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Car Pool To Jackson Market

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Im first looking for someone with a working vehicle(mine broke last month)who would be willing to car pool to jackson market..maybe if we can get enough people together the cost of getting there can be dramatically decreased and the viability of the market becomes accesible to people it wouldnt normal be an option for...or is there already one of these around?I personally by myself would pay for half the cost to get there..maybe more if someone has a vehicle but cant afford to drive there at all.Im looking to go within the next few weeks, mainly just to check things out and meet some people.Also I presume my neighbor may want to go as well, he is an old patient of mine who is since started growing himself.anyone interested?

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Pergamum, I come from Detroit and would be happy to share a ride with up to 5 others (I've got an extended cab pickup which holds 6 comfortably). I will be vending tomorrow, so I'll need to leave the D by 9:30 to arrive by 11:00. Then I'll leave Jackson around 2:30 to be back home by 4:00. If that works for anyone get ahold of me early Sunday morning and we can commute together. If this weekend doesn't work, I will definitely be going back on Dec. 3-4.



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Hey thanks.the 3rd or 4th will be good for me.Ill have to talk to my nieghbor and any other patients that might want to ride along to get further info.Thanks again.Ill pm you for more details.tomorrrow is to soon for us.Im drinking tonight, so I probably wont be awake any time within your time frame.even if I was I havent had time to alert other patients in my circle.Ill pm you..or you pm me.

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I truly hope that you find a ride. I would like to assist you but will be coming from the North. What I need is some info on the Market. Where is it ? When is it? Any info would surly be appeciated

135 W Pearl St, Jackson, MI 49201

Open @ Noon every Saturday & Sunday Open till 4 or 5 but some vendors don't stay that late the best selection is within the first couple hours imo

Good meds + Good people

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Pergamum, I come from Detroit and would be happy to share a ride with up to 5 others (I've got an extended cab pickup which holds 6 comfortably). I will be vending tomorrow, so I'll need to leave the D by 9:30 to arrive by 11:00. Then I'll leave Jackson around 2:30 to be back home by 4:00. If that works for anyone get ahold of me early Sunday morning and we can commute together. If this weekend doesn't work, I will definitely be going back on Dec. 3-4.




8 am

Mr Shpongle,

still have room for 2 from Fort at Junction to Jax?

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thanks for clearing that up mike44, I knew it was around those hours.I havent been but would love to go.I would like to see whats going on and meet people so maybe I can replicate the model here in wayne county with help from people elsewhere.at the very least I can make it to a common point among patients,mr.shpongle already expressed interest.I can get a ride to pretty much any town within the westland,wayne,garden city,westland,taylor area.My goal here is to fill up the providers ride to reduce costs for everyone.Im hoping to start going the first or second week of december maybe the last week of november..ill be pming you mr.shmpongle.THANK YOU.

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I may be available to transport legal patients from the Detroit area. I can let everyone know by Thurday if possible. Joe kind of knows me as we have met and chatted a couple of times and I have also called into the radio show. I would only have room for a total of three people as one spot is reserved.


PM me and I will get back to you...

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I would also be interested in "hitching" a ride to the market mayb a weekend or two, would have no problem paying gas and what not, i live in lincoln park, not far from fort n junction as pic book lives if someone could PM me that would be great, thanks guys.



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I would also be interested in "hitching" a ride to the market mayb a weekend or two, would have no problem paying gas and what not, i live in lincoln park, not far from fort n junction as pic book lives if someone could PM me that would be great, thanks guys.




PM sent...

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