 3in.sq block for another 2-5 days until I see roots and then to the hempys. Once in the hempys it takes about 8-10 days before I notice the quicker growth as the roots have hit bottom. From that point I veg for about a month. Usually 20-24in. at that time w plenty of tops. Ive had bigger, bushier plants in the past but prefer to start them a little smaller and I like the results...


Medcnman-I havent checked my meter to another but do calibrate it often w calibration solution


Purklize - I do not have a ppm but have followed the ff chart for quite a while now and have never had any issues.


I do thank everyone for your input and I will try to get a pic up here...

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fox farm is a very 'hot' nutrient blend, I would recommend using 1/2-2/3 of the recommended amounts. I stopped using their nutes once I figured it's not good if the manuf. tells you to flush every 2 weeks, too much salts and other crap left over, even after harvesting you can still taste the harshness of the nutes with a proper flush. If you added the solubles before they started putting out buds, then chances are you fried them. If you fried the new growth, the plant will stop growing. The solubles shouldn't really be started until you have little cotton balls on your plants. Those solubles are way too friggin strong.

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Ok so here is a smaller top, I know its hard to see what I am talking about but its like they started to flower and then they stopped. If you look hard enough you can see the darkened tiny hairs that stopped growing. Im having trouble getting a good pic so tonight I will take her out of the room and try to get some better pics under natural lighting.




In this pic you can see some newer hairs on the very top and maybe even a few on some of the lowers but as of right now this is the best I can do until the lights come on and I can pull her out for better pics. The other plant has barely any hairs at all and I will be sure to take pics of her also...

If you look at the second pic, the lowest of flower clusters, you can see that there arent any hairs coming out of the flowers...

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i'v noticed that the tips of some growing pistils will shrivel up to a darkish dot at the end of an otherwise healthy/hairy pistil stalk or base... it sometimes happens when a leaf sits on top of my pistils... esp w the rh is a bit high. don't know if this is at all like what you are experiencing, but it's tough to see much from the pics.

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Indica Jones - No foliar spray except during the cloning stage to keep them moist.


edawg - Ive been using FF nutes since day one w the solubles at recommended times and rates and have never had any problems what so ever...I flush once during mid flower and once 2 weeks before harvest, then I use plain ph'd water until harvest which may be 2-3 weeks. They are yellowed by that time and I find the smoke to be very tasty and very smooth...

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Its not hermied...you really cant see it well in the pics but Ive looked it over w a magnifier and every flower has a pistil, they just turned dark when they started to form and shriveled. I can see where one would think that especially the lighter of the 2 pics but there are no sacs on these plants.

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  • 2 weeks later...

to mee i have seen this b4 and it was always a ph prob... i dont see nuts but if the prob continues it will throw out bananas and seed any other plant you have... i would say water with 6.5 ph and collect some run off and check that im betting its either way low or you over fertilized one or the other .....if you runoff water is like 4 like i bet it is then adjust your water ph to compinsate until it starts coming out right..



i had one with similer prob i was puting water in at 7 for the ph and it was coming out 3.5!!!! then i was putting water in at 8.5 for a few days to bring the ph back up.now whether it was all the adjusting i was doing or all the flushing (cause i ran a lote of water threw it) but it came back

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I'm a fox farms grower as well. It looks like it could be nutrient lockout due to pH fluctuation. I've noticed a slight upward pH creep using FF. I like to keep it right around 5.8 and need to adjust pH about 1-2 times a week.


Also, what are the temps in the grow room like? They appear to be shocked to me. Perhaps it got too cold?

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