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Physician Certification

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Does the certifying physician need to have a Michigan license?


I have an elderly patient suffering from Cancer and spends time in both Michigan and Florida, however most of his medical (cancer) care is rec'd in Florida. His Florida physicians are agreeable to MMJ, however were unsure if their signature would satisfy the State of Michigan?

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It was suprising to me but many professionals are licensed in more then one State with Florida being very popular as one of them . I don't know how you find out who they are . Lawyers sometimes advertise but Doctors ?


I dont want to violate the rules for this site but if you just obtain 3 treatment note sessions the THCF ( look it up on the net ) it stands for the hemp and cannabis foundation will help them . They do travel around the state plus have a office in Southfield . Cancer is a named qualifying condition it should be no problem . They were the first clinic in the State I believe . They have always been under scrutiny because they specialize in certifications in every medical cannabis state and they stand up to it . They do a very professional job , full exam and assist patients so there are no mistakes on applications and they know the different ingestion methods possible and what to expect . You get the same Doctor every year baring changes in staff . They are a non profit operation set up just to help medical cannabis patients originally started in Oregon . They often hire medical cannabis patients who are motivated to help others and work with volunteers from all the different patient orginizations in the State .


If your trying to get a head start before they return from Florida that wont work your only way would be to find a dual licensed Doctor willing to help down in Florida now .

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